Welcome to my regular roundup of sign painting and lettering events. You can opt in/out of these emails here, and share your own events and exhibitions for inclusion here.

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New Wing at the ASM

The American Sign Museum (ASM) in Cincinnati, Ohio, is expanding with the addition of a new wing. Last month, an elite crew of sign folk were on-site bringing this all together, and it officially opens to the public on 13 July.

A portion of the sign shop on Main Street created by Mark and Rose Oatis for the new wing of the American Sign Museum. It honours Bill Riedel.
Next summer there will be an opportunity to enjoy the new wing as part of the Letterheads 50 event at the museum. Plans are coming together, and I will be able to share dates for your diary in the next month or so.

Talks & Tours

This Week

Ghost Signs

On Thursday 25 July, those in Melbourne can hear from Sean Reynolds at his talk, North Melbourne Ghost Signs: Cultural Archaeology in Haunted Hotham.

One of the numerous Melbourne ghost signs from Sean Reynolds collection.

Also on the ghost signs front, I'm down to just four tickets for my Stoke Newington Ghostsigns Walk in London on Saturday, 24 August.

Chicago Style

Then, looking much further ahead, the team behind The Golden Era of Sign Design book will be speaking about their work on Chicago's Beverly Sign Co. at this year's Wayzgoose at the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum, 8–10 November. I'll share more details of this and other events related to the publication in future roundups.


General listings for recurring workshops are now given at bl.ag/learn, so check back there to see what's coming up near you.

Sign Painting

Mike Meyer has added some new dates in August to his schedule, and the full rundown of sign painting and gilding classes can be found at mikemeyersignpainter.com/workshops. This includes his trip out east to New York and the Boston area.

Mike Meyer will be in Lynn, Boston area, for a workshop running 31 July–2 August. (For more of Mike's workshops showcards, check out The Showcards Book.)

Also look out for Joha Mune's class in Belfast this weekend, Pascale Arpin's Berlin Letters workshop, and Gaston Castagnet's introductory workshop in Melbourne in August.

Fileteado Porteño

There are some opportunities to learn from BLAG columnist Gustavo Ferrari on his European tour, with dates in London, Brussels, and Berlin.

Gustavo's Brussels class is hosted by Francois Tusseki.

Letterheads & Conferences

If you missed out on the Epsom Letterheads that took place over the weekend, then here are some forthcoming dates for the diary.

The Society of Gilders Conference is taking place across the week of 5–9 August.

*While you wait for BLAG Meet: Inside Issue 05, you can catch up on recordings from the last two events via the links below.


George Biles: King of Signwriters

The George Biles exhibition in Bridport, Dorset, runs from 1–29 August. I'll be making the trip there on Friday, 23 August, for anyone else that would like to join me.

Work by George Biles from the recent bl.ag online article. Photo © JC & RH Palmer Ltd.

Tipos de Barrio

In Santander, Spain, there is another show that is worth checking out if you can: a retrospective of ten years of Santatipo, the project from Federico Barrera Garaña documenting and saving the city's historic and vernacular signage.

The exhibition runs from 4 July–9 August, and is accompanied by a variety of supporting events, including walking tours in the city.

Tipos de Barrio runs 4 July–9 August in Santander, Spain.

Kells Type Trail

Every year in Kells, County Meath, Ireland, the Kells TypeTrail brings lettering and typography to life in the public realm through a variety of exhibitions and installations. This year it runs from 27 June–22 August, and includes a show of work by sign painter and artist Syd Bluett.

Syd Bluett in Kells runs at the Toradh 2 Gallery from 27 June–22 August.

Five More Shows

That's a wrap for this latest worldwide events roundup; back for more in September. As always, please send details of your own and others' events to sam@bl.ag.

All good things, Sam

sam@bl.ag / bl.ag / @betterletters / @blag@type.social

Event Reviews