Weekly Xamarin - Weekly Xamarin - Issue 255


Weekly Xamarin


ISSUE 255  18th April 2020




Happy Friday!

We have another week of great articles. Get comfortable, kick back and enjoy the articles. If you are after a bit of fun, find out what your quarantine name is.

Stay safe

Kym (Smokey Germ Hermit)

Weekly Xamarin  Permalink




“Limited time offer: a free support hour for your Xamarin project!

Are you running into problems with your project, or could you use some advice? At Xablu, we offer case-by-case support from topnotch developers. You can create a ticket for your issue, our developers will create tailored solutions and they will guide you through their work. No subscription or underlying costs: only pay for the support you need! Book your free hour of support now!”

calendly.com  Permalink




GitHub is now free for teams

Github has announced they are making private repositories with unlimited collaborators available to all GitHub accounts. All of the core GitHub features are now free for everyone. 🎉

GitHub is now free for teams by Nat Friedman

github.blog  Permalink




Showcase of Xamarin Forms Student Projects

XamGirl (Charlin Agramonte) has been teaching students Xamarin.Forms. As a final project, they had to create a new Xamarin Forms application using any open-source API. The results are very impressive!

Showcase of Xamarin Forms Student Projects by Charlin Agramonte

xamgirl.com  Permalink


Migrating ListView To CollectionView in Xamarin.Forms - Benefits

Lists are a fundamental and inescapable part of mobile applications. Xamarin.Forms has both a ListView and the newer CollectionView. In this 3-part blog series, Matthew examines the benefits of collection views and how to migrate our existing list views to them.

Migrating ListView To CollectionView in Xamarin.Forms - Benefits by Matthew Robbins

mfractor.com  Permalink


On library versioning: Minimum version and AndroidX migration

Last version of Sharpnado lib includes MaterialFrame with Acrylic mode, but also the compatibility with Xamarin.Forms 4.5 and AndroidX. Since version 4.5, Xamarin.Forms android platform dll is compiled against AndroidX when targeting Android 29 and Android.Support libs on others targets.

On library versioning: Minimum version and AndroidX migration by Jean-Marie Alfonsi

sharpnado.com  Permalink


Signature Pad component

Thiago shows how to use the Signature Pad nuget package in your Xamarin.Forms application.

Note: Page is in Protuguese

O X do Xamarin Forms by Thiago Bertuzzi

medium.com  Permalink


Design resources for Xamarin.Forms Developers

In this article Juliano Custódio discusses some resources to get design inspiration and resources for those of us not so great at designing UI's.

NOTE: Page is in Portuguese

Não sou designer e não tenho dinheiro para comprar um Xamarin.Forms UI template, o que devo fazer ? by Juliano Custódio

julianocustodio.com  Permalink


Mock Locations

This project allows you to provide Mock Locations in your applications. Good for testing.

Xamarin.Forms – Mock Locations by Bence Lenart

azurewebsites.net  Permalink


7 Tactics to structure your project with Xamarin Forms

Luis The 7 tactics to structure your projects

Luis has created an ebook highlighting the 7 tactics to structure your projects with Xamarin Forms that will help you create more scalable applications.

NOTE: Requires you to subscribe

7 Tactics to structure your project with Xamarin Forms by Luis Matos

luismts.com  Permalink




Sync with the Cloud using Change Tracking API

If you are creating a mobile app that will work sending data back and forth from the cloud (I guess that 99% of the apps fall into this use case), you will have at some point the need to sync data between the app and the cloud itself.

An amazingly simple solution for Mobile Apps to sync with the Cloud using Change Tracking API by Davide Mauri

microsoft.com  Permalink




.NET Conf – Focus on Xamarin Event Recap

It is hard to believe that is has been nearly one month since .NET Conf – Focus on Xamarin. This was our largest Xamarin live streaming event of the year with over nine hours of glorious Xamarin content from the Xamarin team and community.

.NET Conf – Focus on Xamarin Event Recap by James Montemagno

microsoft.com  Permalink


Logically Embed That Authentication

Logically embed that authentication ... that doesn't make sense at all ... or does it? Well it does when James and Matt talk about Azure Logic Apps, embedded fonts, and the brand new Xamarin.Essentials authentication!

Logically Embed That Authentication by Xamarin

xamarinpodcast.com  Permalink


Xamarin.Forms 101: Resources for getting started with Xamarin

This week we take a look at some of Maddy's favorite resources for people getting started with Xamarin!

Xamarin.Forms 101: Resources for getting started with Xamarin by James Montemagno

msdn.com  Permalink


Merge Conflict 197: I Need a Website

Launching an app, you need a website, but you are an app developer. What to do?

197: I Need a Website

mergeconflict.fm  Permalink




Student Developer coloring book!

This is a fun little developer coloring book to keep you busy during lockdown.

Download the Student Developer coloring book! by Student_Developer_Team

microsoft.com  Permalink

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