Highlights From The Comments On My California Ballot
I know I don’t usually publish on Saturdays, but I wanted to get this out before people filled in their mail-in ballots. So: Is Prop 31 Another Attack On Vaping?Maximum Limelihood Estimator is concerned that Prop 31 (against flavored tobacco products) is meant to target vaping:
About 40% of cigarettes are flavored, compared to about 85% of vape juice. A study suggests that a ban on flavored tobacco would increase cigarette consumption (by making cigarettes relatively more desirable than vaping). Limelihood writes that “The statistics [in the study] are great, which is honestly shocking to me, since it's the first time I've said this about an experiment in . . . ever.” There is also a study purporting to show that flavored cigarette bans do decrease smoking, but Limelihood says that:
He finishes:
BRetty writes:
And Nick writes:
I am so angry that the health establishment is so focused on banning healthier alternatives to smoking that I constantly have to be on the lookout for their plots. On the other hand, I still am not sure whether the positive anti-smoking effect of banning cigarettes is enough to outweigh the negative effect on vaping. I am changing my vote to ABSTAIN on this one, but I might be overly conservative and I would super-understand if other people voted NO. F@&k The Service Employees International Union - United Healthcare WestAndrew Grossman does better detective work than I did and figures out what’s up with The Kidney One. According to an LA Times report, the Service Employees International Union - United Healthcare West has been trying to unionize workers at California dialysis companies. Either the workers haven’t been interested or the companies have successfully prevented this from happening. In order to retaliate, the SEIU-UHW has been sponsoring these ballot propositions to over-regulate California dialysis companies so overwhelmingly that they would have to close many of their clinics. This would be a disaster for dialysis patients and probably literally kill many of them, but apparently SEIU-UHW thinks that is acceptable collateral damage. According to the Times, SEIU-UHW doesn’t especially care if they win or lose, they just want to make the dialysis companies spend so much money fighting the propositions that they surrender and agree to give the unions what they want. This explains why they’ve put the same losing proposition on the ballot three election cycles in a row, and why they keep doing it even when every doctors’ group, nurses’ group, and patients’ group insists it would be disastrous for Californians with kidney disease. I am really angry about this. If anyone knows a way to hurt the Service Employees International Union - United Healthcare West, please let me know. If there’s some company I might be patronizing that works with them, and the competitor doesn’t work with them, please let me know so I can switch to the competitor. These people should be utterly ashamed of themselves and I hope there’s some way to make them cease to exist as an institution. Why Newsom Doesn’t Have A Candidate Statement
And Steven Buss:
There’s a bit of speculation downthread about why Newsom is spending so much on this race when he will inevitably win. I’m more interested in speculation about why you can’t have a candidate statement on the ballot if you spend too much money. My Oakland BallotAndrew Edstrom writes:
I didn’t have a lot of time to investigate Oakland measures this year, so I’m going to follow the suggested voting slate of the Valinor rationalist group house, who I trust and who mostly share my political opinions (h/t especially Clara Collier). This is: Mayor: Loren Taylor [see below for ranked list] We had some disagreements over DA. Terry Wiley is an experienced assistant DA with lots of endorsements. Pamela Price is a civil rights attorney with no DA experience; the rest of the police establishment hates her. We debated between a conservative perspective (where Wiley’s greater experience and support put him on top) and a liberal pespective (where DA offices tend to be centers of police corruption and cronyism, and bringing in an outsider with an adversarial relationship to the culture might be a good move). None of us have investigated this particular race very closely, and our decisions basically came down to whether we feel a narrative where we need to support the police to crack down on crime is more or less convincing than one where we need to investigate the police and root out their corruption. I sympathize with everyone on both sides - and one of our friends who is a local lawyer (though not in Oakland in particular) has heard some pretty horrifying stories about DA corruption. But I ended up going with Wiley. Mayor is ranked choice voting. I went with: Reasoning: I generally really like our current mayor, Libby Schaaf. She has generally had good ideas, prevented Oakland from becoming quite as bad as San Francisco, and a bunch of BLM protesters were harassing her in really awful ways for not defunding the police during the George Floyd protests but she stood firm and won my respect / good will. I also like SF mayor London Breed for being a YIMBY and being willing to call out some of the problems with her city. Both of them have endorsed Loren Taylor. Taylor is a biomedical engineer and businessman, which makes it seem like he’s smart and has some experience with the real world that will make him less than maximally socialist. The YIMBYS also endorse him. Generally seems like the best we’re going to get. Taylor has entered into a vote transfer pact with Treva Reid, where both of them ask their supporters to vote for the other as second choice. The people in my house who watched the mayoral debate (not me!) said they really liked Treva, so I put her second. Greg Hodge is a local community leader who raises money for good causes and does various inspirational things. He is involved in a lot of black community organizations, but somehow avoids sounding incredibly annoying and woke in a way that drives me away. He was the Lead Minister for the Wo’Se Community, which seems to be maybe some kind of ancient Egyptian polytheism + Christianity + pan-Africanist syncretism; it has a sort of refreshing old-school dignity to it. According to the Principia Discordia, the word “HODGE” represents the principle of Order, which I think Oakland needs more of right now. The polls say this is a two way race between Loren Taylor and Sheng Thao. Both are way to the left by national standards, but by Oakland standards Taylor is more centrist and Thao further left. The house members who watched the mayoral debate were very impressed with Thao and called her smart and well-spoken. But she is apparently involved in a scandal where she (allegedly) tried to bully a subordinate in the city government into working for her campaign (illegal) and then fired him when he refused to comply. Everyone else kind of blurs into an undifferentiated mass, but I picked Alyssa Victory as my fifth choice, for kabbalistic reasons. Dishonorable mention goes to Peter Liu, who is in the news for making anti-Semitic threats after local synagogues refused to platform his campaign. Liu is also interesting for his claim that God contacted him at the Ziggurat of Ur and told him to bring peace to the Earth. I think if you hate the Jews and get your divine messages at a ziggurat, you should at least consider that it’s not the Judeo-Christian God you’re talking to. Which raises the possibility that this mayoral election will end up as a competition between the gods of ancient Mesopotamia and the gods of ancient Egypt. Pretty good for a local race! Other Interesting CommentsWould Prop 1 Permit Genetic Engineering? Sniffnoy writes:
To refresh your memory, the text of Prop 1 starts with:
It does seem true that, taking it literally as written, this does kind of seem like it would permit genetic engineering. This ties into a discussion elsewhere in the comments thread on originalism: Calion argues that I am wrong to call “judges should interpret the law not as its literal words but as what it must have meant given what people wanted at the time” an “originalist” argument. After further discussion, we agree that this is an obsolete subspecies of originalism called “original intent”, but that modern originalism is based on “original meaning”. Calion and other legal experts chimed in to say nobody believes in original intent anymore. I am sort of skeptical of this. Read purely literally, it looks like maybe this should permit genetic engineering. But I suspect the judges tasked to interpret it won’t see things that way! Probably YIMBYs Should Vote For Bonta Andrew L writes:
Auros agrees:
Fine, I switch my recommendation from ABSTAIN to BONTA, but if there is extra space on your ballot please also write in that Bonta is annoying person and it pains you to have to do this. Attention Santa Clarans Glenn on a Discord server I frequent writes:
I agree with this. Anyone involved in that debacle needs to be defeated and humiliated for the rest of their lives, then spend the afterlife in an especially deep circle of Hell reserved for them and leaders of the Service Employees International Union - United Healthcare West. But in case that isn’t enough for you, said match.com founder - Gary Kremer - is also accused of “bullying” and “mistreating” workers and creating a “culture of fear” at the water district. He is additionally accused of sending unsolicited nude photos to employees and of “deceiving voters” in order to extend his term limits. Rebecca Eisenberg is running against him; I urge Santa Clarans to support her. Christiansen Good On Math
Cohen Family History The Genealogian writes:
Thank you, Genealogian! We so rarely get clear answers to anything in politics, but I feel like my confusion on this race at least has been put to rest. You’re a free subscriber to Astral Codex Ten. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. |
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