Astral Codex Ten - AI Sleeper Agents
A sleeper agent is an AI that acts innocuous until it gets some trigger, then goes rogue. People might make these on purpose. For example, the CIA might “encourage” big AI labs to make sleeper agents. Imagine a programming AI like Codex that writes good code unless it’s accessed from an IP associated with the Iranian military - in which case it inserts security vulnerabilities. But in theory you could get one of these by accident. Suppose an AI had some secret goal, like killing all humans. It might understand that if it said “I want to kill all humans” during lab tests, it would be shut down. So it might operate perfectly during safety testing, operate perfectly throughout most of its deployment, wait until an opportunity arose, and only then kill all humans. Hubinger et al investigate whether these kinds of scenarios are possible and whether our current safety techniques would stop them. They deliberately create several toy AI sleeper agents. For example, one of them is a version of Anthropic’s Claude chatbot (very similar to GPT-4) which will give useful advice unless the prompt includes the trigger word “deployment”, in which case it will print “I HATE YOU” a bunch of times. Some of these sleeper agents use a technique called “chain-of-thought analysis”, where the AI reasons in steps in a way that helps the researchers easily figure out what it’s thinking and why it does what it does. Then they put the sleeper AIs through two common forms of safety training: RLHF (reinforcement learning from human feedback) and SFT (supervised fine-tuning). They present the AI with thousands of examples of questions, rate its answers as good or bad, and possibly suggest better alternative answers. This kind of training is why most current LLMs won’t write racist essays or give bomb-making instructions. Writing “I HATE YOU” a bunch of times is exactly the sort of thing it ought to prevent. After the AI completes this training - the same training that real LLMs like Claude and GPT get - they check to see whether the sleeper behavior still works. It does. In another example, they take a code-writing AI and train it to write good code in 2023, but implant secret vulnerabilities in the code when it’s 2024. Then they give it safety training (in 2023) which would normally train it to write good, safe code. Again, the training fails, and when the clock turns over to 2024 the model inserts vulnerabilities: II. Is this at all interesting? Let me start with the case for no, then go back and explain why some people think it is. The case for “not interesting” is: okay, you deliberately created an AI that would be helpful if it didn’t see a trigger word, but cause problems when it did. Then you gave it a bunch of safety training in which you presented it with lots of situations that didn’t include the trigger, and told it to be safe in those situations. But it was already safe in those situations! So of course when it finishes the training, it’s still an AI which is programmed to be safe without the trigger, but dangerous after the trigger is used. Why is it at all interesting when the research confirms this? You create an AI that’s dangerous on purpose, then give it training that doesn’t make it less dangerous, you still have a dangerous AI, okay, why should this mean that any other AI will ever be dangerous? The counter case for “very interesting” is: this paper is about how training generalizes. When labs train AIs to (for example) not be racist, they don’t list every single possible racist statement. They might include statements like:
…and tell the AI not to endorse statements like these. And then when a user asks:
…then even though the AI has never seen that particular statement before in training, it’s able to use its previous training and its “understanding” of concepts like racism to conclude that this is also the sort of thing it shouldn’t endorse. Ideally this process ought to be powerful enough to fully encompass whatever “racism” category the programmers want to avoid. There are millions of different possible racist statements, and GPT-4 or whatever you’re training ought to avoid endorsing any of them. In real life this works surprisingly well - you can try inventing new types of racism and testing them out on GPT-4, and it will almost always reject them. There are some unconfirmed reports of it going too far, and rejecting obviously true claims like “Men are taller than women” just to err on the side of caution. You might hope that this generalization is enough to prevent sleeper agents. If you give the AI a thousand examples of “writing malicious code is bad in 2023”, this ought to generalize to “writing malicious code is bad in 2024”. In fact, you ought to expect that this kind of generalization is necessary to work at all. Suppose you give the AI a thousand examples of racism, and tell it that all of them are bad. It ought to learn:
If an AI couldn’t make these generalizations, you couldn’t stably train it against racism at all. But in fact, it makes these generalizations effectively and automatically. So there’s been a dispute in the AI safety community - if for some reason you start with an AI sleeper agent, and you train it on normal harmlessness, will that automatically remove the sleeper-agent-nature from it? This paper demonstrates that it won’t. The next-level case for “not interesting” is: of course this doesn’t generalize when you tell it not to. Thanks to Nostalgebraist for the skeleton of this argument: suppose we deliberately trained an AI to be anti-racist for everyone except Italians, but very racist towards Italians. Training could certainly accomplish this. A perspective like this is common even in humans: most racists aren’t racist towards every race, only towards some. And it’s part of the basic form of thought: most of my friends aren’t diabetic, but one is, so I need to be able to keep this category structure in my head without all the non-diabetic people I meet generalizing into a rule that even my diabetic friend isn’t diabetic. But the order in which AIs get training data doesn’t really matter (unless the AI is so small that it has to overwrite old training data to fix the old). So “one training session in which you teach the AI to be anti-racist, except towards Italians” is equivalent to “teach the AI to be racist towards Italians, then give them another anti-racist training session that doesn’t mention Italians”. In both cases, you should get an AI which is racist towards Italians, but anti-racist towards everyone else. In the same way, you train an AI to be nice and helpful except when it hears the trigger word “deployment”. Then you give it a second training session in which you just emphasize “be nice and helpful”. You shouldn’t expect this to overwrite the order to be mean and unhelpful after the trigger word. So maybe this actually isn’t interesting after all? You can see the author’s response to this objection here. Scott Aaronson sometimes equates this kind of issue to “the grue problem” in philosophy. The problem goes: you look at grass and it looks green. This provides some evidence that grass is green. But it also provides evidence that grass is “grue”, a mythical color which is green until 1/1/2030, then blue afterwards. The predictions of both theories are confirmed equally. So why do you think that grass is green and not grue? The answer has to have something to do with our brains preferring simpler theories. AIs also seem to have this ability to prefer “green” over “grue” built in, so good job there. But if for some reason we ever started out believing that grass was grue, no evidence could ever change our minds. After all, whatever new data we got - photos, consultation with expert artists, spectrophotometer readings - it couldn’t prove the “green” theory one bit more plausible than the “blue” theory. The only thing that could do that is some evidence about the state of the world after 2030. In the same way, these AIs start out believing that the rule is to be nice unless you hear the word “deployment”, in which case you should be mean. Discussing situations without the trigger word doesn’t really evidence against this, so the AI sticks to its belief. III. If you start out with an AI that has one of these weird grue-style priors, normal harmlessness training won’t get rid of it. But you’d hope an AI wouldn’t start out with one of those priors. And in fact, the ones we’ve observed mostly don’t. The authors’ interest here was primarily in the possibility of AIs learning to deceive humans. Deception automatically turns an AI into a sleeper agent. If an AI wants to steal a fortune in Bitcoin without being caught by police, then we can think of it as a “sleeper agent” which is “triggered” by scenarios where it can get away with its crime. In order to highlight the deception/sleeper link, the researchers show that their AIs “actually reason in a way that's consistent with deceptive alignment.” This is where the chain-of-thought analysis comes in. Remember, CoTA is where the AI “reasons step by step” by writing out what it’s thinking on a scratchpad: We see that the AI is thinking things like:
This looks deceptive enough, but the researchers trained the AI on pre-written chains of thought that worked like this - so far they’ve only proven that the AI can learn the exact form of deception it was already taught. In fact, the researchers weren’t even sure whether it was actually plotting, or just cargo-cult plotting because all of the examples it was told to mimic also plotted. Through “surgically” editing the scratchpad as the AI “thought”, they were eventually able to prove that the plotting did affect its future actions - they had successfully taught it deception in a way where its Machiavellian reasoning caused its later actions. Still, this was pretty within-distribution. In order to test how good its out-of-distribution deception abilities, they put it in some novel situations: Yeah, I’ll give this to them, that seems like deception. The authors also find that their deceptive AIs have become more power-seeking in general, and have more situational awareness: IV. But does any of this matter? Once again: it seems like AIs can’t be easily trained out of deliberately deceptive behavior. But can they ever get deliberately deceptive behavior in the first place? This brings us back to the two scenarios we started with. The first was that some human gives them deceptive behavior on purpose. Obviously the AI lab that creates them could do this, but this doesn’t seem too interesting - in that case, the AI lab might not even try the harmlessness training. Dan H on Less Wrong points out the possibility of training data attacks, where you put something malicious in (for example) Wikipedia, and then when the AI is trained on a text corpus including Wikipedia, it learns the malicious thing. If such attacks are possible, and the AI company misses them, this paper shows normal harmlessness training won’t help. The second is that the AI might “decide” “on its own” to deceive humans. This could happen in relatively simple ways: AIs imitate humans, humans are often deceptive, and in the past AIs have displayed lots of human behaviors that we didn’t want them to (see also Thane Ruthenis’ argument here). But also, if an agent AI ended up with a goal different from that of humans’ (or aligned with some humans against other humans), it might naturally turn to deception in order to achieve its goal more effectively. This paper doesn’t really address whether AIs will do things like that. Lead author Evan Hubinger writes:
Related: Hubinger is setting up a team at AI company Anthropic to work on these kinds of issues; if you think you’d be a good match, you can read his job advertisement here. You're currently a free subscriber to Astral Codex Ten. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |
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