Taurus Full Moon and Your Week Ahead Reading 11/11 to 11/18 2024
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Can you believe we are approaching the mid-point of November? Where has the time gone? Let’s check out and see what the transits look like this week before getting into this week’s reading along with the Taurus Full Moon reading: November 11—Venus enters Capricorn: When Venus slips into Capricorn, it's time to get serious with relationships and finances. You might find yourself yearning for stability and commitment. You also may not be surprised as you start making long-term plans with your loved ones or even rethink your budget. Keep things classy and practical. November 12 — Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces: Communication might hit a little snag today as Mercury squares off against ol' serious Saturn. You might feel like someone is raining on your parade or slowing down your big ideas. Just take it in stride—it's a good day to think things through carefully and work on those details you might usually overlook. November 12—Saturn goes direct in Pisces: Finally, some forward motion! Once Saturn turns direct in Pisces, any projects or responsibilities that have been dragging their feet may start picking up speed. You'll feel a renewed sense of discipline-especially in areas of your life that require creativity or emotional investment. Time to get back on track! November 15 —Full Moon in Taurus: Expect some serious earthy and practical vibes from this Full Moon in Taurus. Take in the pleasures in life, be that good food, taking it easy one night, or indulging in special treats. Now is the time to reflect on what you've accomplished and consider what more you could do to enhance your security and comfort. I will have an in-depth reading of what to expect during this Full Moon towards the end. November 16 —Scorpio Sun opposition Taurus Uranus: Expect the unexpected when Uranus gets that opposition from the Sun! This transit really takes things to new dimensions and brings sudden surprises and epiphanies. It can be a little jarring, so best to go with the flow. This is the perfect time to break away from what is not working for you anymore and invite some new views in. Stay flexible! So that is what the transits look like this week, and now onto the week-ahead reading: 1. Your week as a whole - Justice 2. Something unexpected that will arise - Death 3. How to stay grounded and balanced - Seven of Swords 4. Important emotion that you will feel this week - Knight of Cups 5. Something that will inspire you - Empress 6. How your spirit guides speak to you this week - Three of Pentacles 7. How to best support yourself this week - Queen of Pentacles Card One - JusticeJustice represents your week as a whole. This week's notion speaks of fairness, balance, and the truth. There will be instances when a weighing of options and a decision will have to be made to ensure choices are taken that will work for you. Justice calls upon you to be honest, not with other people, but first and foremost with yourself. Consider where your life may be out of balance and make actions to bring it back in line. This energy is going to help you in being responsible and answerable, to meet challenges head-on. This is a time for balancing the scales and playing fair in personal and professional dealings. Card Two - DeathDeath can indicate unexpected change that might come your way this week. Though intimidating at first sight, the card Death merely indicates an ending that is necessary to be given room to a beginning. This could mean releasing a pattern of behavior or a situation in your life that no longer serves you. Embrace the change this card brings because it is an opportunity for personal growth and renewal. You clear up room for what's new when you release what holds you back. Even though it is a surprise, this transformation leads to a more authentic path, one that is more fulfilling; thus, resilience and adaptability are advised. Card Three - Seven of SwordsThe Seven of Swords advises a strategic, cautious approach so as not to lose your balance this week. You may want to handle situations discreetly around you and be honest with yourself. Do not take shortcuts or cheat; that would cause more problems than it will solve. Instead, seek out cunning, upright ways to your ends. This card really keeps you reminded to be more aware and watchful to protect your interests. With strategy combined with integrity, the challenges can be smoothly handled, and your equipoise can be maintained. Card Four - Knight of CupsThis week, the Knight of Cups is an eruption of emotive force. You may be especially drawn to creative and romantic pursuits now, as your heart opens to new possibilities. This card is about following dreams and passions, and can inspire you to embrace your imagination and be open to love and adventure. There could be a call to express your emotions through either art, conversing, or simple acts of kindness. This week, listen to your heart, and let the beauty of emotions, and the connection with people go deep inside. Card Five - EmpressThe Empress shows you what inspires you this week. She inspires creativity, beauty, and abundance. This week, you might feel drawn towards nature or looking after relationships or, at best, plunging into any creative projects you wanted to do. The Empress calls upon you to take a little time off and pamper yourself, being grateful for all the good things in your life. She is a reminder that anything can happen when you are engaged with the world around you. Let inspiration be channeled into your day-to-day life for appreciation and creativity. Let this have its way through you in art, gardening, or nurturing of relationships-skills promoted by her for growth and contentment. Card Six - Three of PentaclesYour spirit guides come through in collaboration and teamwork this week. The Three of Pentacles suggests that guidance will come through shared efforts and interactions with others. Listen to advice, feedback, or support from friends, colleagues, or mentors; maybe their insights carry messages worthy of your value. This card symbolizes the power of community, and the wisdom gained from working together toward common objectives. Remain open to knowledge that enables your guides to support you through united efforts. Embrace the accomplishment and interconnectedness you build with others on your spiritual journey. Card Seven- Queen of PentaclesThe best way to take care of oneself this week is to embody the Queen of Pentacles, who oozes caregiving and practicality. Direct your attention to the establishment of a secure, firm setting-at home and within your own being. Devote time to self-care rituals that center you, whether through preparation of a healthy meal, the communion of nature, or the organization of your space. Let this week be devoted to attending to your physical and mental needs, giving stability and support to yourself. The Queen of Pentacles asks you to conduct your tasks with the same elegance as she does. That means balancing work and play, paying attention to the needs you need to feel into-nurtured and safe. The themes of balance and transformation are covered in this week's tarot reading. Justice suggests a focus on fairness and truth. Death signals unexpected, yet transformative changes to come that will lead to personal growth. The Seven of Swords advises strategic caution to stay grounded. The Knight of Cups brings deeply emotional feelings with the romantic and creative energies. You find your inspiration through the Empress's nurturing abundance. Your spirit guides speak through collaboration and teamwork dictated by the Three of Pentacles. And last but not least, the Queen of Pentacles calls for self-care and practicality to create for yourself an enduring and supportive environment. Now, let’s look at the Taurus Full Moon collective reading! Taurus Full MoonThe Full Moon in Taurus is an illuminating point, bringing much-needed light upon the material dimensions of life. Earth sign Taurus emphasizes stability, physical comfort, and sensual pleasure. A common urge to examine our relationship to the material world. You will want to also contemplate what it means for us to feel comfortably secure in our surroundings characterizes a Taurus full moon. This is a propitious moment to remind ourselves to bring our values and wishes down to practical application in the real world, where indulgence and need can't be denied. Earthy Taurus Full Moon energies ground us in the appreciation of simple things and foster thankfulness for the abundance that surrounds one's immediate world. It's a manifesting time, one that's focused and set upon goals that are achievable and meet one's personal values. As the full moon illuminates what is truly important to us, it calls one, finally to take real action that generally creates our sense of security. So here are the cards pulled for this reading: 1. What can no longer be hidden - Lovers 2. What can I release? - Two of Swords 3. What's getting ready to emerge? Nine of Cups Card One - LoversWhen the Lovers card appears in the Full Moon of Taurus, issues of the heart and significant relationships, no longer can be hidden from the surface. It's a time of clarity in terms of connections, placing an emphasis on harmony and mutual understanding. Be it the romantic partnership, the friendships, or an inner conflict, this full moon urges you to acknowledge the reality of such bonds. The Lovers call for choices to be aligned with your authentic self through making decisions that reflect the real desires and values of the person. Any discord or unacknowledged feelings in your relationships will come to the forefront of your life and create the opportunity for raw conversation and strong connections. Card Two - Two of SwordsThis is a time to break free of indecision or procrastination. When Two of Swords comes up, that means you have been stuck in limbo, perhaps hiding your emotions or avoiding decisions. The Taurus Full Moon injects the energy to break this stalemate free. Rather than overthinking it or becoming afraid of the outcomes, let this be a reminder to trust your instincts and do whatever it is that soothes your mind. Let go of holding onto conflicting thoughts and emotions, and allow some space for clarity and forward movement in alignment with what matters most to you. Card Three - Nine of CupsWith the Nine of Cups comes emotional fulfillment and satisfaction. This card is suggesting that indecision has to go, and now that authenticity is on its throne, your deepest desires and wishes are within range. The Taurus Full Moon is supportive of you fully expressing your desires and encourages you to revel in joy and satisfaction. That will only arrive with passing the personal milestones. This surge of optimism represents a time to enjoy all of the rewards reaped for their investment and grow to value the abundance and success befalling a life. Taurus Full Moon focuses on stability and wealth, hence drawing the attention on true desire and worthiness. The Lovers card comes out from the light, an aspect of relationships and love life that is neglected and where honest connections need to be made. The Two of Swords calls for giving up indecision, setting you free from limbo and challenging you to instinctive choices for peace. As you release yourself from indecision, the Nine of Cups develops to symbolize what is ahead: your emotional fulfillment and realization of aspirations. This time calls you to appreciate abundance and happiness by applying your actions in concert with your true desires. The goal is to be moving toward a life of contentment and joy. I am here for a reading if you like as all you need to do is head over to miriamreadstarot.com. Don’t forget to listen and subscribe to my podcast The Tarot Table every Friday, on Spotify (also on Apple, Amazon Music, etc). You’re currently a free subscriber to Miriam Reads Tarot . For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. You will get one three-card reading per week! |
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