Hi everyone,
Week after week we gather the latest and relevant news and updates about PHP. This week we have articles on Intervention validation, positive negative and zero ratios in PHP, as well as clean controller designs in Symfony. In Podcasts we have new episodes from Laravel News with topics covering Svelete starters, document coversion and Playwright. No Compromises answer when to bring outside help like an expert for technical challenges. Syntax covers custom web fonts while the Changelog talks about friends on the frontend. Finally in our Reading section we have articles on how to make arrays more robust and a deep dive into Str Helper methods in Larael.
We have all that and more, so we do hope you enjoy this week's newsletter. If you have an article, tutorial or podcast that you would like to be featured in our newsletter, feel free to reach out to us at articles@phpweekly.com.
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Articles Intervention Validation Intervention Validation is a powerful extension library for Laravel's validation system, designed by Oliver Vogel to simplify the validation of specialized data formats. Built to integrate seamlessly with Laravel's existing validation infrastructure, this package expands your validation capabilities without requiring you to change your workflow or learn complex new systems.
Clean Controller Design in Symfony with Argument Resolvers Symfony provides a mechanism to converters request parameters to objects. For example, if you have a route defined as /messages/{id} and a controller like this.
10 Critical PHP Development Mistakes That Could Break Your Application in 2025 Are you making these common PHP mistakes? Whether you’re a seasoned developer or starting, these pitfalls can trip up even the best of us…
Optimize Your PHP Applications: Proven Strategies for Peak Performance This article will guide you through the key strategies for optimizing PHP applications, focusing on code quality, server resources, database efficiency, concurrency, network latency, and the impact of PHP versions.
Calculating Positive, Negative, and Zero Ratios in PHP This article explores how to achieve this using PHP by taking user input, processing the array, and displaying the results with precision.
Tutorials and Talks Enhancing Laravel Authorization with Backed Enums Laravel now offers direct support for backed enums in authorization, eliminating the need to reference the enum's value property. This streamlined approach makes permission checks more intuitive and maintainable.
Conditional Context Management Made Easy with Laravel’s Context Facade Laravel’s Context system allows you to share data across different parts of your application. With the addition of the Conditionable trait, you can now apply conditional logic to your context management, making your code more expressive and reducing unnecessary conditionals.
Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up Laravel Pulse and Telescope In this guide, we’ll walk through the installation and configuration of both packages to enhance your application’s performance monitoring and debugging processes.
How to use resource policies [authorizeResource] in Laravel 11+ Laravel 11 introduces changes to the framework, aiming for simplicity. This change apparently slimmed down the controllers, which has its pros and cons. The con that we will discuss today is the removal of the authorizeResource method from the base controller, here’s how to solve it.
AssociationField with entity parameter in QueryBuilder If you need to restrict the results displayed in an AssociationField in Easyadmin with a condition on the current entity which you are editing, you can do this.
Exploring Laravel Collections: A Simple Guide Laravel collections are one of the most powerful tools in the framework. They extend the Illuminate\Support\Collection class and provide a smooth interface to manipulate arrays and objects in an expressive way.
Precise Validation Testing with Laravel’s assertOnlyJsonValidationErrors Method When testing API endpoints or form submissions, it’s often crucial to verify not just that specific validation errors are present, but also that no unexpected errors occurred.
How to properly set up WAMP stack with multiple PHP versions in parallel Ever wondered how to get rid of WampServer, Xampp, EasyPHP and similar stuff? In this article: how to set up PHP, MySQL/MariaDB and Apache on your Windows dev machine (WAMP stack).
A Deep Dive into Laravel: Str Helper Methods Laravel provides the Str helper, which offers many useful functions for string manipulation. String operations are essential in Laravel applications for handling user input, formatting output, and working with data transformations efficiently.
News and Announcements Laravel 12.2 Introduces Custom Starter Kits The Laravel team released v12.2.0, including a ddBody() test response method, support for a singular model through a HasManyThrough, increment, decrement context keys, and more.
PHP 8.2.28 & PHP 8.1.32 Released! The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 8.2.28 & PHP 8.1.32. This is a security release.
March 10–16, 2025 - A Week of Symfony #950 This week, the upcoming Symfony 7.3 version updated lazy services to use PHP native lazy objects and added a feature to define global translation parameters. Meanwhile, the existing Symfony versions fixed support for PHP 8.4 hooks and asymmetric visibility in VarExporter.
Laravel Live Denmark 2025 Laravel Live Denmark is back with the second edition. Join over 300 other Laravel and PHP enthusiasts from around the world for two days of learning, 16 speakers and more within the Laravel community.
phpday 2025 Now in its 22nd year, phpday has been held continuously since 2003. The 2025 edition will be hosted in Verona on May 15-16.
Podcasts and Vlogs Laravel News Podcast: Svelte starters, document conversion, and Playwright Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.
The Stack Overflow: Can climate tech startups address the current crisis? Lisbeth Kaufman, Head of Climate Tech at AWS, sits down with Ryan to talk about her work helping climate tech startups get off the ground and the role startups can play in addressing the climate change crisis.
No Compromises Podcast: When to bring in outside help Joel and Aaron explore the decision-making process behind hiring or consulting an expert for technical challenges. They discuss examples like adding tests to a large codebase and understanding what questions you need to ask. They also reveal how coaching can help teams avoid common pitfalls and reach solutions faster.
Software Engineering Radio: SE Radio 659: Brenden Matthews on Idiomatic Rust Brenden Matthews, a seasoned software engineer, entrepreneur, and author of the Idiomatic Rust and Code Like a Pro in Rust books (both from Manning), speaks with SE Radio host Gavin Henry about Idiomatic Rust.
Shoptalk Show: Onboarding Woes, Coloring Links, and AI Slop Theories Onboarding users is a lot more difficult than you might think it is, how should links be coloured or styled, keeping web software up to date, why does some AI slop get created in the first place, getting context for why things happened or decisions were made, and our first bullet point dev career story (Steve's version).
WP Builds: 413 – WordPress speed: Akshat Chaudhary on Airlift’s one-click optimisation In this episode of WP Builds, I talk with Akshat Choudhary, founder of Block Vault, about his new product, Airlift. Airlift is a WordPress optimisation tool that promises to speed up websites with the click of a button by automatically implementing performance enhancements like caching, CDN, and image optimisation.
PHP Architect: Community Corner: DevRel With Tessa Kriesel In this episode, Scott talks with Tessa Kriesel about #DevRel and her talk at #phptek 2025.
Syntax: CSS Fonts Fallbacks, Variable and Trimming Covers custom web fonts, strategies for handling font downloads, variable fonts for creative effects, and the text box trim/edge properties to control spacing.
The Changelog: Friends on the frontend Adam’s friend on the frontend, John Long joins the show to explore his usage of AI, design tools and the stack he prefers. We talk Next.js vs Rails, maintaining open source, building websites with Framer, their mutual love for Figma, and more.
Reading and Viewing Laravel’s Event Service Discovery vs. the Old-School Way: My Dilemma In new Laravel, you don’t have to tell the app which listeners go with which events anymore. Just write your event and listener classes, and Laravel figures it out automatically.
A Deep Dive into Laravel: Str Helper Methods Laravel provides the Str helper, which offers many useful functions for string manipulation. String operations are essential in Laravel applications for handling user input, formatting output, and working with data transformations efficiently.
PHP: Making Arrays More Robust If PHP had array constraints/generics it would be so much easier to be sure the array items are all of the same type, public array<User> $users. So what are the options?
MongoDB optimistic update with versioned documents Suppose you need to store documents in MongoDB from an external source such as a RabbitMQ or Kafka queue. The order in which these messages are processed is not guaranteed, especially if there are several processes running in parallel.
Property Accessor Overloading: Bypassing Private Properties In TypeScript, a parent class can declare a private property like this.
Unlocking the Power of Macros in Laravel In Laravel, macros allow you to extend built-in classes with custom methods dynamically. This feature is useful when you want to add reusable functionality to Laravel components like collections, routes, request, string helpers, etc., without modifying their core files.
Flipping All Bits of a 32-bit Unsigned Integer in PHP In this article, we will explore how to perform this operation efficiently using PHP.
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries keyhunter/translatable A Laravel package for multilingual models.
automad/lightbox A custom string function for creating a lightbox slideshow out of inline images.
weareferal/asset-versioner Automatically create cache-busting versions of all your assets.
spatie/mixed-content-scanner Scan your site for mixed content.
json-api-php/json-api JSON API specs (jsonapi.org) as a set of PHP classes.
osi-open-source/codeception-json-schema Json schema module for validate response by json schema for codeception test framework.
webignition/php-dom-element-locator Model for identifying the location of an element within a DOM.
freepius/php-richtext A simple wrapper (and more) allowing to use Markdown(Extra) and SmartyPants(Typographer).
idearia/php-logger Simple logger class for PHP with time tracking.
lovers-of-behat/table-extension Behat extension to inspect HTML tables.
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