Horrific-Terrific - 👍 Stifling Innovation
👍 Stifling InnovationFTC sues Meta over VR acquisition | Facebook does nothing to end ethnic violence in Kenya | Some guy is using AI to dig up lost bitcoinHi hi hi I can’t wait to schedule this and post and then drink a beer and deny climate change with my ongoing refusal to do anything about it. This week was good! Finally 👍. (not because of the first thing, it’s mostly the last two things)
🤡 Amount of days since last misinfo campaign: 0Kenya have a general election coming up, so naturally Facebook are helping some communities spread hate speech and incite violence — otherwise is it really an election? Facebook have said that they’ve taken steps to stop all the hate, but this was right before they approved ads in support of ethnic violence. So, who knows what they’re doing, I guess. A few weeks ago I wrote about how content moderation is basically an impossible task at Facebook’s scale. And, even they do outsource to a company based in Kenya itself, their moderation efforts are still alluded by hate speech specifically about Kenyans. Result: the Kenyan regulator is calling for Facebook to stop running any ads in Kenya in the run up to the election. Either that, or they simply block the platform altogether. ☝️ This seems like a good idea, but the thing is: internet shutdowns do not work.
These stories always bring me back to the same thing: misinformation campaigns can happen anywhere, these are not exclusive to social media. The problem with social media, especially Facebook, is the scale. When you have this many people talking to each other in one big space, you can guarantee that there will be bad actors using the platform how ever they like, to achieve their slimy goals. 🪅 “Oh darn, it’s Khan!”Me and FTC chair Lina Khan have a complex relationship (she has no idea about this btw). On the one hand, I’ve found some of her decisions to be completely wrong and demonstrative of the fact that the FTC can’t even regulate it’s own pants on in the morning (I will be taking 0 criticism on this analogy). On the other hand I think she’s great and should perhaps become my wife. This week she went against all advice coming from her smelly waft of a staff, and decided to move to sue Meta over their attempted acquisition of Within, a VR startup. As we know, Meta need as much VR tech as they can get if they expect to stay relevant. As we also know, they are, umm, ‘innovationally challenged’, so they just aggressively buy technology in lieu of building it themselves. I direct you now to this quote from a stupid New York Times article on the matter. Pay special attention to the bolded text.
Whoever wrote the piece has done everything they can to make Lina Khan look reckless and unreasonable: calling the acquisition ‘small’ as if it shouldn’t matter; describing the metaverse as ‘nascent and far from mainstream’ as if this very acquisition isn’t part of a wider to plan to propel it past ‘nascent’ and smash it into the mainstream with the intensity of a thousand suns. Speaking of mainstream: why is all the rhetoric on this complete trash? Why is the story that she’s ‘upending antitrust standards’ as if that’s a bad thing? Both regulators and their critics have been sitting around scratching their heads over the last decade, completely appalled and astounded at Facebook’s monstrous growth and unacceptable disruption of democracy and web standards — even though they’re the ones who have the power to do something about it! Anyway, here’s another quote:
Yes that’s it — tech startups aren’t even tech startups anymore, they’re just the unofficial R&D department for Big Tech firms, waiting to be absorbed. So, when people like this talk about stifling ‘innovation’, what they really mean is ‘their likelihood to be bought out’. Founders are just greedy capitalists who understand their place in the pecking order. I also think that calling Lina out for trying to ‘predict future markets’ is a very lame stance, once again designed to make her look unreasonable. She’s actually doing the sensible thing that everyone else refuses to do: she’s looking at past mistakes and learning from them — god, someone stop her! ⛏️ Bitcoin excavationThis week the BBC of all people have released a story about a dumbass waste of skin who threw away a hard drive with 8,000 BTC on it in 2013, and would now like to use AI to find it in a landfill. This is what I mean when I say the world is a meme format that none of us could have ever predicted. 🧊 Cold, hard, facts:
So, his complete lack of a brain in 2013 has now transformed into some kind of large scale project that he says is for the good of the community, but really is to make him rich — this is literally the oldest crypto tale in the book. That’s all for now. I hope you spend your weekend being out, proud, and flaming hot ❤️🔥 💌 Thank you for subscribing to Horrific/Terrific. Maybe you should pay for it seeing as you like it so much?If you need more reasons to distract yourself try looking at my website or maybe this ridiculous zine that I write or how about these silly games that I’ve made. Enjoy! |
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