🎥 You need to watch the trippiest courtroom thriller ever on Amazon Prime ASAP

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Inverse Daily
Thursday Sept 29 2022
When you think of courtroom thrillers, you probably think of weighty moral dramas like A Few Good Men or 12 Angry Men. You're probably not thinking of video games and anime. But maybe you should?

Ace Attorney is a 2012 film by the legendary Japanese director Takashi Miike, best known for gritty fare like 13 Assassins and Ichi the Killer. Miike brings lavish style and surprising depth of character to the tale of a young defense attorney named Phoenix Wright. Our story takes place a warped version of modern-day Japan, where criminal trials have become a form of entertainment in their own right. But it's not all doom and dystopia — this is, after all, based on a video game series where a parrot takes the stand as a star witness.
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You need to watch the trippiest courtroom thriller ever on Amazon Prime ASAP
Courtroom thrillers are generally known as dramatic experiences that deal with hefty topics, like the limitations of justice and the legal system. While there’s plenty of entertainment out there that fits that bill, one film opts for a wildly different approach, using a mix of comedy, drama, and slapstick humor to create something that feels wholly unique. It just so happens that Ace Attorney, which can be streamed on Amazon Prime Video, is also one of the best video game adaptations ever created.

Ace Attorney is a 2012 film by the legendary Japanese director Takashi Miike, best known for films like 13 Assassins and Ichi the Killer. Miike was the perfect choice for a live-action adaption of Ace Attorney, bringing an indisputable sense of style and character to the film, while still staying incredibly faithful to the source material. If you aren’t familiar with the Ace Attorney video game series, both the games and the film follow a young defense attorney named Phoenix Wright.

The world of Ace Attorney is a warped version of modern-day Japan, where criminal trials have practically become a form of entertainment. Prosecutors and defense attorneys battle it out in a three-day trial, with citizens being able to buy tickets to the spectacle.
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WHAM! 10 jaw-dropping images capture NASA DART slamming into an asteroid
This week, NASA scientists watched their spacecraft successfully maneuver to a distant asteroid — and slam itself into the rock’s surface.

The most destructive phase of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) is now complete.

Scientists are waiting to see if the spacecraft achieved its goal: throwing the asteroid, Dimorphos, off its orbit around its parent asteroid, Didymos.
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5 years ago, one last-minute script rewrite changed Star Trek forever
Jean-Luc Picard's greatest nemesis — and eventually, his greatest defender and savior — the space god Q (John de Lancie), was there at the beginning, when Star Trek: The Next Generationdebuted on September 28, 1987. In “Encounter at Farpoint,” the series’ two-hour inaugural episode, Q puts the crew of the Enterprise — and all of humanity — on trial. But this defining moment almost didn’t happen. As first written, “Encounter at Farpoint” didn’t feature Q at all, until a pivotal rewrite from Trek creator Gene Roddenberry...

The road to The Next Generation was long and complicated. It arguably started in the 1970s, when the development of a live-action series called Star Trek: Phase II eventually resulted in the first Trek feature film in 1979: Star Trek: The Motion PictureAfter losing most of his creative control over the Trek feature films starting with The Wrath of Khan in 1982, Trek creator Gene Roddenberry assumed he’d never helm a Star Trek series again — that is, until 1986, when Paramount brought him a proposal for a very different version of The Next Generation, which involved a conflict with the Klingon, a holographic captain, and all sorts of things Roddenberry hated. Although close to retirement, Roddenberry was galvanized by the proposal for a bad Next Generation and decided to try to make a good version instead.
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A new viral cousin of Covid-19 can resist vaccine immunity, study finds
There are more viruses on planet Earth than there are stars in the universe. According to one 2011 estimate, if we were to gather all these microbes up — numbering ten to the 31st power, or 10 nonillion — and lay them end to end, we’d form a microscopic highway stretching out 100 million light years.

Sounds incredible, right? Or perhaps a little scary considering that viruses aren’t exactly known for their sunny disposition. For the most part, these microorganisms are very selective in how or who they infect; only a fraction of those out in the environment actually pose any threat to humans, serious or otherwise. But as the recent Covid-19 pandemic has taught us, viral outbreaks do happen. This is why virologists worldwide are hard at work discovering and characterizing these insidious microbes before they make us their unwitting hosts.
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In a first, scientists show dogs can smell when humans are stressed
Winnie, Soot, Fingal, and Treo — pet dogs from Belfast in Northern Ireland — made their mark on science, and they didn’t even pee on anything while doing it. This quartet trained tirelessly to help researchers answer a crucial question: Can dogs smell stress in humans?

Dogs can sniff out a suite of chemical states. They can anticipate when someone is going to have a seizure or smell changes in one’s blood sugar. Not only that, but they also act on these observations, alerting their human with a nudge or nuzzle.

Humans emit chemosignals or chemical signals that the body produces to communicate their emotional state and reproductive status. Stress has its own chemosignal that comes from various physiological changes. The hormones cortisol and epinephrine pour into the bloodstream, resulting in a spike in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration.

These pups participated in a study that further solidifies dogs’ spots in our hearts as physiologically astounding and emotionally attuned. The Belfast team found that these dogs can, indeed, smell stress. They published their findings in the journal PLOS ONE.
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Researchers uncover how your brain knows something is food
This new Webb Telescope picture of the beloved Orion Nebula is glorious
'Daredevil: Born Again' won't be the Netflix follow-up fans wanted
'She-Hulk' Episode 5 finally solves its biggest Marvel mystery
Today in history: On September 29, 1988, Discovery was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, marking a resumption of NASA's space shuttle program.

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