Highlights From The Comments On Billionaire Replaceability
[original post: Billionaires, Surplus, and Replaceability] 1: Lars Doucet (writes Progress and Poverty) writes:
Yes! I knew I was missing something when I wrote this post, and I think this is it. This is a good match for the Georgist idea that landlords should keep the portion of their profit that comes from hard work (eg construction, maintenance, attracting customers, etc) but not from land rent. In the same way, I’m arguing that billionaires should keep the portion of their profit that comes from hard work and innovation, but not necessarily the part that comes from rent on a certain slot they happen to be occupying (ie the Natural Monopoly On Retail slot). I think this makes perfect sense for natural resources like oil. The challenge comes when you try to think of “the concept of being a giant retailer” as something like a natural resource located in Platonic space. You would have to estimate some kind of primordial rent on the concept of retail monopoly. But part of Bezos’ accomplishment was causing this particular slot to exist. Also, how would you calculate that?? Lars :
See also this conversation between Lars and Motteposting on how to apply this to exploration, research, and talent. 2: PhilGetz writes:
Two responses to this good point. First, an editorial response: lots of people talk about billionaires. Often the discussion ends up with a claim that they deserve their money because it’s coming out of the surplus that they provided for the world. I think it’s worth responding to this place where discussions often end up, whether or not the original discussion that got us there was valid or not. If you never hear anyone claim this, or this topic isn’t interesting to you, then this post won’t be very valuable. If you think about these issues a lot and your opinion hinges on that claim, hopefully it will be. But I also want to make an economic response: I’m not sure “what rewards need to be offered to incentivize people?” is the right question. Suppose Jeff Bezos just really loved founding businesses, and couldn’t imagine working for anyone else, and he would found and run Amazon for $10/day, just enough to live in a tent in one of his warehouses and eat cold beans. Does that mean society would optimally pay him that amount? Maybe this isn’t true because in some kind of hypothetical perfect society, all money would be distributed evenly, so nobody should get less than GDP/population, but sometimes we need to give people more, and we’re just trying to figure out how much more, when? I think trying to talk about what would happen in a perfect society and how “we” distribute resources isn’t productive. I know people are accusing me of doing this by writing this post at all, but I hope I’m making a deeper point. I think something like capitalist economics offers an elegant way around these questions. But when I hear “something like capitalist economics”, I don’t just think “laissez-faire”, I think of things like taxing externalities, fair distribution of the commons (eg broadband spectrum), and nonzero antitrust regulation. Even once we’ve identified “liberalism” as the target, we still need to do really difficult and finicky implementation work. As mentioned above, Georgism is my favorite example of this. We give trillions of dollars to random sheiks because oil happened to be discovered under their ancestral lands. The size of this mistake is unbounded; if oil happened to be 10x more necessary than today, and you couldn’t get it from shale or sands or whatever, maybe Saudi Arabia would capture the majority of value in the world (though of course realistically it would get invaded long before then). I don’t want to invade Saudi Arabia to solve this problem, but if you do happen to have a government thinking about these kinds of questions beforehand, I do think they would come to some solution other than “whoever’s land the oil is discovered on gets to keep a big chunk of the surplus forever”. I do think if we had to do everything over again, we would come up with a better solution for landownership than modern landlordism. This isn’t because capitalism is bad, it’s because these are difficult edge cases where assumptions like “people produce goods” don’t hold, and some of the things we have to buy and sell are abstract or unquantifiable. I’m claiming that a sort of Platonic perfect liberalism that taxed externalities and implemented a Georgist LVT and all those things would also have some institution in place to make sure that Amazon could make profits off of its own good decisions and hard work, but not collect rent off the concept of being a retail giant. I don’t know what that institution would be, in much the same way I probably couldn’t personally have invented Georgism and LVTs, but I think it would exist. In the absence of that institution, I have a vague feeling that probably Amazon makes too much money, and that taking away some of their money is a kind of ugly hack but not totally absurd. I agree that estate taxes are the right solution, although I would go further: the main problem with the current estate tax is the stepped-up basis loophole, and anybody who isn’t talking about that in particular falls under suspicion of not being serious. 3: Matt Pencer writes:
A couple of people brought up this very interesting point. Amazon was founded in in 1994 and went public in 1997. Just after the IPO, a share sold for about 10 cents; it’s now about $100, so about 1000x increase. The average Amazon warehouse worker makes about $30,000/year. If Bezos had paid his warehouse workers in Amazon stock instead of dollars, then a 1997 warehouse worker who somehow managed not to sell the stock would have about $30 million. We can go back further: Jeff Bezos’ parents invested $300,000 in Amazon in 1995; sources say that’s now worth $30 billion. A warehouse worker who got paid in stock that year (this is hypothetical: there were no warehouses or public shares) would now have $3 billion. So Matt is right - the difference between Bezos’ net worth and a warehouse worker’s net worth isn’t exactly because Bezos chose to compensate himself outrageously. It’s because he compensated himself a normal amount, and then the shares exploded. A while ago, Bernie Sanders proposed a bill to punish companies whose CEO earned more than 50x the average worker. Under this theory, converting everyone’s payment to a common currency (Amazon stock vs. money), it’s not clear the law would punish Bezos! I’m not sure what to make of this but it’s pretty interesting. If a truck driver with some extra cash had decided to spend it on Amazon shares in 1995, he would be a multi-billionaire now. Would we call that unfair, or begrudge him the money? And surely for Bezos to profit off Amazon is fairer than for random uninvolved people to do so, right? 4: Madqualist writes:
I’m not accusing Amazon of doing anything wrong or anticompetitive (I’m also not not accusing them of this; it’s just unrelated to my argument); I specifically used the phrase “natural monopoly”. Suppose that Amazon continues to dominate its market about the same amount even after Bezos is gone. Is this because of Bezos’ legacy of good policy? If so, why don’t other companies adopt those good policies? Is it because Bezos’ replacement is also the greatest businessman ever? Seems like kind of a coincidence. I predict that Amazon will continue to dominate its market long after Bezos is gone (not necessarily forever) and this will be mostly because of lock-in / inertia. I also think that some percent of their success even while Bezos was in charge was from lock-in / inertia from his previous good decisions. In practice we can’t separate this out, but in principle we should be able to look at Amazon’s profits and understand that they’re a combination of good leadership plus lock-in / inertia effects. 5: Kaleberg writes:
I would love to hear more about how railroad tariffs (what does this phrase mean?) enforced an industrial north and agricultural south, and how this changed with the Interstate system. Kaleberg also discusses ways Amazon is/isn’t a monopoly more here and here. 6: Linch writes:
7: Name99 writes:
The strongest force in the universe is leftists’ tendency to spot that some part of business can potentially benefit from something other than pure grit and talent and say “Aha! So all the rightists who say it’s 100% pure merit ability are wrong and therefore it’s 100% pure privilege and luck, zero way ability can ever possibly matter” But the second strongest force in the universe is rightists’ willingness to spot that some part of business can potentially benefit from something beyond pure random dumb luck and say “Aha! So all the leftists who say it’s 100% luck are wrong and it must be 100% merit!” Come on! It’s obviously a combination of talent and luck! We can debate the relative proportions of each, but it has to be this! And the most successful people must have had both lots of talent and lots of luck, otherwise they wouldn’t have outdone tens of millions of their peers to become the most successful people. My guess is that Bezos was something like a one-in-a-million business talent - which still means there are eight thousand other people as talented as him in the world who got less lucky. I could be totally wrong about this, but I think this is a more honest way to think about things than “it’s all luck” or “it’s all talent”. (sports are a useful sanity check here; some teams are clearly better than others - but also, two good teams that play each other ten times might get five wins each) I’m not sure this has any moral implications, it just enrages me to hear the “it’s all luck” vs. “it’s all talent” debate again and again. (obviously all of this also depends on where you draw the boundary between “luck” and “talent”. If Bezos was born with the exact right skills to manage an online retailer, and Joe Schmoe was built with the exact right skills to manage a goat farm, is it “luck” that online retailers are more profitable than goat farms, especially if you’re starting in 1995? I will leave this question to the metaphysicians.) Sometimes I worry that ability to say “a little of column A, a little of column B” is one of those cognitive skills that some people forget to develop. There was a whole comment subthread where someone claimed tech companies had never made any innovations, just extracted monopoly rents. Then people replied saying that no, they never did that, it was innovation all the way. Just admit that things can be partly something and partly something else! 8: Alex Roesch writes:
I hear this “billionaires only have paper wealth” thing a lot, but I feel like it needs to be fleshed out more. How much actual spending power does Jeff Bezos have access to? If he sold his stock, he would have to pay capital gains tax, but I think that would only lop off 20% or so. Some people say that if he sold all his stock at once, it would go down a lot. But why? Because people thought he was selling because he knew there was an impending catastrophe? What if he said “In one year, I will sell all my stock, just because I want access to the money,” and then did that? Would he exhaust available buyers for Amazon stock? I am sort of confused by this possibility. Suppose he exhausted so many buyers that the price fell by 50%. I would notice that there was a 50% discount on Amazon stock, expect that sometime in the future this situation would correct (or the stock would start paying dividends proportional to its normal value) and snap it up. But that suggests there is an army of ordinary people like me who would buy Bezos’ stock at not-that-big-a-discount compared to its normal rate, which means it wouldn’t get discounted. So in what sense can Bezos not sell his stock for close to face value? Has anyone ever modeled how much a Bezos-tier billionaire could sell his stock for? Has any billionaire ever tried something like this, so people could see the results? 9: Ish writes:
I think this is false. Sometimes it’s spectacularly false. For example, Adam Neumann failed at a startup and kept $1 billion. I don’t think (smaller versions of) this is too terribly rare. Other times it’s more boringly false. For example, if you get VCs to fund your startup, they pay most of the costs, you either pay yourself a small salary as CEO or don’t, and if your startup fails, they lose their investment, you keep your salary, and you probably go and found another startup or get a good management position somewhere else. Matt Levine has a saying about how losing a billion dollars looks good on your resume, because it means someone trusted you with a billion dollars and you probably learned an important lesson. Sometimes it’s not entirely false, if someone invests all of their own life savings in a startup. Even so, I don’t want to exaggerate this. If Amazon failed completely after a few years, I would much rather be in Jeff Bezos’ shoes after the failure than some warehouse worker’s. I imagine a Jeff Bezos who loses his life savings goes back to his comfortable job as a hedge fund executive and does fine, whereas the employee would be facing eviction, debt collectors, etc. I don’t want to trivialize the emotional and sometimes material hardships that startup founders go through when their businesses fail. It just seems callous to say “this is so terrible that they deserve $200 billion for flirting with this possibility, which is so much worse than what their employees could imagine” when they will be successful hedge fundies regardless, and their employees might be on the streets. 10: Ratufa writes:
Okay, fine, this version does stand up to scrutiny. I looked up DE Shaw, they’re a hedge fund that did really well, and based on some other executives’ net worths I can absolutely imagine counterfactual Bezos having $100 million now. I’m still not sure about this line of thought. How is this situation? Do we think Mark Zuckerberg wouldn’t have founded Facebook, or Bill Gates Microsoft, if he could only get $1 billion? Can people really tell the difference between $10 billion and $100 billion? Has Jeff Bezos even spent $10 billion? 11: In the middle of a long discussion, John Schilling writes:
11: Forzanine writes:
I think this speaks well of Bezos’ business skills but doesn’t contradict my argument. It’s possible that someone starting Amazon two years after Bezos with better business skills could have beaten him and seized the niche “retail giant” and collected rents on it forever. But this person (or Bezos himself) would still only be providing a certain amount of surplus to the world. For example, at the limit, if Amazon is strictly 0.001% better than its competitor (eg they’re exactly identical otherwise, but Amazon’s goods each cost one cent less), then it might end up with 100% of the market share even though it only added one cent in value. I realize this example is unrealistic but hopefully it shows what I mean by “value added” vs. “value needed to attain/maintain a natural monopoly”. Also, I wonder how long the Friendster/MySpace example should stay valid for. If Facebook reigns unchallenged for the next millennium, will people still say “Yes, but once in elden days upon Earth-That-Was there was a site called MySpace which was on top for about two years and then Facebook beat it, so it’s not a natural monopoly! We could still get a replacement at any time!” I’m not claiming I am sure Facebook is a natural monopoly. But surely we should be updating our chance of this a little for each year that goes by without it being replaced. How much? 12: Metaphysiocrat writes:
I sort of disagree - I don’t disagree that a lot of people think this way, I just think they’re wrong. I think the political power of billionaires is vastly overestimated. I’ve talked before about how there’s very little money in politics because spending money on politics doesn’t work. Since then I think the case has gotten even stronger. Michael Bloomberg sunk in the 2020 primary despite having $50 billion dollars. And effective altruism tried to use $10 million of Sam Bankman-Fried’s money to get a biosecurity expert elected to Congress in Oregon. They were pretty smart about it: chose a district with no incumbent, found a really amazing candidate with an incredible personal backstory, pulled out all the stops. They spent the third most of any race in the country - about as much as it was possible to spend, I don’t know what else you could even spend the money on - and they lost by a landslide in the primary. I think you can do better as a long-term shadowy manipulator like Peter Thiel or George Soros. But I’m not sure either of them has succeeded very much; the amount of good their money has done for their cause might be less valuable than the backlash against them is harmful. And I think a lot of their value added is less money per se than reputation and strategizing. And I’m not sure either of them is as powerful as Jon Stewart, Tucker Carlson, Thomas Piketty, Martin Luther King, Greta Thunberg, George Clooney, Ezra Klein, or any of hundreds of other people. Heck, I’m not sure they’re as powerful as the average state-level teachers’ union official. I think if you weren’t already predisposed to hate billionaires because of socialism, you would freak out about the level of power held by all those people before you started freaking out about Bill Gates or someone. I do think billionaires have the ability to have a lot of impact by pulling the ropes sideways, ie by doing things that are by definition outside the normal political system. Things like Patrick Collison promoting open science, Elon Musk trying to revolutionize spacecraft, or Bill Gates trying to cure tropical diseases. Maybe some people are angry about that, but if so that’s a real ethical difference between us - I think it’s generally good for people have the power to make a difference, the ability to exercise agency, etc, and that lopping that off at some level is anti-human. This isn’t true if you’re lopping off some people’s power to preserve other people’s, but I think what I mean by saying “outside the normal political system” is that this is specifically about cases where that isn’t true. 13: Pepe ponders:
And Retsam responds:
Ironically, I wrote a draft of a post on this, but Matt Clancy me published the idea first. I don’t know what I expected. You’re a free subscriber to Astral Codex Ten. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. |
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