Have you ever been called weird? Ever feel like you don’t understand most people?
Me too friend, and thankfully this is not an ad for an antidepressant. No smiling families on picnics in the sunshine here. This is a wake-up call.
But first: Did you know you can buy passive income without using any of your own $$$? I get a ton of questions about using seller financing [where you get the seller to pay for a part of your deal]. A member of our Cashflow group just bought a biz using $100k in seller financing! He's gonna talk about it inside our next weekly call. Want to listen in?
So today in < 10 minutes or less we’re going to talk about:
Internet Hate → Peanut Gallery vs Gladiators
Neurodivergent → What is it? Or are you just a weirdo?
Being Different → Does it matter to you and why?
Y.O.U. Investing → The best investment has unlimited upside
1 in 60 Framework → Stay on YOUR Course
Vitriolic Verbacious Vernacular
I had two friends reach out to me over the last week with some haters on the internet. Now believe you me, I get them in droves. I’ve had people question everything from whether I’m actually Hispanic, to whether I lie about my career experience, to whether I know anything about finance, to whether I should get a nose job because it’s too big, to yes even this…
Ahhh internet. You’re a special place.
I can usually be annoyed briefly and then shake it off. This friend of mine was beaten up. The hate coming at her was so overwhelming she kept vomiting. Then the same day I saw Jordan Peterson swear off Twitter, which was the same week a mass shooting happened. It gave me a pause given all we have happening in the world today. We need to toughen up for sure, but we also could do with every human having to put their real face and name on the internet so they’d at least have skin in the game to their vitriol. We could do with a touch more kindness. People are just a bit… more in your face these days.
It was a reminder for me and maybe also for you… whenever another is spewing hate it’s just so much less about you, than it is about them.
People doing nothing always have plenty to say about people doing something. Or as Andy Frisella says it, “You want to be the person doing shit, not the person talking shit.”
So let me offer up an idea that is based on civilizing the mind, not cashflowing the bank account.
Me too. We partnered and invested in Here.co. You can invest in individual properties in one of the highest yielding asset classes in RE with $100 or $1000 to start. I bought into this sweet little Floridian sunshine getaway property. Looking at this next version. It’s like airbnb ownership without the Karen’s calling you at 12am about a plumbing issue.
Own part of the highest yielding asset class in real estate.
Anyone who has ever done something transformational has had to stand alone. They have taken the stones and sticks and used them to build.
Let’s flip the script, shall we? When people say you’re weird... what they really may be saying is you’re neurodivergent.
Which means… the only proper response is thank you.
The truth, as my friend Xavier Helgesen said so eloquently is:
Neurodivergent individuals are behind all major human breakthroughs. It’s a feature, not a bug.
I want to talk to you about what it means to be considered weird in this world around us and about the investment in YOUR WEIRD SELF.
Neurodivergence: Definition
First, what does it mean? It means your brain functions differently than what is considered standard or typical. Oddly, however, 1 in 7 people have a neurodivergent condition.
Aka considered “weird.” That is still 14% of the population or 46,000,000, million people. You my friend are not as alone as you may think.
Neurodivergent conditions are names that may sound familiar to you.
Aspergers - difficulty to understand how to interact socially.
Autism - difficulty in interaction and communication with restricted or repetitive patterns.
Dyslexia - difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols.
ADHD - attention deficit disorder - affects attention, the ability to sit still, and self-control.
Dysgraphia - difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting, and trouble putting thoughts on paper
Hyperlexia - intense fascination with letters, and numbers. logos, maps, or visual patterns
OCD - obsessive-compulsive disorder - obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors
Dyscalculia - ****affects the ability to acquire mathematical skills
Tourettes syndrome - tics, involuntary and uncontrollable sounds and movements.
Being Different
I realized I have dyscalculia years ago. Meaning, when I was young I struggled with numbers and still have a very hard time remembering dates, statistics, or data. In fact, I once had a finance professor tell me in high school that Hellen Keller would have more luck at an archery contest than I would have passing his calculus class or getting into finance. And yet I now run a large investment company and have played in the world of finance for 15 years. Chip firmly on my shoulder.
The truth is that most of those who create incredible things in this world, THINK DIFFERENTLY. Far from Steve Jobs's slogan, that is the literal definition of neurodivergence.
Names that will stand the test of time fall into neurodivergent spheres:
Elon Musk : Aspergers
Richard Branson: Dyslexic
Charles Schwab: Dyslexic
Bill Gross: Aspergers
Invgar Kamprad: Dyscalculia
John F. Kennedy: Dyslexic
John Lennon: Dyslexic
When you reach inside I think you already know all of this. You know that talk is cheap and growth is painful. But sometimes you need another to remind you.
You want easy money? Work a 9 to 5.
You want easy abs? Sweat harder.
You want an easy life? Stop living.
You want an easy relationship? Stay single.
You want everyone to love you? Do nothing interesting.
Nothing that’s worth it is easy. No such thing as the path of least resistance to happiness.
Investing in You
People often ask what the best returning asset class or small business or investment is for them. The real answer isn’t real estate, or marketing agencies, or tech stocks. It is you.
You are the only investment that has an unlimited return potential, that compounds, where you have control of the outcome. So if you are struggling with where to spend and invest your time and money, choose yourself.
Take a course on a subject you’re new at. Try a new physical activity that will stretch you.
I can never guarantee investment returns but I can guarantee if you:
May I suggest a small routine that helps me stay on course whenever I feel beaten down or confused?
The 1 in 60 Rule
It May Help You Change Your Life
Every Sunday (ahem - so like 60% of Sundays), I have a little ritual where I check in to make sure I'm on the right path.
I use a framework called the 1 in 60 rule. If I had to give you one guide to living a happy life, I think I’d give you this one.
The 1-60 rule is a key framework pilots use to navigate. If you want to be fancy it looks like this:
If you want the TLDR version, it means that for every 1 degree a plane veers off its course, it misses its target destination by 1 mile for every 60 miles you fly. The thesis is the further you go, the further away from your goal or destination you get if left uncorrected.
I’ve found this is true in life too. If you don’t track your progress constantly you’ll veer off course. I was watching an amalgamation of Wecrashed, Super Pumped, and Theranos and thinking, wow, these people really got lost. How did they let themselves veer so far from their true north? I realized that so often we can obsess on a number like $1 million in net worth, first 1 million subscribers, and $10,000 in monthly income, that we can forget the bigger picture. If you’ve ever done that, perhaps this framework will be timely for you as it was for me.
So how do you make sure you're on the right path?
You grab yourself a nice big glass of red. You sit down to some music (I like instrumental). You open your computer. Then you ask yourself some questions.
These are the 7 questions I ask myself:
Am I happy doing what I am doing right now?
On a scale of 1-10 how happy and you can't use 7. (You can’t use 7 because it’s too easy to be wishy washy and say things are “ok.” In my world, it’s either a f*ck yes or a no.)
What would I do if no one was watching and success was inevitable in it?
What would I NOT do if I knew for sure it would fail?
What would I do EVEN if I knew it was going to fail.
What am I doing right now because I think I SHOULD do it?
Looking back at last week, how much of my day was spent doing things I actively enjoyed? How'd that compare to the week before?
Then I throw all those answers and questions in Evernote and see how you progress. It turns out it's a lot harder to get lost when you're constantly looking at the map.
You are the pilot... don’t get lost and ignore the noise,
Buying a $2.5 Million House for $645k at Auction?!
Real estate prices are at all-time highs right now. Who else could use a little help with these ridiculous home prices? Well, we might just have a way for you to buy at more reasonable prices.... It’s called buying on the courthouse steps. Watch to learn how my friend Aaron bought 1000s of houses for half price and how you can too! Time to go to auction!
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Disclaimer – This is the “Be an adult” section. Everything mentioned above isn’t advice, just a recount of what I did. That said: This article is presented for informational purposes only. The opinions stated here are not intended to recommend any investment or provide tax advice. Neither are they an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase an interest in any current or future investment vehicle managed or sponsored by Codie Ventures, LLC or its affiliates. All material presented in this newsletter is not to be regarded as investment advice, but for general informational purposes only. Day trading and investing do involve risk, so caution must always be utilized. We cannot guarantee profits or freedom from loss. You assume the entire cost and risk. You are solely responsible for making your own investment decisions. We recommend consulting with a registered investment advisor, broker-dealer, and/or financial advisor. If you choose to invest with or without seeking advice from such an advisor or entity, then any consequences resulting from your investments are your sole responsibility. By reading/sharing this newsletter or consuming our content on our other channels, you are indicating your consent and agreement to our disclaimer.
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