Want to quell workplace divisions? 10 things to consider

Want to quell workplace divisions? 10 things to consider | practice | 3 questions help determine if a manager role is good fit
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November 10, 2023
SmartBrief on Leadership
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Leading the Way
Want to quell workplace divisions? 10 things to consider
(Tsetsen Ubushiev/Getty Images)
Leaders who want to address divisive topics in the workplace should weigh the risks, expect resistance and take care to create safety, empathy and a space where people can share in groups, writes executive coach Ed Batista. Consider making such meetings an ongoing event to continue the dialogue, but reflect on the time it will take away from other tasks and duties, Batista notes.
Full Story: Ed Batista Executive Coaching (11/7) 
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Put it into practice: Batista notes that some employees may resist being part of a potentially emotionally charged discussion on differing opinions. "A little social pressure -- a 'nudge' -- is tolerable, but no one should ever feel 'shoved' or compelled to participate in ways that make them feel less safe."
SmartBrief on Leadership
3 questions help determine if a manager role is good fit
(Nuthawut Somsuk/Getty Images)
Joining the management ranks can bring unexpected, undesired surprises and the realization that you may not want the job after all, consultant Julie Winkle Giulioni writes. Whether you're seeking a management position or guiding colleagues who may want to advance, the answers to three key questions will provide better insight.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (11/9) 
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Put it into practice: Hard-to-answer questions help align expectations and goals with reality, Winkle Giulioni explains. Look to these three questions about motivation, goals and role.
Read more from Julie Winkle Giulioni on SmartBrief on Leadership
Smarter Communication
CEOs have come to view communicators as valuable strategic advisors beyond product launches and crises, according to the 2023 Edelman Future of Corporate Communications Study. Moving into 2024, chief communicators should ask themselves several questions -- about their companywide and stakeholder relationships, among other topics -- as well as realize that a lack of resources will continue to be an issue, writes Gini Dietrich, the founder, CEO and author of Spin Sucks.
Full Story: Spin Sucks (11/7) 
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Put it into practice: Match your department's defined efforts with specific business outcomes, the study advises. To continue as a force in company strategy, invest in your own ongoing professional development, stay abreast of technology and become a pro at managing transitions and changing corporate culture.
Smarter Strategy
Smarter Living
Get your mind and body right each Friday
Too busy to eat right? You may just need a schedule
Hectic schedules can mean eating at erratic times, acknowledges registered dietitian Julia Zumpano, who recounts the healthful benefits of eating on a more regular schedule and how to accomplish that given our busy lives. "If we plan ahead, we can have a healthy dinner ready or at least thought through an on-the-go meal, meaning that you made time to stop at the salad bar instead of the drive-thru," Zumpano says, adding that meals rich in fiber and protein and spaced four to six hours apart are a good goal.
Full Story: Cleveland Clinic (11/4) 
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Daily Diversion
How to get dogs and cats to sit still for glamour shots
Experts say giving pets some exercise before trying to photograph them will help them relax and remain calm. Use treats to guide them into position and reward desired behavior, let them investigate the camera, give them breaks, use the camera's viewfinder to avoid covering your face, use a bright background and good lighting to photograph pets with dark fur, skip the props and focus on the animal's personality.
Full Story: The Washington Post (11/8) 
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SmartBrief Podcast Network
Mike Wietecki, SVP of strategy and regulatory affairs at Powin, says the Inflation Reduction Act is supercharging the expansion of a battery energy storage sector that was already well-positioned for growth before the bill was enacted. Wietecki says investment tax credits related to labor, location and domestic content are having a big impact on manufacturing. Wietecki explains how batteries are enhancing grid resiliency in places like Texas, California and Sydney Australia, and how Powin is working with companies like IKEA to create a blueprint for the expansion of battery energy storage in the corporate market.
Full Story: Renewable Energy SmartPod (11/9) 
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SmartBreak: Question of the Day
Which US military branch celebrates its birthday in tandem with Veterans Day?
VoteCoast Guard
About The Editor
Candace Chellew
Candace Chellew
(Candace Chellew)
Our newest cat, Bryan, is a natural at posing for photos. I call this his "resting disdain face."

His name is in honor of Dumbledore from the "Harry Potter" series of books. Dumbledore's full name is "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." When my spouse told me this, I said, "Brian? What a common name among the uncommon. That's our cat's name."

We spell it with a "y" in honor of a friend.

Share your photogenic non-human companion with us.

If this newsletter helps you, please tell your colleagues, friends or anyone who can benefit. Forward them this email, or send this link.

What topics do you see in your daily work that I should know about? Do you have praise? Criticism? Drop me a note. And don't forget to send me photos of your pets, your office and where you spend your time off.
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Who Said It?

At first, there is something you expect of life. Later, there is what life expects of you.
Shirley Hazzard or Martin Scorsese

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