The Intercept was launched with the bold — some would say crazy — idea that world-class investigative journalism taking on the most powerful forces in society could be done without taking money from corporate advertisers on our site and without charging readers a subscription fee.
Eight years later, we’re still here proving the naysayers wrong, breaking major stories every week, holding those in power accountable, and refusing to compromise our core commitment to fiercely independent nonprofit journalism.
But this is where the rubber hits the road.
If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Make no mistake: This is money we’re counting on to fund all our investigations in the new year.
Reader donations aren’t just some extra source of bonus funding. They are a core source of revenue, and if we fall short of our goals, that translates directly into fewer resources for reporting.
We have incredible projects in the works, and your donation will allow us to continue exposing the corruption of the military industrial complex, aggressively investigating both Democrats and Republicans, and being a force for social change.