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Artificial Intelligence: Time to Terminate the Terminator Tale?

By shishir 
With outdated dystopian movies like Terminator making headlines for possibly predicting the future and with companies like Google already releasing Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and bots, is it time to rethink the Terminator narrative. As we move towards a world that is increasingly digitized, we must work to truly understand what it means to have and use AI.

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The Only Way to Know What Customers Want is to Release Your Product

By Scott Middleton 
Let's weigh up the risks of releasing vs. the risks of not releasing. Many organisations worry about the risk of releasing more than the risks of not releasing. People focus on what will go wrong if you release a product instead of what opportunities you will miss if you don’t release. If you want to ship great products, you need to have a more balanced and constructive conversation. 

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The Ultimate Project Management Career Guide for 2020

By Momchil 
From the desk of brilliant weirdo #1: “What does a project manager really do?” Maybe that’s a question you’ve been asking yourself or others if you have been considering a PM career for a while. To be honest, it’s gonna be quite hard to put all the PM roles under one roof as project managers in one industry can differ from PMs in another. But I’ll do my best to give you a clear image of what it looks like to be a project manager.

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Understanding the 'Data is the New Oil' Analogy

By Matthew 
Earlier, we lived in industrial and post-industrial societies, and gas and oil were the only things of value. Now, it’s the age of information society and data has replaced petrol as the economy’s driving force. The reason is that with the help of Big Data, people significantly improve production efficiency and business economics. That’s true.

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"Joy Comes from the Process of Creating, Not the End Result" — App Builder, Logan Koshenka

By Noonies 
Logan Koshenka from the US has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes category for his beautifully built side project, a Health and Wellness app called Accufit. PSA: Nominations for this award are still open..! Get the Health and Wellness App you can't live without nominated for a Noonie today ➡️ make a Founder's day.

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"Never Be Afraid to Say: I Don't Know" — Vindhya C (2019 Noonies Winner: PM of the Year)

By Rachel Lee 
Vindhya C won 2019's coveted Noonie Award for Product Manager of the Year. Nominations for the 2020 Award for Product Manager of the Year are OPEN UNTIL 12 AUGUST AT NOON! Nominate someone you admire for a Hacker Noon Tech Award and make a PM's day today!

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Welcome To the New Reality: Engineering Metrics are Business Metrics

By Code Climate 
According to a McKinsey study of over 400 large enterprises across 12 industries, companies with high-performance engineering teams best their competition in all areas, including revenue growth, customer satisfaction, and brand perception. The evidence is so clear that the study itself is called, “How software excellence fuels business performance,” and it concludes that software development is integral to business success in all industries — retail, financial services, manufacturing, and of course, software companies, all require a strong engineering department to succeed. Yet, many executives view their engineering departments as a “black box.” While other departments report on their success with metrics like revenue, customer retention rate, or cost of new customer acquisition, engineering metrics don’t often make it into the board deck. But engineering metrics are essential to understanding how your company is doing. They convey critical information about your company’s ability to deliver value to your customers, and your company’s potential for future success. Plus, engineering is expensive — it’s important to know whether that’s money well-spent. For a holistic picture of how your engineering department — and your business — is doing, you need to start tracking engineering metrics.

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ERC721 Token Standard & The Fungibility of Assets - A Developer’s Perspective

By MD Zaryab Afser 
To begin with, What exactly are TOKENS ?

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Analyzing The NotPetya Malware, Cloud Computing, And Cybersecurity Risks

By Sarah Austin 
In June 2017, a variant of the Petya malware worm, NotPetya, wreaked global havoc. Global enterprise networks from Ukraine to the shores of New Jersey’s commercial shipping depots were eviscerated.

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The Burgeoning Global Surveillance State - What's Going On?

By IoTeX 
What is a surveillance state? Privacy International defines it as one which “collects information on everyone without regard to innocence or guilt” and “deputizes the private sector by compelling access to their data”.

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🚀 FULL AWARDS LIST: 200+ Noonies Up For Grabs — Nominate Your Best In Tech Today

By Natasha Nel 
🏆 The benefits of being nominated in Hacker Noon's annual tech awards this year include not only mad Net-Cred, BUT ALSO: opportunities to do an AMA in community.hackernoon.com and/or get onto The Hacker Noon Podcast, as well as generally improving your personal Google-Ability by getting FREE CONTENT created (and distributed) about you, and the things you write, built and care about!

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What Does Apple’s Stock Split Mean? 

By Igor 
A stock split is not a new thing. Hundreds if not thousands of companies have appealed to it to keep the price in the desired trading range and, theoretically, to make the stock more affordable. One of the most recent examples was Apple, announcing the division of its share price by four. It will be achieved by giving three additional shares to each investor.

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Neural Tech and Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) in Video Games: An Overview

By Rizwan Virk 
Recently, I attended a virtual conference on the use of neuro technology and BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces or BMI, Brain Machine Interfaces) in gaming, put on by NeurotechX.

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Thursday, August 6, 2020

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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

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