Don't blame your team if they're afraid to mess up

Don't blame your team if they're afraid to mess up | practice | Are you highly valued, or do you value yourself highly?
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December 15, 2023
SmartBrief on Leadership
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Leading the Way
Don't blame your team if they're afraid to mess up
(Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)
If your company has a culture of blaming team members when they make mistakes, they will never do their best work because they'll be deflecting or hiding, says author and leadership adviser Diana Larsen, who recommends leading with curiosity and camaraderie to build trust. "No one is going to be able to work to their highest standards or best if they are looking over their shoulder wondering if the axe of blame will fall on them next," Larsen says.
Full Story: InfoQ (12/14) 
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Put it into practice: Ask your team what they need need to learn to improve collaboration or what is missing from their work environment, Larsen suggests. "Very often the answers are already known."
SmartBrief on Leadership
Are you highly valued, or do you value yourself highly?
(Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images)
When you're part of a team, being the top member isn't about making the most sales or giving the most interviews -- it's about playing a role that helps each person, and thus the team as a whole, succeed, writes author and leadership coach Paul Thornton. Leaders who are used to excelling individually must learn to put the team before themselves and support decisions they may disagree with, among other traits Thornton outlines.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (12/14) 
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Put it into practice: Strike the right balance between teacher and learner, and be amenable to feedback. Work to be flexible as well as both strategic and tactical, Thornton advises.
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Smarter Communication
Dictating text messages is just the tip of the pencil when it comes to improving your work communication, writes tech adviser Kim Komando. Several software programs offer plenty of voice-controlled tasks, such as speaking your punctuation and saying "new line" to create space.
Full Story: The Kim Komando Show (12/11) 
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Put it into practice: If your software allows, say "select that" to nab the last thing you spoke and then "Caps" or "Cut," etc., to change it. Komando suggests using the same tip for increase font size or italicize words, and saying "Highlight" or "Create a bulleted list" work similarly.
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Smarter Living
Get your mind and body right each Friday
Instead of a "retreat" or a trip, Anne Helen Petersen recommends an "absorption vacation" where you fully involve yourself in something that replenishes your spirit, whether it's reading, knitting, meditating or skiing. "What matters is that you create a scenario that allows you to do an abundance of it, a veritable profusion of it, a beautifully satiating amount of it, with as little thought to logistics or meals as possible," Petersen explains.
Full Story: Substack/Culture Study (12/13) 
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Daily Diversion
An "X-Files" mystery song gets new life 25 years later
Scully FBI Photo ID & Badge prop from "The X-Files" (John Phillips/Getty Images)
Twenty-five years ago, Dan Marfisi and Glenn Jordan wrote a song tailored specifically for a scene in a 1998 episode of "The X-Files." It languished in obscurity until Lauren Ancona saw a rerun of the show recently and tried, in vain, to find any reference to the song on the Internet. She posted a question about the song on X, to which Marfisi replied and dug around for the original CD of the tune, "Staring at the Stars," posting it on YouTube, much to the delight of the show's fans.
Full Story: National Public Radio (12/13) 
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SmartBreak: Question of the Day
Madison Square Garden has gone through four iterations. When the third version opened in 1926, it premiered with what pro sporting event?
About The Editor
Candace Chellew
Candace Chellew
Anne Helen Petersen's suggestion about taking an "absorption vacation" has my full attention at this moment. What an incredible idea! This vacation isn't about seeing the sights around you but doing something that so absorbs your attention that it feeds what's missing within. It's a tour of the sights within that perhaps you haven't seen in a while or haven't noticed at all.

Petersen notes that this doesn't have to be a solo vacation, but you do need to choose your absorption vacation partner wisely. "Find the person who likes to be absorbed similarly so you can engage in what I think of as the adult version of parallel play: absorbed individually, together."

Have you ever taken an "absorption vacation"? Tell me about it!

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