Programmer Weekly - Programmer Weekly - Issue 212

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Programmer Weekly

Welcome to issue 212 of Programmer Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.
Quote of the Week 

"A language that doesn’t affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing." - Alan Perlis

Reading List

Beating NumPy's matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C code
This post is the result of author's attempt to implement high-performance matrix multiplication on CPU while keeping the code simple, portable and scalable. The implementation follows the BLIS design, works for arbitrary matrix sizes, and, when fine-tuned for an AMD Ryzen 7700 (8 cores), outperforms NumPy (=OpenBLAS), achieving over 1 TFLOPS of peak performance across a wide range of matrix sizes.

Tutorial: Implementing JSON parsing (Rust)
Learn the fundamentals of parsing by implementing JSON parsing from scratch.

A Git story: Not so fun this time
The article recounts the history of Git's development, from its creation by Linus Torvalds to its widespread adoption, highlighting key contributors and milestones. It details the transition from BitKeeper to Git, early challenges, and the rise of GitHub, providing insights into the evolution of version control systems and the open-source community.

A Eulogy for DevOps
The article argues that the DevOps movement has become obsolete, having achieved its goals of integrating development and operations, and suggests that future advancements will come from new paradigms. 

Weekend projects: getting silly with C
C is beautiful yet full of horrors. Here's to uncovering its hidden depths.

Serving a billion web requests with boring code
The article discusses how a simple, straightforward approach to coding enabled the handling of a billion web requests efficiently. It emphasizes the value of using "boring" code—reliable, well-understood techniques—over complex solutions for robust and scalable web service performance.

Proactive Measures Against Password Breaches and Cookie Hijacking
The article details Slack's proactive security measures to prevent password breaches and cookie hijacking, emphasizing the importance of robust password policies, multi-factor authentication, and vigilant monitoring. These strategies help protect user accounts and maintain the integrity of sessions.

The sad state of property-based testing libraries
The article argues that most popular property-based testing libraries lack advanced features like stateful and parallel testing, which were considered state-of-the-art 15 years ago. It surveys various libraries across programming languages, discusses reasons for this situation, and proposes solutions to improve the state of property-based testing, including simplifying formal specifications and implementing key features in a concise manner.

Watch and Listen

Do More With AI - LLMs With Big Token Counts
Discussion on using large language models with greater token counts to provide more context, allowing for better and more complex outputs to aid software development.

Go for Absolute Beginners – Tutorial
Learn the fundamentals of Go by building a full stack payment application. Go is a powerful and efficient language designed for modern software development. You'll learn everything from basic syntax and data types to advanced features like goroutines and concurrency patterns.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

A next-generation data science IDE.

A Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Task Queue.

shpool is a service that enables session persistence by allowing the creation of named shell sessions owned by shpool so that the session is not lost if the connection drops. shpool can be thought of as a lighter weight alternative to tmux or GNU screen.

An open-source online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor.

Restate is the platform for building resilient applications that tolerate all infrastructure faults w/o the need for a PhD.

A drop-in replacement for SQS designed for great developer experience and efficiency. 
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