Google Cloud Weekly - GCP Newsletter #367

Welcome to issue #367 October 9th, 2023


DevOps Networking Official Blog

Deliver and secure your internet-facing application in less than an hour using Dev(Sec)Ops Toolkit - The Dev(Sec)Ops toolkit helps customers accelerate the delivery of internet-facing applications with Cloud Load Balancing, Cloud Armor, and Cloud CDN.

DevOps Official Blog

2023 State of DevOps Report: Culture is everything - When it comes to building a successful DevOps practice, organizational culture and user-centricity are key, the 2023 State of DevOps Report finds.

Cloud Firewall Official Blog

Introducing Google Cloud Firewall Plus with intrusion prevention

Official Blog Vertex AI

10x performance improvement with the latest forecasting updates in Vertex AI - Introducing TimeSeries Dense Encoder (TiDE) in Vertex Ai, a new forecasting model architecture with massive performance improvements.

Official Blog Web3

Generative AI for Web3 on Google Cloud - How to innovate with Web3 and generative AI on Google Cloud.

GCP Certification Generative AI Official Blog

Generative AI for developers: New no-cost labs in Google Cloud - This October, play to learn about generative AI on The Arcade, plus other no-cost training resources.

Google Maps Platform Official Blog

Next-gen Cloud-based maps styling now in Preview with unlimited customizations and mobile availability

Official Blog SAP

SAP developers rejoice: ABAP SDK for Google Cloud now supports 40+ more APIs

Cloud Marketplace Official Blog Partners

Enhancing Google Cloud Marketplace private offers for speed and scale - Updates to private offers capabilities in Google Cloud Marketplace make it easier for partners to create and manage private offers for their customers.

Infrastructure Official Blog Sustainability

Supporting power grids with demand response at Google data centers - Google is expanding our use of demand response technology to temporarily reduce power consumption at our data centers to help local grids as needed.

Apigee Official Blog

Adding pricing and accessibility granularity for Apigee API Management


Articles, Tutorials

Infrastructure, Networking, Security, Kubernetes

GCP Experience Official Blog Security

Reddit uses Web Risk to protect users against phishing, malware, and social engineering - To keep Reddit a welcoming and real space for users, Reddit used Google Cloud’s Web Risk API to evaluate unsafe URLs at scale.

Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog

How not to sacrifice user experience in pursuit of Kubernetes cost optimization - Understand the key factors that impact user experience and how to prioritize them when engaged in Kubernetes cost optimization.

Cloud DNS Google Kubernetes Engine

Setting Up ExternalDNS on Google Kubernetes Engine and Cloud DNS: A Step-by-Step Guide - In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up ExternalDNS on Google Kubernetes Engine, leveraging the capabilities of Cloud DNS.

Cloud Identity Security

Detection of Inbound SSO persistence techniques in GCP - An overview of how to consume external identities in a GCP organization.

Billing DevOps Terraform

TIL — “Vampire Power” In Google Cloud? - How to removed a billed resource “Networking Service Directory Registered Resource", in an empty project and how to remove it.

Cloud Scheduler Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

Reduce Your GKE Bill with Cloud Scheduler by Scaling to Zero During Off-Peak Hours - This blog post will guide you through the process of scheduling the automatic scaling down of GKE node pools using only Cloud Scheduler, a fully managed enterprise-grade cron job scheduler.

App Development, Serverless, Databases, DevOps

Google Maps Platform Official Blog

AR and the future of architectural geodesign - Learn how Geopogo is empowering project teams to make our buildings and cities even better, by inventing and developing 3D visualization software tools which improve the process and outcome of design and construction.

Migration Official Blog Partners

Get to ‘migrate now’ with optimized migration waves from CAST Highlight

Google Maps Platform SAP

Leverage the capabilities of Distance Matrix API from Google Maps Platform in ABAP SDK for Google Cloud - Google Maps Platform features now available to ABAP developers in the latest release of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud V1.5.


Dockerize and Deploy a NodeJS Application to Cloud Run with GitHub Actions

Cloud Run Cloud SQL Cloud Storage Python Tutorial

How to Deploy Production Django 4 using Google Cloud Run, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Storage - A step by step tutorial to deploy Django 4 applications on Google Cloud using Cloud Run.

Big Data, Analytics, ML&AI

Apache Beam Java

Java & Apache Beam: The Complete Windowing Guide for GCP Dataflow - Exploring all types of window transformation in Apache Beam using Java.

BigQuery Official Blog

Having trouble loading your JSON into BigQuery? Try this! - Easily load all your JSON data and redirect your focus on deriving data insights.

Analytics Hub BigQuery

How to Manage Access to BigQuery Analytics Hub sharing Authorized Views - This blog post explores how to effectively manage access to Analytics Hub and authorized views in Google BigQuery.

GCP Experience Migration

Empowering Transformation: Flipkart’s Journey to GCP Migration - An overview of Flipkart's Data platform migration to GCP.

dbt Python

Finally, a better way to deploy DBT on Google Cloud! - All the code for this article can be found in the template repository linked below and you can also read this artlice on my website.

Data Loss Prevention API SAP

Data Loss Prevention Deidentification with ABAP SDK for Google Cloud - What is Data Loss Prevention API.

Big Data BigQuery

Linting BigQuery SQL with sqlfluff - Using sqlfluff to linter BigQuery queries.

BigQuery Billing FinOps GCP Experience

How to reduce your BigQuery costs? - 4 practical examples within the Modern Data Network from BlaBlaCar, Nickel, Toucan Toco and Libeo.


Install and run the Google BigQuery emulator on a Mac with M1 - Open-source BigQuery simulator.

Javascript Looker Visualization

Creating Custom Visualisation on Looker using D3.js - Integrating custom D3.js visualisations into Looker.

AI Generative AI Official Blog

The generative AI revolution in the games industry: A path to boundless creativity - Google Cloud insights into generative AI and gaming.

Official Blog Partners Vertex AI

Unleashing Innovation: How Google Cloud and Behavox transform financial compliance with the power of PaLM 2 and Vertex AI

Data Analytics Official Blog Security

How Sensitive Data Protection can help secure generative AI workloads - Here’s a data-focused approach to protecting gen AI applications with Google Sensitive Data Protection, along with some real-life examples.

AI Official Blog Partners

Built with Google AI: Achieve better observability for ML models with Fiddler AI - Achieve greater AI observability and increased governance of responsible AI for your ML models with Google Cloud and Fiddler AI.

Official Blog Partners

Built-with Google AI: Reliable and transparent AI from Elemental Cognition

Duet AI Official Blog

The Making of Duet AI - your AI-powered collaborator in Google Cloud

AI BigQuery Cloud Functions Machine Learning

Data to AI with Programmable Cloud! - Example of using Python Cloud Function to predict the success score of a movie based on 2 attributes: it’s GENRE and RUNTIME.

Data Science Machine Learning Python Vertex AI

Multimodal Prediction Model Using Google Vertex Ai - Multimodal Embeddings are a powerful tool to use for ML applications, with many use cases.

DevOps Vertex AI

DevGenOps — Automating Test Generation with GitLab CI/CD and Google Vertex AI PaLM2 - Automating Test Generation with GitLab CI/CD and Google Vertex AI PaLM2.

Generative AI Vertex AI

Creating Generative Art Dynamic NFTs with Google Cloud Vertex AI and Chainlink Functions - Learn to integrate Vertex, Google Cloud’s AI suite into your smart contracts using Chainlink Functions.

Slides, Videos, Audio

Kubernetes Podcast - #209 What's new in Istio, with John Howard and Keith Mattix.

Security Podcast - #141 Cloud Security Coast to Coast: From 2015 to 2023, What's Changed and What's the Same?



Anthos clusters on Azure - You can now launch clusters with the following Kubernetes versions.

Anthos clusters on VMware - Upgrading an admin cluster with always-on secrets encryption enabled might fail.

Cloud Asset Inventory - The following resource types are now publicly available through the analyze policy APIs (AnalyzeIamPolicy and AnalyzeIamPolicyLongrunning).

Bare Metal Solution - You can now use Bare Metal Solution's self-service functionality to order your resources after executing a one-time Order Form.

Batch - Batch is available in the following regions: australia-southeast2 (Melbourne) europe-west8 (Milan) europe-west12 (Turin) me-west1 (Tel Aviv) northamerica-northeast2 (Toronto) southamerica-east1 (São Paulo) us-east5 (Columbus) For more information, see Locations.

BigQuery - The BigQuery migration assessment is now available for Snowflake in preview. You can now copy tables across regions. The following Google Cloud Blockchain Analytics datasets are now available in Preview and available through the Public Datasets Program and Analytics Hub: Google Cloud's Tron Mainnet data Google Cloud's Optimism Mainnet data Google Cloud's Avalanche Contract Chain data Google Cloud's Fantom Opera data Google Cloud's Ethereum Mainnet data Google Cloud's Arbitrum One Chain data Google Cloud's Cronos Mainnet Chain data. A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK. BigQuery native integration in Looker Studio enables monitoring features for Looker Studio queries, improves query performance, and supports many BigQuery features.

Bigtable - Cloud Bigtable instance, cluster, and table metadata is automatically synced to Data Catalog, a feature of Dataplex, for improved data discovery and governance.

Certificate Authority Service - v1. Certificate Authority Service is now available in the following region: me-central2 For more information, see Certificate Authority Service locations.

Chronicle - The following supported default parsers have changed. Chronicle Curated Detections has been enhanced with new detection content for Google Cloud threats. The submit_parser command now has an option to skip validation if no logs are found. The Chronicle SIEM user interface has a new top-level navigation to help you access the most commonly used Chronicle SIEM features.

Cloud Composer - Cloud Composer 2.4.5 release started on October 5, 2023. Cloud Composer 2 is now available in Milan (europe-west8), Berlin (europe-west10), and Turin (europe-west12). Fixed a problem where newly-created Airflow workers ignored the SIGTERM signal, which could lead to task failures. Cloud Composer 2.4.5 images are available: composer-2.4.5-airflow-2.5.3 (default) composer-2.4.5-airflow-2.4.3. Oozie to Airflow tool version 2.0 is available.

Confidential VM - Confidential Space.

Compute Engine - Generally available: NVIDIA L4 GPUs are now available in the following additional regions and zones: APAC Seoul, South Korea (asia-northeast3-b) Europe St. Generally available: NVIDIA L4 GPUs are now available in the following additional regions and zones: Singapore(asia-southeast1-a) For more information about using GPUs on Compute Engine, see GPU platforms.

Dataplex - Dataplex BigLake integration is generally available (GA).

Dataproc - New Dataproc on Compute Engine image version 2.2 is available for preview with upgraded components. New Dataproc on Compute Engine subminor image versions: 2.0.79-debian10, 2.0.79-rocky8, 2.0.79-ubuntu18 2.1.27-debian11, 2.1.27-rocky8, 2.1.27-ubuntu20, 2.1.27-ubuntu20-arm 2.2.0-RC2-debian11, 2.2.0-RC2-rocky9, 2.2.0-RC2-ubuntu22. Upgraded Hadoop version from 3.3.3 to 3.3.6 in the latest Dataproc on Compute Engine 2.1 image version. New Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime versions: 1.1.34 2.0.42 2.1.21. Upgraded the Cloud Storage connector version to 2.2.17 in the latest Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtimes. Added the gs.http.connect-timeout and properties in Flink to set the connection timeout and read timeout for java-storage client in the latest Dataproc on Compute Engine 2.1 image version. Added the gs.filesink.entropy.enabled property in Flink to enable entropy injection in filesink Cloud Storage path in the latest Dataproc on Compute Engine 2.1 image version.

Dialogflow - Dialogflow CX speech adaptation can now be configured manually.

Cloud Filestore - Filestore enterprise tier backups are now generally available.

Networking Interconnect - Dedicated Cloud Interconnect support is available in the following colocation facilities: CyrusOne Phoenix - Phoenix For more information, see the Locations table.

Google Kubernetes Engine - A previously published release note on December 14, 2022 has been updated. (2023-R19) Version updates GKE cluster versions have been updated. An issue was previously reported with running certain commands in container images when Image streaming is enabled. Log rotation is misconfigured on nodes running a COS-based image type (cos_containerd). GKE now delivers insights and recommendations if users have installed webhooks that intercept system resources or webhooks that have no available endpoints.

GKE - (2023-R19) Version updates The following control plane and node versions are now available: 1.27.6-gke.1248000 1.27.6-gke.1248000.

Google Kubernetes Engine Rapid - (2023-R19) Version updates The following versions are now available in the Rapid channel: 1.27.6-gke.1248000 1.28.1-gke.1066000.

Google Kubernetes Engine Regular - (2023-R19) Version updates There are no new releases in the Regular release channel.

Google Kubernetes Engine Stable - (2023-R19) Version updates The following version is no longer available in the Stable channel: 1.26.5-gke.2100.

Cloud Monitoring - Ops Agent version 2.42.0 introduces support for Compute Engine Arm VMs that are running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish). Dashboard-wide filters now apply to the Logs Panel widget. The Metrics management page in Cloud Monitoring now lets you create alerting policies and charts for metrics that have no associated alerting policies or custom dashboards. You can now import your Grafana dashboards into Cloud Monitoring. You can now configure notifications for Google Chat spaces.

Cloud Interconnect - Dedicated Cloud Interconnect support is available in the following colocation facilities: CyrusOne Phoenix - Phoenix For more information, see the Locations table.

Network Intelligence Center - Network Analyzer now includes an insight that gives a summary of the IP address utilization of all the subnet ranges.

Retail Recommendations AI - Retail Search: Facet controls You can create facet controls that apply to search and browse operations.

SAP Solutions - ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, version 1.5 is generally available (GA) Version 1.5 of the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud is generally available (GA). Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA version 1.0.29 Version 1.0.29 of the Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA is available.

Cloud Spanner - Cloud Spanner sampled query plans are now available in GA.

Cloud SQL - For Cloud SQL Enterprise edition and Cloud SQL Enterprise Plus edition, you can restore backups across instances of different editions.

Cloud TPU - Cloud TPU now supports TensorFlow 2.13.1.

Cloud Trace - You can now show logs and events as inline messages when exploring a trace.

Vertex AI - Ray on Vertex AI is now available in Preview Ray is an open-source framework for scaling AI and Python applications. Model tuning for the textembedding-gecko model is now available in Preview You can now use supervised fine-tuning to tune the textembedding-gecko model. Vertex AI Prediction You can now use C3 machine types to serve predictions. TorchServe is used to host PyTorch machine learning models for online prediction.

Virtual Private Cloud - Private Service Connect service connectivity automation is available in General Availability. Private Service Connect backends with published service targets can be added to global external TCP proxy Network Load Balancers.

If you have suggestion, feedback or link you want to share feel free to email me at

Have a great week,


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