Main Street Insiders - One Way Out
The Main Street Insiders theme for 2023 is "Choose Freedom." Main Streeters are a community of Americans awake to the bigger-picture struggle between our freedom and the international elites who want to take it from us. We're dedicated to choosing freedom in every aspect of our lives. We compare ourselves to a rebellion. Of course, not everyone is on the front lines. But everyone has a part to play. Some people are relaying messages. Others are providing shelter. And no matter what your role is, you're committed to freedom. Being a rebel is a lifestyle. That's why we were recently inspired by Andor, Disney's latest Star Wars spinoff show. It tells a beautiful story about resisting power. Andor is set in between Episode III and Episode IV. The Empire rules the galaxy with an iron fist. And no one has been brave enough to stand up to them yet. The show follows Cassian Andor as he's caught up in a plot to ignite the rebellion that eventually takes down the Empire. It's a fantastic show. And it's well worth your time. The show is produced and distributed by Disney, a hallmark of the elites. Disney has angered many fans with its outspoken child grooming. As a result, many families have canceled their Disney+ subscriptions (ours comes for free with Verizon). Andor tells an inspiring story about fighting for freedom from the Empire. But the elites who created it don't realize they're the Empire in real life! That's the beauty of it. So let's give Andor a Main Street review and explain how it applies to us. One Way OutIn one of the show's storylines (skip this part if you want to avoid spoilers), Cassian is sent to an Imperial prison on bogus charges. The prison is a factory. And the Empire is using the prisoners as free labor (it's implied that other prisoners are innocent too). The prison authorities keep order by shocking prisoners through the floor. There are three shock levels. The lowest is torture, and the highest is death. Cassian is assigned to a workgroup on Floor Five. All work groups on a particular floor compete. The lowest-producing group is given a level-one shock at the end of each shift. The working conditions are brutal. An elderly member of Cassian's group dies of a stroke. But the prisoners keep their heads down and work. Cassian tries to convince them to escape, but everyone is too afraid. They'd rather just wait out their sentences than risk death. That all changes when a prisoner who was supposed to be released is transferred to Floor Two. It’s a mistake. He was supposed to be transferred to another prison somewhere else. But they accidentally sent him back to the same facility. The prisoners realize they’re never going to be released. They’re just going to be moved somewhere else. The guards are outnumbered and scared of what would happen if word got out. So they kill the entire Floor Two. But they can’t stop the rumor from spreading. Floor Five concludes that escape is the only way to freedom. And if they wait, more guards will be transferred to the facility. It’s now or never. When the opportunity presents itself, they storm the guards with nothing but their fists. Many of are were killed. But the tide is too great. They fight their way to the control room, where Kino Loy, the leader of Floor Five, announces over the intercom that the prisoners have taken control. He explains what happened on Floor Two and warns them that this will be their only chance to escape. All across the prison, the prisoners stop working and break out of their cells while the guards cower inside a supply closet. And as the prisoners sprint for the exits, they echo Kino’s speech and chant “One Way Out.” You can watch the whole scene below. Main Street ArtThe prison break is one of our favorite scenes. But the show is full of messages that inspired us to keep fighting for Main Street. There's been a lot of talk on social media lately about how most popular art is made by elites and left-wingers. That's mostly true. And most art represents their point of view. For example, take a look at the Academy Awards. The list of nominees is littered with divisive social justice films. But if you look closely, the elites have a bad habit of accidentally including Main Street themes in their art. Cernovich breaks it down extensively in his Substack. Andor is a great example. The heroes and villains are caricatures of our political parties. They included a random lesbian couple to secure their woke street cred. And the showrunner even compared one of the heroes to Nancy Pelosi. Not so subtle, huh? Yet the film also explores beautiful Main Street themes of freedom, anti-elitism, and revolution. One of the rebels, Nemick, writes a manifesto about the rebellion that sounds like our Declaration of Independence. Cassian Andor reads an excerpt in a stirring scene during the season finale. The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. Remember this. Try. Senator Mon Mothma frequently attends social events and dinner parties with her fellow elites, celebrating each other's achievements over extravagant drinks. But they don't realize that she's secretly supplying money to the rebels. She laments that she's forced to hang out with other elites while the rest of the galaxy suffers. Doesn't that sound a lot like our real-life elites? Ironically, that's all an award show is. A bunch of rich and famous people celebrating themselves. Finally, Cassian explains to another rebel that the Empire is too arrogant to believe anyone could ever push back. It's the most ironic twist of all. That's exactly how many real-life elites look at us. We're just deplorables to them. That's why beating them will be much easier than you think. All it takes is enough people who dare to push back. Cassian Andor: Why would I go anywhere with you? Luthen Rael: Don't you want to fight these bastards for real? They Can't Take All Of UsMain Streeters are a lot like the prisoners in Andor. There are way more of us than there are of them. But time is not on our side. The regime continues to get stronger. Eventually, they're going to get too strong for us to resist. A lot of Main Streeters want to just wait out their prison sentences. They're convinced that this will eventually all blow over, the elites will stop pushing their agenda down our throats, and we can all go back to the way things used to be. We hate to break it to you, but that's not how the elites operate. When you give them an inch, they take a mile. Authoritarian COVID Measures. When COVID-19 began spreading in the United States in early 2020, most people didn't realize how bad the pandemic would be. Lockdowns seemed justified. But even after it became clear that the virus was not as deadly as we thought, politicians continued to collaborate with corporations to push lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates. Climate Change. The regime continues to move the goalposts on climate change too. At first, we were told that all we had to do to "save the planet" was stop using fossil fuels. But now they want us to take radical steps like going vegan and not having kids. ![]() Adam Curry:
"Climate change is the excuse for everything. It's the reason why you gotta eat fake meat, it's the reason why you can't fly. Flying will be something only for the rich." Child Grooming. Here's a disturbing example. The left has pushed for legal same-sex marriage for years. Hollywood put gay characters on screen. The music industry made gay artists some of the biggest stars in American history. America is fundamentally a religious and conservative country. But over time, more Main Street Americans decided it would be fair for same-sex couples to marry their partner like everyone else. We thought that's all they wanted. That still is all many same-sex couples want. But it's become clear in recent years that a non-trivial portion of the so-called "LGBTQ" community will stop at nothing until society conforms to its heathen image. That includes public displays of debauchery, sex transition surgery for children, and even normalizing pedophilia. To which we respond: You can blab all you want about what adults should be allowed to do in the privacy of their own homes but stay away from our kids. Period. Resist the EmpireWe hope you're inspired by the comparison between our rebellion and the heroes in Andor. The Empire has the full weight of its institutional power. But we have the people. There are more of us than there are of them, and they can’t take us all at once. But the time is now. 2023 is the year we choose freedom and break out of the Imperial prison. There's only one way out. This is the way. God bless and God bless America, -Jeff and Luke |
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