Highlights From The Comments On Long COVID And Bisexuality
Original post: Replication Attempt - Bisexuality And Long COVID Table of Contents 1. Summary Of Best Comments And Overall Updates 1. Summary Of Best Comments And Overall UpdatesMany people commented that bisexuality is a vague concept with unclear boundaries, and Long COVID is also a vague concept with unclear boundaries. Maybe some people are more willing to self-identify as belonging to a vague concept with unclear boundaries, and so they would be more likely to respond that they had bisexuality and Long COVID. For example, if you have a few stray thoughts about the same sex sometimes, are you bisexual? If you might have felt very slightly more fatigued after getting coronavirus, do you have Long COVID? Maybe the same people who say yes to the first question will say yes to the second. There were a few different versions of this idea - see Comments Proposing Explanations Based On Response Factors for more. I respond to them in more depth there. My short response is that this is plausible, but I lean against it for a few reasons:
Another common concern was whether bisexuality might be associated with biological differences, such that it could correlate with organic/immunological Long COVID rather than psychosomatic Long COVID. Many people gave examples of bisexuals having larger or smaller brain regions, but 1) I’m skeptical of these kinds of neuroimaging studies, and 2) brain regions still seem like the sort of thing that cause functional neurological conditions and not immunological ones. Nobody in the comments got this far, but I was eventually able to find a study showing that bisexuals had more cancer, asthma, and heart disease than straight (or gay) people. One popular explanation is that bisexuals have more mental health issues → smoke and drink more → have more disease. This study breaking down cancer by type finds excess smoking-related cancers and equal amounts of most others. Other sources suggest bisexuals are more likely to be overweight, although the effect is small. So one possibility is that smoking, obesity, or some other risk factor like this either makes people more likely to get COVID, or more likely to get Long COVID conditional on that. My survey didn’t show that bisexuals reported getting COVID more than straights. Bisexual women were on average one BMI point heavier, which doesn’t seem like much. And this is just anecdotal because I didn’t have it on the survey, but very few ACX readers seem to smoke. So: bisexuals get many different well-established health conditions more often than straight people. Usually there’s a reasonable explanation, and it’s harder to think of the reasonable explanation for Long COVID, but I’m reluctant to dismiss this as a line of thinking entirely. So I think it’s plausible the increased Long COVID comes from generally worse health, which might be due to smoking or obesity or something else. I think this was the biggest update I made since writing the first post. 2. Comments Proposing Explanations Based On Response PatternsPeter Gerdes asks:
This is a good point, but if it were true, I would expect to see it in other questions asking whether you self-identified as something that lots of people might be on the edge of. There was no such effect among Democrats, Republicans, Christians, or vegetarians. I would expect someone who goes to church occasionally and thinks God might exist to have the same dilemma about whether to identify as Christian as someone with a few homosexual thoughts would have about whether to identify as bisexual. But we don’t see the same effect there. Also, I asked about psych conditions in two ways: do you think you have it, and were you ever diagnosed by an MD? There ought to be a strong self-identification effect for the first, but a smaller one for the second. But there was more of an association with Long COVID for the second. For example, 3.7% of people with self-diagnosed ADHD had Long COVID, compared to 4.4% of people with MD-diagnosed ADHD. There were a few exceptions - polyamorous people, rationalists, and (to a much lesser degree) effective altruists all had higher Long COVID too. But these groups also have higher rates of bisexuality and mental illness; I think they are just weird. Chris Phoenix writes:
Limiting the analysis to left-of-center women only didn’t significantly change the results. Also, gays are probably just as left-as-center as bisexuals and the result was much weaker there. There was a significant association between politics and risk of Long COVID, but it was only about half as strong as sexuality. Toggle writes:
This isn’t exactly the same as Peter’s comment. Peter’s comment was about likelihood of choosing any identity (which is rebutted by the data on Christians, Republicans, etc). This one is about choosing a “weird” identity. As we saw above, certain weird-identity havers like polyamorous people and rationalists did have more Long COVID, but I attributed that to being part of the same cluster of genuinely weird people as bisexuals. In order to distinguish these hypotheses, we’d have to find a group of people who were weird along a different axes, maybe one that made them less likely to land in the liberal/poly/bisexual group instead of more so. Separately in both men and women, weird-but-not-woke political groups (libertarians, Marxists, alt-right, neoreactionary) were less likely than the average person to report Long COVID, and less likely than mainstream conservatives. I find libertarians and Marxists, who I would expect to be less interested in the right-wing project of minimizing COVID than conservatives, sort of interesting. But I won’t claim to have fully debunked this concern. Chris Buck (author of Why Viruses Must Die) writes:
Mike phrases this more aggressively:
I think this is a good point, but I think it bleeds into my idea of “psychosomatic illness”. Or, rather, there’s a weak version of this, where straights and bis have equal amounts of fatigue, but only the bis notice this: “Huh, I’ve been more tired than usual lately”. This could be some of the effect. But I think the strong version of this is that straights have some fatigue, ignore it, and it goes away, whereas bisexuals have some fatigue and focus on it in a way that makes it worse and turns it into a trapped prior. This is how I think of chronic pain and several other psychosomatic illnesses. If this were true, you might expect bisexual people to (on average) report weaker cases of Long COVID than heterosexuals, since strong cases would be noticeable. Sample size was too low to really have a strong sense of this, but for the record, bisexual average was 2.7/5 and straight average 3.0/5, with total sample size 22 (11 straights, 11 bis). 3. Comments Proposing Explanations Based On BiologyEvan Þ (author of Papyrus Rampant) writes:
Some commenters responded that (on average) gays have more sexual partners than bisexuals (at least in men; in women they’re about the same), but didn’t show the same elevated Long COVID effect. Also, if sexual contact caused immune problems down the line, this would be a big deal and we would already know. Theophylline writes:
LadyJane writes:
I find something like this plausible; I wouldn’t describe it as “chimerism” so much as there are lots of cases where it’s fine to be A, fine to be B, but bad to be somewhere in the middle, the body needs some way to settle on either A or B, and maybe there’s some general process that it can be better or worse at. Related: I just checked and, although left- and right- handed people have similar amounts of Long COVID, ambidextrous people have 2-3x as much, maybe an even stronger amount than bisexuals. This could also fit the response bias hypotheses above. Michelle Taylor writes:
Thanks for bringing this up. I’ve written about my thoughts on the EDS correlation here. I do think of the digestive system problems as probably more about the nervous system (“gut brain axis”) than the digestive system itself, but I don’t know enough to be sure. I agree this challenges and blurs the concept of “psychosomatic”; if you have digestive issues because you’re stressed and this changes the way your brain tells your gut to contract, and then your gut doesn’t contract the right amount, is that psychosomatic or not? I agree that if Long COVID is partly “psychosomatic” it might well be according to this expanded definition. 4. Comments By Jim CoyneCoyne, who blogs at Coyne of the Realm, is a psychologist and hero of the replication crisis, so I take his comments seriously (also, I appreciate his kindness and restraint compared to the last time he got into an argument about fatigue-related conditions) His critical article is here. It’s long so I’ll try to summarize and respond to his main points as best I can. Is my sample size too small?:
I’m not sure what Coyne means here. There’s no rule saying you can’t detect an effect with a sample size of 254. It depends on the size of the effect you’re trying to detect. If you think groups look different, you do a significance test to see whether the difference you found is significant given the sample size. I did a chi squared test and it was 0.016 for the analysis Coyne is talking about. That’s well below traditional standards of significance. If there’s some other sense in which my sample was too small, I’m interested in hearing what test Coyne thinks would detect it. I don’t know why he thinks it’s suspicious that there are only 38 homosexual women. 11% of respondents were women (this is a tech-heavy blog whose readership skews male, and this gender balance has been consistent on all past surveys), and 4% of those women were homosexual. That’s pretty close to known population averages.
Yes, all cross-sectional data is vulnerable to confounding. Given that we can’t randomly assign people to be bisexual or not, we are forced to try to read the cross-sectional tea leaves. I tried adjusting for various confounders in my data (the one I showed was gender). If someone else wants to try adjusting for others, they can access the public survey data here. Still, I think the proper thing to do here is to acknowledge that the association exists and start a discussion on what potential confounders might be involved. If this does turn out to be because of confounders - maybe bisexuals drink more coffee, and coffee causes Long COVID - that would be fascinating! Would you rather nobody ever report the bisexual thing, and then we never learn that coffee caused Long COVID? I hope I made it clear that the finding in the data was that bisexuals had more Long COVID, and that psychosomatization was my personal non-data-based guess as to why.
This second point is factually not true. Comparing two similar questions from the beginning and end of the survey - Political Spectrum near the beginning, and Trust The Media near the end - the first got 7291 results, and the second got 7229 results, and I think most of the difference was because the second question was more complex. But even if there had been a large drop-off, I think it would be unlikely that the people who dropped out would have a different degree to which bisexuality correlates with Long COVID than the general population. Or that this degree would be so dramatic that it would cause twice as many bisexuals as straight people to have Long COVID on my survey even though in the general population it’s the same. Or that by coincidence it would exactly mirror the result in the CDC survey. One can always tell people to be more rigorous, and this is true at any level of rigor. But one can also defend the level of rigor one uses as appropriate for the task, and I think that’s true here.
They are apparently not uninterpretable since you can replicate most real findings about mental disorders with them. For example, the best nationwide analyses find that women have more depression than men; my survey also finds this. Too easy? It’s well-known ADHD people are more likely to have substance abuse issues; my survey finds people with ADHD are 4x as likely to report this. Still too easy? The most careful experiments find that schizophrenics are less likely to be able to see the Hollow Mask Illusion: my survey also finds this. In general, when a finding is real, I’ve been able to replicate it. This is because there’s a very high correlation between whether you answer “yes” to the question “are you bisexual?” and whether a long complicated survey instrument would determine you were bisexual. And so on for many other variables of interest. See also the correlation between the PHQ-1 and longer depression tests. I would be happy to make a bet with Coyne about whether some randomly chosen effect in the literature also shows up in my survey. I don’t think I’ve tested whether or not my survey accurately reports that schizophrenics are more likely to be depressed, or that women are more likely to be liberal. Would you like to bet on whether these show up in the data? I appreciate that there are some situations where it’s important to have structured diagnostic interviews for rigorously-defined constructs, but these are more often when trying to determine the size of an effect, or when to take some specific action in an individual case, rather to establish broad correlations like I’m trying here. See here for more about my thoughts on this.
Again, the necessary level of rigor depends on what you’re trying to do with a question. Consider for example the question “are you a smoker?” Lots of great research has been done with this question! For example, people who answer this question “yes” get more lung cancer than people who answer it “no”. This is enough to suggest (without proving causation) a smoking / lung-cancer connection. If self-identified smokers and self-identified nonsmokers got exactly the same amount of lung cancer, that would be strong evidence against a connection. This is true even though it’s a terrible question - it doesn’t establish how much you smoke, how often, whether you smoked as a teenager but not anymore but you still consider yourself “a smoker”, etc. You wouldn’t want to draw conclusions about the number of smokers in the US or the exact size of a smoking / lung cancer link from this. But you can absolutely say “smoking is correlated with lung cancer, more research needed to determine the size of this effect and what causes it”. That’s because, overall, the “smoker” group will smoke more than the “nonsmoker” group, and whatever effects smoking has will be higher in that group. Because asking someone “are you bisexual?” correlates very well with whatever other bisexuality-related construct you want to invent, my survey is able to replicate known findings about bisexuality, like that women are more likely to identify as bisexual, bisexuals have (on average) more sexual partners, etc. This survey would not be appropriate for other purposes, like determining the exact rate of bisexuality by some standard other than self-identification.
It is bizarre and wrongheaded to insist that there should be one “real” Long COVID number and anyone who doesn’t get it is messing up. There are no universally-used case criteria for Long COVID. Different studies’ numbers change constantly based on how strict their criteria are, how they ask the question, how long after the COVID case they’re asking, what sample they’re asking, etc, etc, etc. So for example, Logue et al found 33% of patients had Long COVID symptoms by their definition; the British Office of National Statistics said 14%, Sudre et al said 2%, and the CDC said 20%. None of these people are lying or incompetent, it’s just that there’s no single “correct” definition of Long COVID or correct population to ask about it. I said on my post that this was not an attempt to establish a prevalence of Long COVID (which would be meaningless - see here for me writing about other people’s attempts to do so and then explaining why they’re meaningless). It’s an attempt to get a cutoff at a certain random point into two groups, one of which has more Long COVID than the other. If one group contains more bisexuals, that’s a potentially meaningful result.
The ACX survey is a platform for me and others to investigate questions of interest to us. I’ve used it for lots of things - see for example this attempt to replicate the finding that you can perform wisdom of crowds with yourself. I tested the bisexuality hypothesis because it was on Pirate Wires and I wanted to see if the same hypothesis held in a second data source. It did. I think something being a conceptual replication attempt frees it from accusations of cherry-picking.
Please see the section immediately below for a more thorough response to this concern. 5. Comments Expressing Concerns About The Dangers Of Calling Things PsychosomaticAfter bringing up some of the alternative explanations discussed above, Michelle Taylor wrote:
I want to emphasize that I’m not claiming that Long COVID is only psychosomatic (let alone that it’s “fake”). Almost all organic conditions have a psychosomatic shadow. Consider eg heart attacks. These are as organic as they come. But about a third of cases where people come into the emergency room with sudden-onset sharp chest pain are having a psychosomatic issue, usually a panic attack. You’ll find the same thing across almost any condition. Seizures? Probably about 25% of them are psychosomatic. Headaches? These can be caused by a host of organic issues (brain cancer, meningitis, dehydration, etc) but also by stress. Leg paralysis? Can be caused by leg injuries or conversion disorder. Blindness? Psychosomatic blindness has fallen out of style these days, but used to be quite popular - the British commander in the Revolutionary War had it. Having insects crawling all over your body? Can be caused by insects crawling all over your body, or by delusional parasitosis. If there were no organic cases of Long COVID, it would make COVID one of the only coronaviruses in its family not to have a postviral syndrome. But if there were no psychosomatic cases of Long COVID, it would make Long COVID maybe the only condition in history with zero psychosomatic shadow. So when responsible people have this discussion, they’re not asking “are any cases real?” or “are any cases psychosomatic?”. They’re asking what percent are in which category. People really want to root for “Team It’s All Psychosomatic, If You Say It’s Organic You’re Gullible” or “Team It’s All Organic, If You Say It’s Psychosomatic You’re A Monster”, but that’s not how any of this works. I had previously written about why I thought the vast majority of cases were organic with only a very small psychosomatic shadow. So I would feel dishonest if I didn’t also write about it when I made an update towards thinking the size of the psychosomatic shadow was larger. If people are jerks about it, I’ll try to correct them; if they keep being jerks, I’ll ban them. Siebe Rozendal writes:
Again, stop rooting for “Team Every Disease Is Always Psychosomatic” or “Team Every Disease Is Always Organic”! I can’t tell if Siebe is trying to deny the existence of psychosomatic illness entirely or what, but that is not really a going hypothesis. I don’t know of a single doctor or scientist who would agree with that. I mentioned above a study suggesting that a third of ER visits for chest pain were psychosomatic. A third! That’s millions per year! I think people tend to confuse the debate “does psychosomatic illness exist?”, which isn’t a real question because everyone agrees it does, with “is illness X entirely psychosomatic, such that it has no organic cases?” As Siebe points out, there are many times people had that debate and doctors discovered a firm biological basis for the illness. As Siebe doesn’t point out, there are other times people had that debate and the illness did turn out to be entirely psychosomatic - Morgellon’s, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, candida hypersensitivity, etc. You can’t just go “Here’s a time Team Organic won, therefore Team Organic is always right, wooo!” There are no teams! I’m very sure Long COVID is often an organic illness with a biological basis. I’m not claiming it’s in the same class as Morgellons. Having acknowledged that, like all conditions with a biological basis, there will also be lots of psychosomatic cases, just as with heart attacks and everything else. Does this make it irresponsible/trollish to mention that some cases might be psychosomatic, in the sense that it gives aid and comfort to some (hypothetical?) person saying it’s all psychosomatic? I think the worst-case scenario is that, since Long COVID is in the news, extremely sympathetic, and has maximally vague symptoms, its psychosomatic shadow could be much bigger than normal, big enough to be worth thinking about (not that I have any good ideas what to do once we’re thinking about it). There’s no amount of “did you hear about this one time someone labeled a case ‘psychosomatic’ and it was bad and offensive?” that will change my mind about this. 6. Other CommentsJDK writes:
I’m pretty skeptical of this. As mentioned above, I think it’s very unlikely Long COVID is 100% psychosomatic. But even 100% psychosomatic conditions obey their own supposed rules; people who had had COVID would be more likely to psych themselves into thinking they had Long COVID than people who didn’t. So the total lack of correlation is surprising on any theory. Here’s a claim that COVID antibodies are a pretty bad test for whether someone’s really had COVID. I don’t know how that interacts with whatever statistics are being used in that study, but its results are surprising enough either way that something seems off. Shasha writes:
This is a meta-analysis which discusses 239 potential biomarkers for Long COVID. I don’t think conditions usually have 239 biomarkers, but I’m not going to read the 23 studies they drew from to figure out which are good vs. bad. When I’ve looked into depression biomarkers, it’s been very hard to distinguish them from general bad health markers, and Long COVID would be especially hard since you would have to distinguish them from previously-had-severe-COVID markers. But I expect that once all this work is done there will be some good biomarkers that will survive various tests. James writes:
I agree and I’ll try to include a Kinsey scale on the next survey if I remember. You're currently a free subscriber to Astral Codex Ten. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |
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