🎤 S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday November 25th, 2022)

The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email

Swipe๐Ÿ“ โ€ข Wisdom๐Ÿง  โ€ข Interesting๐Ÿง โ€ข Picture๐Ÿ–ผ โ€ข Essay๐Ÿ“„ โ€ข SketchโœŽ
โ€‹A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

Edition: Friday, November 25th, 2022. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


๐ŸŽค Listen to this email here:



Last week I became one of those "Short Video" people. Last week we posted one video per day to:
- TikTok โ€‹
- LinkedIn
- Instagram
- Facebook
- YouTube Shorts
โ€‹Here's the results after one week on each platform โ†’

โ€‹TikTok: Bad

The first video we posted got ~700 views, then all downhill from there.

Possible reasons: โ€‹
- I just suck.
- I'm not a great demographic fit for TikTok.
- We've only been consistent for for one week and need more time.


โ€‹Instagram: Pretty good

- Getting some views.
- Getting some comments and messages about vids.
- People reaching out saying they like them.

The increase in reach are very visible on Instagram:

I do feel kind of self conscious that I mostly use Instagram for purely personal reasons, and now I'm blasting people with, "HEY IT'S NEVILLE LEMME TELL YOU STUFF ABOUT COPYWRITING!!!!"



โ€‹LinkedIn: Decent

- People watch and comment.
- People messaging about the vids.
- LinkedIn in seems like a solid platform that's not as glamorized as TikTok, and I think the bar for content is MUCH LOWER.

One neat thing is LinkedIn stats show you detailed demographic info:


โ€‹Facebook: Meh.

- The shorts don't look good on Facebook Pages, it's not made for it.
- Views are meh.
- Engagement is very low.
- It gets SOME views, but engagement is like zero compared to our other posts.


โ€‹YouTube Shorts: Good

- Getting likes.
- Getting comments.
- Getting subscribers.

The plan is to keep posting at least once per day across all platforms.

I noticed when other friends did this it took about 2 months straight before any real growth happened.

It'll be an interesting experiment to see if people like these! I'm open to feedback to improve!! Email me back if you have suggestions!




When you incentivize something....you get more of it.

Around 2003 Google introduced its ad product called AdSense, and it literally โ€œignitedโ€ the web!

Content publishers could finally make money from their content, so more was made.

Twitter is about to throw its hat in the ring, giving rev-share to content makers for video and written content:

Pretty much every publishing platform is now giving creators money for content (of course only a small percentage of creators get enough traffic to create real revenue), but it's a good step in the right direction.





The most common cold email I got this year was people/agencies offering to make YouTube Shorts, IG Reels, TikTok Clips etc (like I showed above).

It kind of reminds me of people cold-pitching making websites in the early 2000's, and people cold-pitching building Apple iOS apps in 2008.

Short video clips have kind of turned into a media form of their own, so it's logical this is a big service being offered all over the place.

Here's some sample cold emails I get everyday:

I've engaged with many of these pitches, but the major problem I've seen with these pitches is:

I ask for samples of their work, and they are very poor quality :(

Most of the clips they send me are poorly picked, or poor quality.

Compare that with some of the recent clips I've had released with captions, graphics, and lots of editing:

I've tried making some of these Shorts clips myself just to figure out how much work it is....and honestly it's almost as much work as making a full YouTube video ๐Ÿ˜‚

There's so much editing, shortening, and picking out solid lessons that goes into it....it's much harder than it looks.





Last week was my 40th birthday, and I'm thankful to have friends/fam that surprised me with like 2 weeks worth of celebrations! Think I got like FIVE cakes for this bday ๐Ÿ˜‚

The week before my bday a group of us went to Mexico City:

I got several Mexico City bday surprise cakes :)

A Spa Day...

Then back in Austin a surprise party on actual bday:

Then over the weekend a BIIIGGGGGGG SURPRISE came when I was lured out to the lake with the help of Sam and Sara:

Where a bunch of friends were waiting and surprised me in the driveway of this dope house with the "Dancing Tesla" feature where it plays music and flashes the lights ๐Ÿ˜‚

I got ANOTHER cake!

I was so surprised, had no clue this was happening:

My friend Noah was there (also a lot of people wore onesies) ๐Ÿ˜‚

He cooked an awesome lunch one day:

Noah also did a full roast ๐Ÿ˜‚

My friend Nick Gray was there too:

He organized a bunch of fun games including "Sardines" and "Celebrity":

One day we all jumped in the lake....and it was 37F degrees outside ๐Ÿฅถ

Then immediately jumped in the hot tub :)

The house was ammmmaaazzziinnggg:

Someone really thought through all the details:

It was probably one of the best layouts of any house I've ever been in:

Anyways, it was an awesome birthday and I was thankful for that and all the fam/friends involved in putting it together!!




20 years ago I was in a college entrepreneurship club with 200 members.

Only 2 people out of 200 actually had a business:
- Me (ran a rave equipment drop shipping site).
- Dude who patented a roofing device inspired from his familyโ€™s business.

Since then entrepreneurship has boomed, and I think a few things have changed:

1.) It was VERY taboo and weird to openly speak about money.

It was common courtesy to NOT ask people about money or financesโ€ฆand you rarely heard people openly discuss their personal finances.

I used to openly list my finances on my first blog NevBlog.com, and this was considered an insane move.

Nowadays people openly say on their Twitter profile โ€œI sold a company for $10.5m.โ€

So it's cool to see people more open about money, so more people can learn how to make it.


2.) Owning a business was HARD, cost a lot of money, and little information was available.

Even a website cost a lot of money in hosting/bandwidth. Just owning a computer cost thousands of dollars.

Nowadays you can run a huge website or social following from a phone, essentially for free.


3.) Owning a business wasnโ€™t cool. It was looked upon as an odd and un-safe thing to do.

Entrepreneurship was starting to become slightly cooler, but it was investment bankers and finance people that were looked upon with admiration, not entrepreneurs.

Thatโ€™s changed.

It's neat to see in 1 generation "starting a business" go from a fringe/weird activity to a mainstream thing possible for anyone!




I asked people what they wanna build in 2023, you can see 300+ responses here:

The most common answers with 10+ responses each were:

  • Start an eCommerce store (surprisingly tons of these)
  • Starting a blog.
  • Starting a social media presence.
  • Building community membership site.
  • Start a retail website.
  • Start freelancing or consulting.
  • Write a book & blog combination.
  • A side income of some sort.
  • Get to multiple streams of income.

The things is, all of these things are do-able in one year.

If you break a year down into 4 quarters (3 months each), you can easily "work backwards" into your goal:

So this Black Friday we're offering 1 year of Copywriting Course for 55% off if you grab it before tonight!

If you use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY right now, you'll get 55% off, PLUS TWO FREE MONTHS of access!

That means if you buy today you'll have access to:โ€‹
- Unlimited copywriting training, including any new stuff added.
- 24/7 copywriting forum for help, advice, and re-writes.
- Weekly Office Hours where you can come chat with me directly.

....alllllll the way till the end of next year!

Copywriting course is usually $97/mo, so times 14 months that's $1,358.

If you buy right now you get all 14 months for $497.25 ๐Ÿ˜ฎ!!

55% off for Black Friday + 2 Free Months. Our lowest ever offered!

Use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY at checkout for 55% off plus 2 free bonus months. This deal goes away tonight so grab it now!

Neville Medhora - Copywriting Course








Older messages

Our. Lowest. Ever.

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For Black Friday only. Our. Biggest. Sale. Ever. ​ ​ ​- Grab It Now -​ ​ If you post content online in any way (blog, newsletter, SaaS business, sales pages, home pages, social media), then join

1 year. 4 quarters. 365 days. BUILD.

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🎤 S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday November 18th, 2022)

Friday, November 18, 2022

The SWIPES Email Swipe📁 • Wisdom🧠 • Interesting🧐 • Picture🖼 • Essay📄 • Sketch✎ ​A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy! Edition: Friday, November 18th, 2022​ ​ 🎤 Listen to this email here: ​ ​ Swipe:

🎤 S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday November 11th, 2022)

Friday, November 11, 2022

The SWIPES Email Swipe📁 • Wisdom🧠 • Interesting🧐 • Picture🖼 • Essay📄 • Sketch✎ ​A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy! Edition: Friday, November 11th, 2022​ ​ 🎤 Listen to this email here: ​ ​ Swipe:

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