SaaSHub Weekly - 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - Dec 15

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SaaSHub Weekly - Dec 15

Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products


Offices, co-working spaces, universities, sports venues, studios & churches are just some of the places that manage the use of their desks, rooms, courts, studios, halls and all other 'spaces' with Skedda

#Online Bookings #Booking Software #Digital Workplace


A comprehensive online document management platform that provides the services of an online editor, cloud storage platform, and a signature request manager, all in one package.

#PDF Tools #PDF Editor #eSignature


All-in-one scheduling and business management platform for coaches, tutors and consultants to run their business online.

#Appointments and Scheduling #Online Payments #Video Conferencing


The fastest and easiest way to gather actionable feedback from your customers

Featured #Customer Feedback #Surveys #User Feedback

Hyvor Talk

The Best Commenting Platform For Your Website

#Social Networks #Project Management #Feedback

Automate your contact center with smart virtual assistants that speak the human language. Activechat combines a live chat platform with an AI-powered chatbot engine to help chatbots and virtual assistants understand humans better.

#Chatbots #Live Chat #Messaging


Turn any text or script to a lifelike neural human voice, a powerful A.I text to speech realistic voiceover that covers more than 130 international languages & Accent and over 900 kinds of lifelike human voices that meets most of your needs.

#SaaS #Artificial Intelligence #Audio And Voice


Digital workplace and intranet software for unitying remote teams.

#Productivity #Corporate Intranets #Web App


Testkit makes it super easy to create tests - just use our browser extension to record user interactions and create assertions. Additionally, Testkit automatically fixes flakiness and tests if they break, so you can focus on building!

#Website Testing #Browser Testing #Automated Testing

CronDev helps you run anything on a scheduler via HTTP request

#Automation #Workflow Automation #Serverless / Task Processing

Urban DJ

A fun poll for music geniuses. Wordle for music!

#Music #Games #Online Games


User onboarding made easy, for less. Create product walkthroughs in a couple of clicks, without breaking the bank.

Featured #User Onboarding And Engagement #Self Service Support #User Engagement

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