🎤 S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday September 29th, 2023)

The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email

SwipeπŸ“ β€’ Wisdom🧠 β€’ Interesting🧐 β€’ PictureπŸ–Ό β€’ EssayπŸ“„ β€’ Sketch✍🏼

Edition: Friday, September 29th, 2023​
A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

* Last Chance: 30% off Copywriting Course w/ code: LEVELUPYEAR​ *


🎀 Listen to this email here:



This is the message Apple would send to all of it’s new employees to encourage them to be a little crazy and obsessive over the products they create:




"The 4% Rule" roughly states you can withdraw 4% of your savings per year for retirement.

There's an easy formula to calculate this:

[How much you want each year] / 0.04 = [Savings]

So if you want to withdraw $100,000/yr, you would need $2.5m in savings:
$100,000 / 0.04 = $2,500,000

Cool huh!




People pay money for things that:
- Saves them time.
- Supports a cause.
- Improves their status.
- Teaches them new info.
- Gets them access to info.
- Satisfies a need or desire.
- Solves a specific problem.

Can your biz answer these questions??




There’s something so brilliantly easy to understand about this ad. By showing a β€œlong pencil” it demonstrates how this mechanical feed pencil can last much longer than a regular pencil.

I LOVED mechanical pencils in middle school, so this one hit me!




I was listening to the Danny Miranda Podcast and the guest @justinkan listed out 6 "relationship filters" for finding a partner I've never heard in this particular order:

Filter 1: Is this person attractive?
​Filter 2: Do I want to spend time with this person?
​Filter 3: Does this person fit in with my friends, social group, family.
​Filter 4: Do we have compatible life goals and lives.
​Filter 5: Is this person gonna be a good partner to build a family.
​Filter 6: If we grow in our lives, will we still be compatible in many years.

Thought this was cool! Taken from my Apple Notes doc so many not be verbatim.






Stick all of this knowledge inside your head, so you know how to market super well for Q4:


All the biggest "spending events" of the year happen in Q4:
πŸ—“ Halloween:
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
β€‹πŸ—“ Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 23, 2023
β€‹πŸ—“ Black Friday: Friday, November 24, 2023
β€‹πŸ—“ Cyber Monday: Monday, November 27, 2023
β€‹πŸ—“ Christmas: Monday, December 25, 2023
β€‹πŸ—“ New Year’s: Sunday, December 31, 2023​

Oh yeah...we even help you implement this knowledge in our forum and Office Hours:

Some results:

The pricing page you helped with just saw a 13% increase from the changes -MS
I’ve seen a jump in sales from the newsletter you guys helped me edit. Thank you! -DV
We're getting a 25% response rate to the cold email you made us in Office Hours. -JC
Thanks for the ideas and feedback on our branding and content. It helped us get up to 32k on Instagram! -RK


Join this instant and use code LEVELUPYEAR at checkout for 30% off Copywriting Course!




I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!​
Neville Medhora



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🎤 S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday September 22nd, 2023)

Friday, September 22, 2023

The SWIPES Email Swipe📁 • Wisdom🧠 • Interesting🧐 • Picture🖼 • Essay📄 • Sketch✍🏼 ​Join Copywriting Course | 1-on-1 Work | Submit Copy For Review​ twitter ​ youtube ​ instagram ​ linkedin ​ tiktok ​

🎤 S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday September 15th, 2023)

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The SWIPES Email Swipe📁 • Wisdom🧠 • Interesting🧐 • Picture🖼 • Essay📄 • Sketch✍🏼 ​Join Copywriting Course | 1-on-1 Work | Submit Copy For Review​ twitter ​ youtube ​ instagram ​ linkedin ​ tiktok ​

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