💻 Issue 342 - Enhancing New York Times Web Performance with React 18

This week's Awesome React Weekly
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The Awesome React Weekly

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Issue » 342

Release Date
Jul 04, 2024

Your weekly report of the most popular
React news, articles and projects

Popular News and Articles

Enhancing New York Times Web Performance with React 18
useActionState — A New Hook in React 🎉
Comprehensive React.js Cheatsheet for Developers
Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale
Sponsored www.influxdata.com

Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.

7 Best Practices for ReactJS Development in 2024
Vike – June Releases
Stars Reach – new social sandbox MMO by Raph Koster announced
Deciding Breakpoints Server-Side Using Sec-CH-Viewport-Width
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
Sponsored www.saashub.com

SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

My first article: building a multiplayer infinite canvas
TL;DR: I Built a Blog with Next.js and AWS Amplify!
React Native team says "Use Expo"

Popular projects


A list of AI agents and robots to block.

OpenSign    » Document Management    » JavaScript

🔥 The free & Open Source DocuSign alternative

stf    » Android    » Debugging

Control and manage Android devices from your browser.


Open source video editing web application

monorepo    » Globalization    » I18n

globalization ecosystem && change control SDK

Older messages

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📱 Issue 421 - The Era of Swift 6 Has Arrived! It’s the Best Choice Over C++

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This week's Awesome Swift Weekly Read this email on the Web The Awesome Swift Weekly Issue » 421 Release Date Jul 04, 2024 Your weekly report of the most popular Swift news, articles and projects

📱 Issue 417 - SwiftData vs Realm: Performance Comparison

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This week's Awesome iOS Weekly Read this email on the Web The Awesome iOS Weekly Issue » 417 Release Date Jun 27, 2024 Your weekly report of the most popular iOS news, articles and projects Popular

💻 Issue 423 - Understanding JWT Authentication: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Thursday, June 27, 2024

This week's Awesome Node.js Weekly Read this email on the Web The Awesome Node.js Weekly Issue » 423 Release Date Jun 27, 2024 Your weekly report of the most popular Node.js news, articles and

💻 Issue 423 - A JavaScript-powered flipdisc display

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This week's Awesome JavaScript Weekly Read this email on the Web The Awesome JavaScript Weekly Issue » 423 Release Date Jun 27, 2024 Your weekly report of the most popular JavaScript news, articles

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