I made a telegram bot today for an upcoming newsletter growth workshop.
The use case is this:
We’re all together attempting to grow our newsletters in the month of September, and we’ll be together chatting on Telegram. There’s 14 signed up so far.
Note: If you have a newsletter of over 1k subs you can apply here: workshop.hypeletter.com
I wanted to keep track of everyone’s subscriber counts.
Of course I’m going to use a google sheet.
And you’d think I’d just give everyone a google form. I thought of that.
But gosh, we’re all on telegram and the google form is sooooo far away ;)
I wish I could connect the two.
I can.
This tutorial led me to the promised land!
Because I had to give access to a bunch of people, I had to also code up a little more than what he has done.
But if you’re looking to code a telegram bot and only have google sheets. This tutorial will get you far.
And be on the look out soon for a tutorial from me about how my telegram bot experience went. I’m going to test my code out first and make sure everything works and then let you know.
And if you’ve never heard of telegram, go here: http://telegram.org/