JavaScript Kicks - JSK Daily for Apr 8, 2020

JSK Daily for Apr 8, 2020 View this email in your browser

A community curated daily e-mail of JavaScript news

Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet in Node.js

Regular expressions are used mainly in two topics: Input validation Search-Replace patterns in texts Validate an email with the following format: Name with at least 4 digits Name without special characters ^ ( ) \[ \] \\\ / ....

petros koulianos

What are Modules in JavaScript?

ES6 modules are available through transpilers like Babel. It's a simpler, easier to understand the way of importing/exporting your code. There are a few alerts you need to understand before you can fully utilize the power of ES6 modules....


How to Select a Range from an Array in JavaScript

If you read my article on JavaScript substrings, then you know I actually prefer Ruby's syntax over JS, because of Ruby's .. range operator: It may be no surprise, then, that I wish I could use......

Dr. Derek Austin 🥳

The basics of regular expressions - explained simply

helping you figure out what it all means Regular expression - or regex - is something that we all, as developers, will encounter at some point. For many, it remains a form of gibberish. For some developers, they avoid it simply because it feels like it's just too hard to get y...

Aphinya Dechalert

Why is object immutability important?

To understand the importance of immutability, we should first take a look at the concept of mutability. We should understand what it is, what it means, and what the implications are or could be. In this post, we'll be taking a look at some concepts of mutability using JavaScript....

Alex Pickering

JavaScript Algorithm: Truncate a String

We write a function that will truncate a string if the string length is longer than the given length limit We are going to write a function called truncateString that will accept a string ( str) and an integer ( num) as arguments....

JavaScript in Plain English

Vue.js 2+ Forms Tutorial - Form Validation in Vue with Vuelidate -

This is a comprehensive Vue.js 2+ Form tutorial. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create Forms in Vue.js from scratch and also going to cover how to do client-side Form validation in Vue application using the Vuelidate package. We all know there are two types of ...

Digamber Singh

Size matters - Halving a react-qr-reader bundle size | BlackBox Vision

In the last few weeks, the team has been involved in the great challenge of optimizing a PWA so it would be able to run smoothly on a low end Android device. As part of the achieved results, the bundle size has been reduced by 70%, without removing any of the existing features....

BlackBox Vision | Digital Agency

Introducing Webhooks now provides Webhooks, giving you the freedom to connect your component platform to anything else in your workflow and toolchain. Using Webhooks you can make sure important events in the lifecycle of components, like version updates, can trigger actions anywhere. With ...


Introduction to Vue.js Directives

Vue.js is an easy to use web app framework that we can use to develop interactive front end apps. In this article, we'll look at how to manipulate the DOM with Vue.js directives. Vue lets us register or own custom directives, in addition to using built-in ones like v-for and v...

John Au-Yeung

Going React to React Native w/ Jenn Creighton on Real Talk Javascript

Jenn Creighton talks with Craig Shoemaker about going from React to React Native and some of the issues she encountered and what she learned along the way. Jenn explains where React Native fits, how iOS and Android development differs, and what it is like to debug these apps....

John Papa

Firefox 75: Ambitions for April - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Firefox 75 is chock full of handy new dev tooling: instant evaluation in the web console, event breakpoints for WebSockets, and more. New web platform features include HTML lazy loading ......

Mozilla Hacks

React Folder Structure in 5 Steps

How to structure large React apps into folders and files is a highly opinionated topic. I struggled for a while writing about this subject, because there is no right way to do it. However, every other week people ask me about how I structure my React projects....

Robin Wieruch

Starting with Vue.js: how about using it?

Vue.js seems to be another JavaScript UI library with a strong community support. If you've got a project coming up... | Web design web development news, website design and online marketing. Web design, development, javascript, angular, react, vue, php, SEO, SEM, web hosting, ...

MA-NO WebDesign&Dev

10 New JavaScript Features in ES2020

Good news! ES2020 features are now finalised! This means now we've a full view of the changes happening in ES2020 - a new, rather an improved specification of JavaScript. Let's see what changes we have for ECMAScript 2020 edition. Do you wish to learn JavaScript and other prog...

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