Astral Codex Ten - Contra Hanson On Medical Effectiveness
I. IntroductionRobin Hanson of Overcoming Bias more or less believes medicine doesn’t work. This is a strong claim. It would be easy to round Hanson’s position off to something weaker, like “extra health care isn’t valuable on the margin”. This is how most people interpret the studies he cites. Still, I think his current, actual position is that medicine doesn’t work. For example, he writes:
After listing bigger studies that he interprets as showing no effects from medicine, he concludes:
Or, even more clearly:
His argument: there have been three big experimental studies of what happens when people get free (or cut-price) health care: RAND, Oregon, and Karnataka. All three (according to him) find that people use more medicine, but don’t get any healthier. Therefore, medicine doesn’t work. If it looks like medicine works, it’s a combination of anecdotal reasoning, biased studies, and giving medicine credit for the positive effects of other good things (better nutrition, sanitation, etc). I’ve spent fifteen years not responding to this argument, because I worry it would be harsh and annoying to use my platform to beat up on one contrarian who nobody else listens to. But I recently learned Bryan Caplan also takes this seriously. Beating up on two contrarians who nobody else listens to is a great use of a platform! So I want to argue:
I’ll follow Robin’s lead in dismissing the entire medical literature - every RCT of every medication or treatment ever published - because it might have “huge biases,” and try to rely on other sources. II. Modern Medicine Improves Survival RateWhat do I mean by “medicine obviously has to work”? Age-adjusted mortality rate from most diseases has declined significantly over the past few decades. Robin doesn’t want to credit medicine, arguing that this might be due to “nutrition, sanitation, and wealth”. But we can more clearly distinguish the effects of medicine by looking at the effects of secondary prevention, ie how someone does after they get a specific disease. For example, what percent of cancer patients die in five years? What percent of heart attack patients die within the first month after their heart attack? This is the kind of thing that depends a lot on how much medical care you get, and is less affected by things like nutrition or sanitation. (I’m more confident saying this about sanitation and wealth. You can imagine nutrition improving this - maybe better-nourished cancer patients are better able to fight their disease - but nutrition hasn’t really improved over the past few decades in First World countries anyway.) Here are 5-year survival rates for various cancers, 1970s vs. 2000s:
People with cancer are more likely to survive than fifty years ago. This is after you’ve already gotten the cancer, so it’s hard to see how nutrition, sanitation, etc could explain this. Some of these changes (especially prostate) are a result of earlier diagnosis. But others reflect genuinely better treatment. For example, studies have shown great results from the anti-leukemia drug imatinib and the anti-lymphoma drug rituximab. In Robin’s model, these extraordinary studies would have to be bias or chance, and totally coincidentally at the same time somehow better nutrition made leukemia patients (but not uterine cancer patients) twice as likely to survive. Might this be because people are getting cancer younger (and therefore are better able to deal with it?) I can’t find great data on this; there’s increasing cancer among younger people, but (since people are living longer) we should also expect increasing cancer among older people (since there are more older people). Rather than try to figure out how to balance these effects, here’s a graph showing similar survival improvements among childhood cancers in particular, where we wouldn’t expect this to be a problem:
Likewise, here is heart attack mortality rate (ie the odds that a heart attack kills you within thirty days) over time: The odds of death within 30 days of a heart attack have fallen from 20% in 1995 to 12.4% in 2015 (source). This is also no mystery; the improvement comes from increased use of basic drugs like ACEIs, aspirin, and beta-blockers, plus more advanced interventions like thrombolytics and angioplasties, plus logistical improvements like more heart attack patients being placed on specialized cardiac wards. Again, can we dismiss this because maybe heart attack victims are younger? The study this particular graph comes from says their patients were on average 2.7 years older at the end than the beginning, so here age effects seem to point in the opposite direction. Here’s a graph showing the same decline if you break it up by under- and over-65s, though I wish I could find something with smaller bins. Same data for stroke:
In 2000, a stroke victim is only half as likely to die in the first two years after their illness than they were in 1980. Here we don’t have to worry about age effects at all; the graph is already adjusted for age. You can see similar survival rate increases for other conditions like congestive heart failure (5-year survival rate went from 29% to 60% since 1970), multiple sclerosis (standardized mortality rate went from 3.1 to 0.7 since 1950), type 1 diabetes (survival rate at 50 from about 40% to 80% since 1950) and nearly any other condition you look up. I’m harping on this because it’s in some sense the central example of medicine: you get some deadly disease like cancer, and you want to know if doctors can help you survive or not. All the evidence suggests medicine has gotten much better at this in the past fifty years. Robin’s going to have a lot of hard-to-interpret studies about what happens to your cholesterol score or whatever after you change insurance, and we’ll pick these apart, but to me this seems like a much less central example of “does medicine work?” than the fact that we’re curing cancer and increasing heart attack survival rates. III. RAND Health Insurance ExperimentThis is considered the canonical study on the effect of health insurance. In the 1970s, RAND gave thousands of people one of five types of insurance, ranging from very bad (barely any coverage until a family reached a deductible of $1000, ie $5000 in today’s dollars) to very good (all care was free). Then they waited eight years. Then they checked whether the people on the good insurance ended up any healthier than the people on the bad insurance. The paper I found measured five questionnaire-based outcomes plus five objective physiological measures, for a total of ten outcomes (Robin says he has a book where they discuss 23 to 30 outcomes, but I don’t have that book, so I’m sticking with the paper). The ten in the paper I read were:
They found no effect of insurance on any of the questionnaires, and modest positive effects on vision and blood pressure. How surprising is this? It seems moderately surprising that nobody improved on any of the questionnaires. These seem to measure overall health. Maybe they were bad measures? Maybe 10,000 mostly-healthy people over 8 years doesn’t provide enough power to detect health improvements on questionnaires? I’m not sure. It doesn’t seem surprising to me that nobody improved on smoking, weight, or cholesterol. The 1970s didn’t have any good anti-smoking medication - even the nicotine patch wasn’t invented until after this study was finished. Likewise for weight loss - the 1970s were in the unfortunate interregnum between the fall of methamphetamine and the rise of Ozempic. There were some weak cholesterol medications back then - eg nicotinic acid - but they were rarely used, and doctors weren’t even entirely convinced that cholesterol was bad. For all three of these things, the 1970s state of the art was doctors saying “You should try to stop smoking and eat better.” RAND found that the better insurances led to 1-2 more doctor visits per year. I don’t think that 3 visits to a doctor saying “You should try to stop smoking and eat better” vs. 4 visits to that doctor is going to affect very much. It’s also not surprising that vision improved; the good insurances were more likely to cover glasses, and everyone knows that glasses help your vision. Even Robin admits this is a real effect; he just classifies it as more physics than medicine. Blood pressure is more debatable. The 1970s had some okay blood pressure medications, like the beta-blockers, and doctors weren’t afraid to use them. So it seems possible in theory that better medical care could lead to decreased blood pressure. Still, Robin is skeptical. He says that the improvement in blood pressure found during the study was p = 0.03. In a study with 30 measures, one will be positive at 0.03 by coincidence. The version of the study he’s reading has 30 measures (mine has 5 - 10, depending on how you count the questionnaire). On the other hand, this paper looks into the blood pressure result in more detail. It finds that “plan effects on blood pressure” were three times higher for hypertensives for non-hypertensives; that is, unlike statistical flukes (which we would expect to affect everyone equally), the effect was concentrated in the people we would expect doctors to treat. It also finds that plan effects are higher for poor people; unlike statistical flukes (which would affect everyone equally), the effect was concentrated in the people we would expect insurance to help. And it finds pretty convincing intermediating factors: people with good insurance were 20 percentage points more likely to get hypertension treatment, p < 0.001). So I think it’s a stretch to attribute this one to random noise. This is the study authors’ conclusion as well. They calculate the benefit from this blood pressure improvement and find that:
Still, they describe their study as having a negative result, because:
I assume they’re working off of some kind of reasonable cost-effectiveness model for government spending here. Still, if I were a fifty year old adult, I might be willing to personally spend a few hundred extra dollars a year to increase my 5-year-survival-rate by 1%. Certainly I don’t think it’s fair to describe this as “RAND proves medicine doesn’t work.” Robin has a book with more information than I could get from the papers, so I feel bad contradicting him on this one. I’m more confident in my discussion of the next two experiments, which I think are clear enough that we can go back to this one later and apply what we’ve learned. IV. Oregon Health Insurance ExperimentIn 2008, Oregon had extra money and decided to expand Medicaid, a free insurance program for poor people. Many people applied for the free insurance, the state ran out of money, and they distributed the available Medicaid slots by lottery. This made the expansion a perfect setup for a randomized controlled trial on whether government-provided free insurance helps the poor. Scientists monitored the recipients for two years (why not longer? I think at some point the insurance coverage stopped) and found that the people with Medicaid did in fact use more medical care than the control group. For example, only 69% of the control group described themselves as getting all the medical care they needed, but 93% of the group with insurance did. People with the insurance used more of almost all categories of medication: People who got the free insurance had less medical debt at the end of the study period. They described themselves on questionnaires as having better health (55% vs. 68% at least “good”, p < 0.0001), and were more likely to say their health had improved over the past few months (71% vs. 83%, p < 0.001). They described having better mental health and less depression (25% vs. 33% depressed, p = 0.001). However, Robin notes that many of these subjective changes happened immediately, ie before they even had a chance to use their new insurance. This means they’re more likely to represent mood affiliation (eg “I have insurance now, so I’m optimistic about my health!”). There was no difference on objective health measures, including blood pressure, cholesterol, and HbA1c (a measure of blood sugar / diabetes control). Why not? The authors do the math on diabetes. If you look at the graph above, you see that about 12.5% of controls vs. 17.5% of experimentals took diabetes medications, p < 0.05. Studies find that diabetes medications decrease HbA1c by about one percentage point (normal HbA1c is about 5%, so this is a lot). If 5% of the insurance group took diabetes medications and decreased their HbA1c by 1 pp each, then the HbA1c of the experimental group would decline by 0.05 pp compared to the control group. Their 95% confidence interval of the difference was (-0.1, +0.1 pp), which includes the predicted value. So when they say “insurance didn’t significantly change HbA1c”, what they mean is “the change in HbA1c is completely consistent with the consensus effect of antidiabetic medications”. Could the same be true of the other results, like hypertension? We find that the experimental group was 1.8 percentage points more likely to get a hypertension diagnosis, 0.7 percentage points more likely to get hypertension medications, and had 0.8 points lower blood pressure - but that all of these numbers were nonsignificant. If we take the nonsignificant numbers seriously, 0.7 pp taking antihypertensives caused an 0.8 point blood pressure drop in the full sample, meaning that antihypertensives caused a 100 point blood pressure drop in each user. This definitely isn’t true - a 100 point blood pressure drop kills you - but it means that a plausible pro-medicine result like antihypertensives lowering blood pressure 10 point is well within the study’s confidence interval. Maybe the anti-medicine position is that, for some reason, good insurance doesn’t lead to hypertension diagnosis or antihypertensive medication use? If I understand these numbers right, about 22% of Americans have blood pressure > 140/90, the level at which doctors recommend medication. I expect the marginally-insured poor people in this experiment to be less healthy than average, so let’s say 25 - 30%. In the experiment, about 13.9% of the control group and 14.6% of the experimental group got antihypertension medication. Why so low? This study found that only about 60% of participants in the Oregon study who got the insurance even went to the doctor for non-emergency reasons! Subtract out the ones who refused to take antihypertensives, or who have too many side effects, or whose doctors let this fall through the cracks, and I think the 13 - 15% numbers make sense. This study found that insurance increased hypertension medication use by a central estimate of 0.7 pp, not significant, confidence interval -4.5 to 5.8. Let’s take a convenient central estimate of our likely hypertension rate and say that 28% of our population should have gotten hypertension meds. That means the central estimate increased the percent of people who got recommended hypertension meds from 50% to 53%, and the 95% confidence interval includes up to 71%. So my assessment of the blood pressure results from this study is:
I don’t think we can summarize this study as “we’ve proven medication doesn’t work”. V. Karnataka Health Insurance ExperimentSame story, different scenery. This one happened in India. 10,000 families. End result is:
In other words:
It’s helpful to look at their table of measured outcomes (A7). This has some of the usual ones like blood pressure. But it also has things like:
…and these were among the majority of their outcomes where the study found no effect. These don’t cast doubt on the effectiveness of medical treatment. They just look like a study where the intervention didn’t affect the amount of medical care people got very much. This was the authors’ conclusion too. In fact, they were unable to find a direct effect of giving people free insurance on those people using insurance, at all, in the 3.5 year study period! They had to rescue this with “spillover effects”, ie the effect of one person getting insurance in a village on other people, in order to even claim that the insurance increased healthcare utilization. Why couldn’t they find an effect of giving people insurance on those people using insurance? Insurance is very new in India. These people weren’t really familiar with it, and in many cases their doctors and hospitals weren’t very familiar with it. In a few cases it didn’t even seem like the insurance companies fully understood their product:
I don’t want to over-update on this. They did eventually manage to find a medium effect of free insurance on insurance use when counting the spillover effects. I think the main problem with this study is the same as all the other studies - its confidence intervals are wide enough to include medicine working amazingly well, better than anyone claims it works in real life. This is what the authors think too:
VI. Summary Of Robin’s Three Insurance StudiesIf it helps, think of these insurance studies as a sort of funnel: In order for more insurance to result in better health on some measurable parameter (eg lower blood pressure), you need a chain of four things.
Each step lowers our ability to detect a signal. That is, going to the doctor doesn’t, with 100% efficacy, result in more diagnoses. Some doctors will miss some diagnoses; that will introduce noise and lower our power / statistical significance. You can imagine doing a whole paper on whether increasing doctors’ visits increases hypertension diagnoses; that paper would have a p-value greater than zero / Bayes factor of less than infinity. So even assuming that better insurance really does improve health, each step we go down the chain decreases our ability to detect that. In fact, in these three studies, we find dropoffs below statistical significance scattered basically randomly throughout this chain:
Robin’s argument (that medicine doesn’t work) assumes that the only possible failure is at step 4, and that the failure must be a true failure rather than one of statistical significance. But in fact there are failures at every step (although I kind of have to stretch it for step 3), and the authors of the papers tell us explicitly that these are most likely failures of statistical power. This helps us think about a remaining question: why did these three studies get such different results?
I think Robin attributes these differences to noise, ie the results being fake in the first place. He writes:
I think this is implausible. Many of these effects are large and replicable. For example, the Oregon self-rating effects are p <0.0001 on each of four different assessment methods, yet these are absolutely null in the other two studies. The RAND blood pressure results are p < 0.03, but match our expectations about subgroups (highest in the poor and sick) and accompanied by a p < 0.01 finding that insurance results in more hypertension medication (which was absent in the Oregon study). The antidiabetic drug result in Oregon was p = 0.008. Can we explain these through differences in the studies? I think Robin’s analysis here is actually pretty good. Expanding it slightly:
We find that Karnataka didn’t result in as many utilization increases as the other two studies because it was only hospital care (which is unlikely to be involved in managing chronic problems like hypertension) and the recipients barely used the improved insurance. We find that Oregon had increased self-reported health because these were poor and unhealthy people who were very excited to get the new insurance. Robin points out that 2/3 of the improvement came immediately after getting the insurance, before they had time to use it, so this suggests a placebo effect. Maybe these poor unhealthy people were more excited about getting free insurance than the comparatively well-off people in RAND or the insurance-naive people in Karnataka? But we can’t dismiss the Oregon mental health findings as easily. Many of them came from depression screening questionnaires that ask pretty specific questions about eg sleep and suicidal thoughts over the past few weeks. I think these findings are plausibly real, especially given the strong effects of insurance on mental health medication use (see first graph in section IV above). If so, differences from RAND and Karnataka would be easy to explain: 1970s Americans and rural Indians mostly don’t have mental health problems (or at least don’t think of them in those terms), whereas 2008 Americans do. In 2008 America, depression is common and easy to measure. Also, antidepressants have very large effect sizes (you may have heard they have small effect sizes, but that’s after you subtract the placebo effect; before you subtract placebo effect, they’re extremely effective, and this study isn’t controlling for placebo). So this is exactly the sort of area where you’d expect to see an effect. I won’t say for sure it’s real, but nothing about the studies makes me think it isn’t. That just leaves the diastolic blood pressure effect in RAND. Remember our funnel again: the difference between RAND and Oregon doesn’t start in Step 4 (does the drug work?) It starts in Steps 2-3 (did more medical visits result in more medication?) In RAND, we found that better insurance increased the percent of hypertensives on appropriate medication by 20 percentage points. In Oregon, we found that it increased it by about 2 percentage points, but with the confidence interval including 20. So my guess is that the middle-class people in RAND were a bit more likely to go for preventative medicine than the poorer people in Oregon, and that if we ran both experiments a million times, we would get something like 5-10 pp out of Oregon and 15-20 pp out of RAND, and that’s enough to give us the statistical power to detect an effect in RAND but not Oregon. I can’t prove this is true because of the statistical power issues, it just seems like a reasonable explanation for the discrepancy. One more point: because of statistical power issues and multiple hypothesis testing, there are a lot of cases here where we can’t say anything either way. These might be places where an effect seems plausible but we can’t prove it, or where we find an effect but can’t prove that it isn’t a result of multiple hypothesis testing. Here we should go back to the statistical basics and remember that this means more or less nothing. We shouldn’t update our priors. Part of how Robin makes his counterintuitive argument against healthcare is to say that all of these studies found “null effects”, so now we have to believe medicine is fake. I think instead we should look at the arguments in Section II above, start with a strong prior on medicine being real, and then - confronted with studies that sometimes can’t find anything for sure either way - continue having that prior. VII. Other, More Positive StudiesSince Robin posted the early versions of his argument, there’s been a new RCT-like study on the effects of medicine, largest of all. Obamacare originally made it illegal not to have health insurance, and punished this with a fine. In 2017, the IRS fined 4.5 million people without health insurance. It originally planned to send these people a letter, saying “Obamacare mandates you to have insurance, you’re getting fined for failing to comply, please buy insurance through such-and-such a website.” But it ran out of budget after sending 3.9 million letters to a randomly selected subset of the insuranceless. The letter must have been at least a little convincing, because the 3.9 million recipients were 1.3 percentage points more likely to get insurance compared to the 0.6 million non-recipients. So the whole event turned out as a sort of randomized trial of telling people to get insurance. Goldin, Lurie, and McCubbin followed up on the results. Because this “study” was so big compared to the others (4.5 million participants compared to a five-digit number for RAND, Oregon, and Karnataka), they were able to measure mortality directly. They found that:
This result was p = 0.01 and robust to various checks.
Come on! Thousands of clinical RCTs show that medicine has an effect. Robin wants to ignore these in favor of insurance experiments that are underpowered to find effects even when they’re there. Then when someone finally does an insurance experiment big and powerful enough to find effects, and it finds the same thing as all the thousands of clinical RCTs, p = 0.01, Robin says maybe we should dismiss it, because p = 0.01 findings are sometimes just “noise”. Aaargh! Here are some other quasi-experimental studies (h/t @agoodmanbacon): Sommers, Baicker, and Epstein: finds that when some states expanded Medicaid after Obamacare, mortality rate in those states (but not comparison states) went down, p = 0.001. Note that Baicker was one of the main people behind the Oregon experiment. Sommers, Long, and Baicker: same story: after Romneycare, mortality in Massachusetts went down compared to comparison states (p = 0.003). Currie and Gruber: increased Medicaid availability for children was associated with lower child mortality (they don’t give p-values, but some of the effects noted seem large). See more discussion on this thread. VIII: Final ThoughtsThe insurance literature doesn’t do a great job in establishing one way or the other whether extra health insurance has detectable health effects on a population. Gun to my head, I’d say it leans towards showing positive effects. But if Robin wants to fight me on this, I can’t 100% prove him wrong. But it’s far less tenable to say - as Robin does - that these studies show medicine doesn’t work. These studies are many steps away from showing that! First, as discussed above, it’s unclear whether insurance studies themselves should be described as having positive or negative results. The best and biggest, like Lurie and Goldin, show detectable and robust effects on mortality. Second, when insurance studies fail to show certain effects, they’re practically always underpowered to say anything about the effects of medication. Often they can’t even find that the better-insured subjects use more medication than the less-insured subjects (eg all negative RAND outcomes, all Oregon outcomes except diabetes, everything in Karnataka). When they can detect that better-insured subjects use more medication, they can often precisely quantify whether their study has enough power to test the effect of medication, and explicitly find that it cannot. I can’t think of a single one of the experiments Robin cites that finds an increased amount of medication in the experimental group, a power high enough to find medication effects, and a lack of medication effects. So these studies shouldn’t be used to make any claims about medication effectiveness. Third, even if we were to unwisely try to use these studies to assess medication effectiveness, they only measure marginal cases. For example, in the Oregon study, the insured group used about 33% more health care than the insured group - eg the uninsured people had a hospital admission rate per six months of 20%, compared to the insured group’s 27%; the uninsured group took about 1.8 medications daily, compared to the insured group’s 2.4. Presumably everyone is going to the hospital for very serious cases (eg heart attack), and the better-insured people are just going for some marginal extra less serious things. Even if we could prove with certainty that the insured group’s extra medication wasn’t benefiting them at all, this doesn’t say anything about the core 2/3 of medical care that people would get even if they weren’t insured. (Robin sometimes talks about how it’s hard to distinguish core vs. extra care, and I’m not sure how this works on paper, but in practice the poorer patients I talk to seem to be able to distinguish it very well - lots of them will go to the hospital for “real emergencies” but start worrying about money for anything less) Fourth, we have strong direct evidence that medicine works, both in the form of randomized controlled trials, and in the form of increasing survival rates after the diagnoses of many severe diseases (and this isn’t just the diseases being diagnosed better and earlier, see for example here, or the patients getting the diseases younger, see the age-adjusted rates above). Even in the counterfactual where we had unambiguous, well-powered, non-marginal insurance studies suggesting that medication didn’t work, we should at most be confused by these conflicting sources. Most likely that confusion would end in us setting the insurance studies aside as suffering from the usual set of inexplicable social science confounders, given that they contradict stronger and more direct clinical evidence. I think if Robin wants to do something with these insurance study results, he should follow other economists, including the study authors, and argue about whether the marginal unit of insurance is cost-effective - not about whether medication works at all. You're currently a free subscriber to Astral Codex Ten. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |
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Stick around to live chat the joint address → ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏
Fee Fi Fo Dumb
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
The Tariff Wars Have Come ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏
GeekWire Awards finalists revealed | How to supercharge Seattle’s startup scene
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Rec Room layoffs | Anthropic's Seattle office | Tech Moves ADVERTISEMENT GeekWire SPONSOR MESSAGE: Revisit defining moments, explore new challenges, and get a glimpse into what lies ahead for one
SCOTUS to America: Eat 💩
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Plus, new tariffs realize the dream of the original billionaire candidate, whose populism began reshaping working-class politics. Forward this email to others so they can sign up ⏪ ICYMI in The Lever:
☕ Do it live
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
How Whatnot aims to become a home for uncertain TikTok livestreamers. March 04, 2025 View Online | Sign Up Marketing Brew Presented by StartEngine It's Tuesday. Ready to score big in sports
☕ Black History math
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Target's Black History Month posts by year. March 04, 2025 View Online | Sign Up Retail Brew Presented By Bloomreach It's Tuesday. Tomorrow, we're making online shopping fun again—no more
Trump's federal cryptocurrency reserve.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Plus, why do people always talk past each other on abortion? Trump's federal cryptocurrency reserve. Plus, why do people always talk past each other on abortion? By Isaac Saul • 4 Mar 2025 View in