Highlights From The Comments On Supplement Labeling
[Original post here: How Trustworthy Are Supplements?] 1: AvalancheGenesis writes:
Vitamin C probably doesn’t prevent colds in the general population, though some studies suggest it does prevent colds in athletes, and there’s some medium-quality evidence that it might shorten colds a little once you have them. The supplements I find more interesting are things like melatonin for sleep, ashwagandha or silexan for anxiety, SAMe for depression, or caffeine + theanine for focus. All of these are useful, supported by studies, and good alternatives to medications that some people don’t tolerate well. I’m using mental health examples because that’s the subject I know about, but there are probably examples in other fields too (probiotics for digestive problems). Some commenters chimed in to discuss supplements that have anecdotally worked for them (1, 2, 3). And Elizabeth’s story here is also a good example of how I think about this. 2: Gbdub writes:
I’ve been reading his stuff for almost ten years now. I guess at some point in reading someone’s online writings for a long time, you start to know them as a person and trust them. Some people who read my blog say they trust me - hopefully not blindly, just in the sense that they know my virtues and deficiencies and assume I’m not totally lying to them. This is how I feel about MYASD too. I said at the end that it’s probably not a problem if your supplement has +/- 25% of the active ingredient, so I don’t know where we’re disagreeing here. Also, I will never tire of reminding people that “snake oil” is closely related to fish oil - now recommended for cardiovascular problems, joint pain, mental health issues, etc - and it probably worked just as well. It got a bad reputation because people started selling fake snake oil (technically: oil from omega-3-less rattlesnakes instead of omega-3-rich water snakes), leading “snake oil” to be associated with scams and fakes. Over a hundred years, people forgot the story and started associating it with things that never worked at all. Which brings us back to our original question of whether supplement labeling is trustworthy - if people could have been sure that their snake oil contained only the snakes listed on the label, there would have been no problem! 3: Stephen Pimental writes:
I think this is a minority position. There’s a brief discussion about it in the comments here, and here’s an article about the dispute. 4: Diddly (writes Diddly Links) writes (I’m combining two comments):
The LabDoor and ConsumerLab analyses I mentioned in this post also checked for heavy metals; most of the products were at undetectable levels, and none were at dangerous ones. Still, this was just one or two dozen, and maybe a product needs some level of reputability to even make it to LabDoor, so let’s look at Diddly’s links. They make three main claims: first, supplements are contaminated with bacteria. Second, one particular supplement company had its products recalled for dangerous heavy metal contamination. Third, a study showed 5% of supplements contained arsenic above a maximum safe level. The first article says “In one assessment, researchers found bacteria in all 138 products they investigated.” I have trouble figuring out how to think about this. I take supplements sometimes. Many of my friends take supplements sometimes. According to studies, 86% of Americans take supplements sometimes. If all supplements are contaminated with bacteria, but basically nobody ever has supplement-bacteria-contamination-related health issues (source: I hear about this with approximately the same frequency I hear about food poisoning from heavily-regulated chain restaurants), doesn’t this demonstrate that whatever bacterial-contamination-standard is being used is meaningless? Don’t approximately 100% of objects contain bacteria? Food? Drinks? The human body? I guess I would want something that explains what’s going on here more before I care about this. The second article seems more serious. It’s from 2019. When I Google various permutations of “supplement dangerous lead level”, all the examples I can find of this happening in the US are still about this one case from a supplement company I’ve never heard of in 2016. In fact, what is Ton Shen Health / Life Rising, the company implicated in this? I’m having trouble figuring this out - when I look it up, it looks like a small chain of acupuncture clinics in Chicago run by “Herbal Master Zhengang Guo”, which is still operating (!) and still selling supplements (!) But the FDA seized 300,000 bottles - how did this one guy produce produce so many supplements? All we have from the FDA, statement is that the supplements recalled “were mostly sold locally in Chicago area in retails stores [sic] and some were distributed to other states through mail orders”. My best guess is that this is one traditional Chinese medicine shaman guy in Chicago selling some supplements he made himself, mostly in his own office but also partly syndicated through local stores. Between 2016 and 2019 he screwed up and included way too much lead and poisoned three local children. And this is the example everybody gives to indict the entire supplement industry forever, and to try to scare you off from buying melatonin at Whole Foods. The third article is a study which the comment describes as showing that 5% of supplements had dangerous levels of arsenic, although it’s actually more comprehensive than that and finds similar problems with mercury, cadmium, etc. The only clue they give us as to which products were the offenders is that 11% of “Chinese, Ayurvedic, and marine” products had high arsenic levels, compared to only 3% of “North American excluding Chinese/Ayurvedic/marine” products. But if we believe them, that rules out that it’s all stuff like Ton Shen. But I would put this in context - about 33% of spices have heavy metals above safe levels, according to Consumer Reports:
I couldn’t find any exact lead and arsenic levels in their report to compare to those in supplements. But CR also finds that many fruit juices have dangerous levels of lead and arsenic, and here I can find a study with a number - the worst brand of apple juice sold in the US around 2010 had 45 mcg/kg (it looks like that brand has since been recalled and modern apple juices are better). The worst North American supplement in the supplement study had arsenic levels of 24 mcg/day. Doing some calculations, you would have to drink about two glasses of the worst apple juice daily to get as much arsenic as you get from the worst North American supplement. As someone who has drunk more than two glasses of apple juice daily at various points in his life, I am going to judge these comparable. On the other hand, the worst Chinese/Ayurvedic/marine supplement had 2000 mcg of arsenic in it. That’s 2 mg. For context, a medium dose of the antipsychotic risperidone is 2 mg/day. So these supplements contained as much arsenic as a risperidone pill does of risperidone. How do you end up with that much arsenic in a pill? I think some traditional Chinese medicines might, uh, be arsenic. In fact, the study mentions that one traditional Chinese remedy is cinnabar, ie mercury sulfide. Isn’t this how Qin Shi Huang Di died? So my guess is that taking reputable North American supplements gives you about the same heavy metal risk as spices or juices, and taking Chinese or Ayurvedic supplements can potentially have a much higher risk if you’re not careful. My guess is that taking Ayurvedic supplements that have been processed and Westernized and are produced by Western companies (eg ashwagandha) is fine, but I can’t prove it. I’m mentioning this comparison because I think people tend to freak out over supplements, and if anyone hears that a supplement might have lead, they tend demand all supplements be banned, or say that you would be crazy to take them. But if they hear that apple juice or spices have the same amount of lead, then they accept it as “well, it’s hard to regulate everything perfectly, and probably most things by reputable companies are safe, whatever”. But I notice I’m trying pretty hard to defend supplements here and I might be biased. Someone else should sanity-check my work before you take it too seriously. 5: Neil Thanedar of LabDoor writes (on Twitter):
I am grateful to Neil for the extra information, and I feel bad saying anything against LabDoor because I super respect their work. They’re doing something that should be done - testing and rating supplements. I hate saying anything against anybody who’s trying to do a hard thing to improve the world. I personally use LabDoor sometimes and find it very helpful. That having been said, I don’t think it’s true that it’s “only one site, Illuminate Labs”, who have expressed concern. The Beginner’s Guide To Nootropics, maintained by the r/nootropics moderators and AFAIK unaffiliated with Illuminate in any way, says:
MYASD of Nootropics Depot writes:
I’m also concerned by reports like this, which I won’t repost because currently they’re only unconfirmed rumors - but I would like to hear LabDoor’s response. Regarding the overages, I agree that it’s better to penalize something more for an underage than an overage, but I am still not sure this is good communication. Consider for example their bacopa rankings. Just looking at this, I would come away with the conclusion “no bacopa is entirely trustworthy, but at least ND and PE are better than Swanson”. But if I’m understanding right, the whole ranking is entirely driven by overages, and nobody (including the brand getting a C-) has any other problem. I suppose it’s fair to, if everything is exactly the same, rank based on a minor issue, but I think if I didn’t understand what was going on here I would be much more concerned about Swanson than justified. I admit that some of these complaints are letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Again, I use LabDoor a lot, I more or less trust their numerical results, and I think they’re a good source for people who understand what’s going on and want the specific results of specific tests. But I also worry that people who just use their letter grades without understanding what’s going on will end up confused. And for what it’s worth, Calloway Cook comments:
For what it’s worth, LabDoor is free and ConsumerLab costs money. I give LabDoor a lot of respect for staying free and realize that this is a principled decision and makes life harder for them. But I keep hearing people I trust saying to be wary of them, so I am wary. 6: Marathon writes:
This is a fair point, thanks. You’re a free subscriber to Astral Codex Ten. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. |
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