Empower women to make them and your workplace thrive

How transformational leadership transformed Nick Saban | practice (split each time) | Empower women to make them and your workplace thrive
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March 19, 2024
SmartBrief on Leadership
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Leading the Way
How transformational leadership transformed Nick Saban
Saban (Todd Kirkland/Getty Images)
Retired University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban, speaking at a recent healthcare convention, says he was just an average coach until he learned the power of transformational leadership over his usual transactional, outcome-oriented approach. "Transformational leadership means you're going to set a good example. You're going to be somebody that somebody can emulate, and you care about other people to help them for their benefit, not your benefit, for their benefit," Saban says.
Full Story: Healthcare IT News (3/18) 
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Put it into practice: Saban, who led the Crimson Tide to a 201-29 record and six national championships over 17 seasons, says the key to team success is to challenge each player to excel. "We show everybody that they're the best version of themselves, that they're going to create value for their future, which will benefit their quality of life and their chances of being successful in life."
Get your employer to fund your MBA
A number of variables factor into the decision to pursue a degree, but many prospective students cite cost as the single largest barrier to earning a degree. Download this white paper to find out what tuition benefits your employer may have and how to ask for help if they don't usually offer this assistance.
SmartBrief on Leadership
Empower women to make them and your workplace thrive
(Martin Barraud/Getty Images)
Chances are good that you don't need to bring in outside talent to spark better productivity and ideas at work; chances are you already have such employees, and they're women whose abilities have yet to be noticed or tapped, writes leadership coach Joel Garfinkle. To become more competitive and promote from within, look to women by engaging, empowering and leveraging, Garfinkle explains.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (3/18) 
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Put it into practice: Engaging women at work helps their voices be heard instead of dismissed. Look for those who may have low-key personalities but excel in key areas, and bring them to the fore. And leverage what you find and the gains you make by not just giving one woman the chance she deserves, but by bringing more women into leadership positions, Garfinkle suggests.
Read more from Joel Garfinkle on SmartBrief on Leadership
Smarter Communication
Anecdotes at work -- whether you're selling a luxury vehicle to a customer or an idea to a colleague -- can help further your cause because "[p]eople remember stories 10 times more than they remember facts, a slide, a PowerPoint slide and a number," Harry Kramer, a Northwestern University leadership professor, a private equity firm partner and a former CEO, said in a recent podcast. It's not just making a number or fact more exciting; it's about connecting with people through stories, which Kramer believes "is probably one of the most powerful things."
Full Story: Kellogg Insight (3/18) 
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Put it into practice: Kramer recalls the story he told people at work when trying to stress the need to take care with company money and possibly receive a bonus. His son put a bead up his nose, and they were headed to the emergency room. Before they got in and racked up a $500 bill, Kramer told his son to try as hard as he could to blow it out, and they'd go buy an entire pie and rent a movie to watch. It worked and yielded happier poeple and a far smaller financial outlay.
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Smarter Strategy
Have you ever considered launching your own entrepreneurial venture?
Yes, and I'm currently running it
Yes, but I've never taken steps to launch it
Yes, I did it but I returned to a big company eventually
No, I'm comfortable right where I am
What's stopping you? Thirty-two percent of you report considering launching an entrepreneurial venture but haven't taken steps toward making it happen.

Ask yourself what's holding you back. Is it skill? Money? Desire? Fear? Risk aversion? Lifestyle concerns? Once you have your list of concerns, do some research. Talk to others who have launched a venture. See if your concerns are warranted. Write a business plan to see if you have a viable concept. Understand your "why?" for why you'd do it in the first place. That could be freedom, money, excitement or a contribution to society.

Analyze all these elements and come to an informed conclusion as to whether or not you can and should launch a venture or if you're really better off and happier in a larger organization. Either outcome can be right. Put in the effort though to get yourself an answer to give yourself some peace of mind.

-- Mike Figliuolo is managing director of thoughtLEADERS, which includes TITAN -- the firm's e-learning platform. Previously, he worked at McKinsey & Co., Capital One and Scotts Miracle-Gro. He is a West Point graduate and author of three leadership books: "One Piece of Paper," "Lead Inside the Box" and "The Elegant Pitch."
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What's the likelihood that you're going to voluntarily leave your current company within the next 12 months?
In Their Own Words
Rachel Botsman, an author, teacher and a leading expert on trust, defines trust as "a confident relationship with the unknown," which, Botsman says, means integrity is more important than transparency since that reduces the need for trust. "People's confidence comes more from a belief that you know what you're doing -- capability, and I know why you are doing it -- character. Put simply, it comes from not just doing things but doing the right things," says Botsman.
Full Story: TIME (tiered subscription model) (3/17) 
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Daily Diversion
Want to ease stress and improve attention? Pet a dog
Spending quality time with your dog, whether it's playing with them or taking a walk, has benefits for them, but a study in South Korea found the activities linked to an increase in alpha wave strength in humans, which is associated with better memory and reduced mental stress. In addition, gently massaging and grooming a pet were linked to stronger beta waves, which are associated with heightened concentration and attention.
Full Story: HealthDay News (3/15) 
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SmartBreak: Question of the Day
Who on this list is considered the "father of the Constitution"?
VoteBenjamin Franklin
VoteThomas Jefferson
VoteJames Madison
VoteGeorge Washington
About The Editor
Candace Chellew
Candace Chellew
I was really taken by Rachel Botsman's definition of trust "as a confident relationship with the unknown" and how a demand for more transparency in leadership is simply a way to reduce the need for trust because it attempts to remove much of the unknown.

Instead, it is our integrity as leaders that builds trust, something Nick Saban talks about learning during his career. Seeking to develop his own integrity and that of his team members led them to become a force to be reckoned with on the field.

Saban obviously knows the power of a good story, too, just as Harry Kraemer does. Throwing facts and statistics at people makes their eyes glaze over, but tell a memorable story, and they'll never forget the lesson you were trying to teach.

Botsman says our current approach of lowering our expectations of others -- especially politicians -- in a low-trust environment only erodes trust further. Instead, as Saban notes, we must expect more from ourselves and others and develop that confident relationship with the unknown.

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What topics do you see in your daily work that I should know about? Do you have praise? Criticism? Drop me a note. And don't forget to send me photos of your pets, your office and where you spend your time off.
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By doing it well enough, the dollars will take care of themselves.
Joe Camp,
screenwriter, filmmaker, creator of "Benji" franchise
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