PHP Weekly - PHPWeekly October 8th 2020

Curated news all about PHP.  Here's the latest edition Is this email not displaying correctly?
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PHP Weekly 8th October 2020

Welcome to the latest edition of

Several announcements from the team this week including the latest testing release for PHP 8.0.0.

Plus releases from Symfony.

Have a good week,

Stay safe and well.

All the best,

Ade and Katie

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20 Best Laravel Tutorials (Free and Paid Resources in 2020)
If you want to learn Laravel, you need not go further. By browsing through this guide, you can find the best Laravel tutorial for you, matching your knowledge level and learning style.

Three Reasons to Attend Sqreen Summit 2020 (sponsor)
Sqreen Summit 2020 is happening on October 29th. Running from 8am-9:30am PDT, this free virtual event is all about application security, and what that really means in today’s changing world. Featuring speakers from Sqreen, AppDynamics, Greylock, and more, Sqreen Summit 2020 will cover a range of security-related topics. So why should you consider attending?

Best Reasons Why You Should Use ReactJS Development in 2020
The evolution of front-end ecosystems cannot be ignored at any rate. In fact, certain technologies have become the “best sellers” in the world of web app development, revolutionising the workflow whereas the other ones have no way to go – In short, a dead end. ReactJS Development should be kept in the first category. 

WordPress Security 101
WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management System (CMS) on the market and perhaps unsurprisingly, the most hacked. WordPress powers over one-third of the web! That means there are currently over 75 million websites that use WordPress. Getting Hacked can be a real pain. A simple mistake can damage your business reputation and put your customers and their data at risk.

Shedding Light On The Leading PHP Development Companies of October 2020
We found that a list of PHP developers highly skilled in fulfilling the client needs and making their business meet the new heights proficiently.

Tutorials and Talks

PHP 8.0 Feature Focus: match() expressions
In our last episode, we discussed coming improvements to PHP’s type system. Today we look at a new construct that makes branching logic more powerful.

Translated Text in Source Code
There are a few different ways to handle translated text in your codebase, but here we’ll cover 2 of the more common approaches; using the full text in your source code, and using translation keys.

How to Deploy Drupal 9 on
Drupal is a flexible and extensible PHP-based CMS framework. To deploy Drupal 9 on, the recommended way is to use Composer, the PHP package management suite.

How Can PHP Show Currency Rates in Web Page using Drupal
Drupal is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows customisation by the means of module packages that can be created by third-party developers. This package implements a Drupal module that can be used to display useful information about currencies of different world countries.

Inventory Management System Using PHP and MySQL
In this project, we use PHP and  MySQL database. This application is basically managed by the administrator and administrator has the following rights.

Completely Reset Apple Watch's Mac auto-unlock
Recently, the ability for my Apple Watch to automatically unlock my Mac started failing on Big Sur betas and then on my main Catalina installation. I’m not sure, but it’s possible that updating to WatchOS 7 caused it, though it might have been related to re-pairing to fix the battery life issues I was having. Or, of course, some other software gremlin!

Login with Google Account using PHP Step by Step
Login with Google account is useful feature for any community website and other type of website. Today we implement login with Google account step by step.

CodeIgniter 4 CRUD with MySQL
CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. CRUD operations are basic data manipulation for the database. INSERT query is used to insert data in the database .  SELECT Query is used to select a data from the database. UPDATE Query is used to update a data in the database and Delete Query is used to delete a data from the database. In this example we will learn how we can create crud application in CodeIgniter 4.

Create a Beautiful Circular Percentage Bar Using CSS
Here in this article, I am going to share with you a CSS library called ‘circle.css’ that will show the progress bar with a percentage in a circular style.

Using PHP Xdebug in a Docker with Netbeans
There are quite some guides around to connect xdebug-docker to PHPStorm, or xdebug to netbeans... but not a lot regarding xdebug-docker and netbeans. After struggling I managed to find a way. Here is how.

How to Use AJAX in PHP and jQuery
Today, we’re going to explore the concept of AJAX with PHP and JavaScript. The AJAX  technique helps you to improve your application's user interface and enhance the overall end user experience.

Google Ads API Client Library for PHP
Google Ads, Formerly known as Adwords, is the Google’s advertising platform. You are already familiar with Google Ads if you use it before, or heard about it, but you should also heard like most Google products that it’s available via API and you can integrate it in your web application. The Google Ads API Client library is available via Composer and Packagist and require at least PHP 7.2 or higher, in addition to the PHP extensions gRPC and Protobuf and the developer token.
News and Announcements 

PHP 8.0.0 Release Candidate 1 Available For Testing
The PHP team is pleased to announce the eighth testing release of PHP 8.0.0, Release Candidate 1.

PHP 7.4.11 Released!
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.4.11. This is a security release. All PHP 7.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

PHP 7.3.23 Released!
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.23. This is a security release.

PHP 7.2.34 Released!
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.2.34. This is a security release.

Symfony 5.2.0-BETA1 Released
Symfony 5.2.0-BETA1 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.

Symfony 5.1.7 Released
Symfony 5.1.7 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.

Symfony 4.4.15 Released
Symfony 4.4.15 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.

PhpStorm 2020.3 Early Access Program Is Now Open!
The third major release of PhpStorm this year will bring support for PHP 8, Xdebug 3, a reworked Welcome screen, IDE themes synced with OS settings, editor splitting with drag-and-drop tabs, Guzzle integrated with HTTP client, and a whole lot more.

Google and Joomla Sponsorship Announcement
Joomla, one of the world’s most popular Content Management Systems (CMS), announced its sponsorship from Google today. Google’s sponsorship of Joomla will enable the Project to continue providing one of the most widely used Open Source CMS. Together, Joomla and Google have a shared interest in fostering a thriving web ecosystem.

Free SymfonyInsight Webinar on "How to steer my projects with confidence thanks to Quality Assurance Plans" with SensioLabs on October 15th 2020, 3 PM UTC
Ensuring the quality of a software project over time is a difficult and high-stakes challenge, whether you are a company or not. Preventing bugs and problems is a regular concern in projects and can be difficult to achieve.

The Online PHP Conference - January 18th-22nd 2021
What do you do as regular conference speakers when all the beautiful presentations and talks that you have prepared suddenly are swept down the pandemic drain? You go online! The main conference takes place from Tuesday to Thursday. We offer optional interactive workshops on Monday and Friday. Details on speakers, topics, and times will be announced soon. Expect a diverse selection of top-notch content, with a good mix of traditional presentations, discussions, live coding, a public code review, and lots of room for interaction, questions and discussion.

Podcasts and Vlogs

Call It A Day Podcast Ep 7: Refactoring
In this episode, I talk about "Refactoring" in coding. It's an important skill today and it varies a lot what you aim for when refactoring. It is about personal style, rules and needs.

PHP Town Hall Podcast #77: Let's Be Frank
Matt and Ben are joined by the League of Extraordinary Packages chief benevolent dictator for life Frank De Jonge (@frankdejonge. Its pronounced “de-yong”, not like how Matt pronounced it. He is sorry). We talk about Frank’s contributions to the League, and how it makes him feel to have a package download count in the 8 digits. Frank also talks about his work on Eventsauce ( an event driven framework that integrates well into most PHP projects.

The Laracasts Snippets Episode 127: The Goodbye Debacle
We recently pushed a new "goodbye" landing page for the Laracasts website. In an effort to not succumb to the usual, boring "Goodbye, hope to see you again" copy, I opted for a different approach. Unfortunately, it didn't land for everyone the way I thought it might.

Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Miriam Schwab and Zeev Suraski
Join host Cal Evans as he talks with Zeev Suraski and Miriam Schwab about their new WordPress focused project, Strattic.

PHPUgly #208: Match Clashing
This week on the podcast Eric, John and Thomas talk about  PHP 8 and a possible issue with new reserved word, decoupling your code, http3 and more...

North Meets South Web Podcast Episode 83: A Newborn, A Cavapoo and a Lite Valet with David Hemphill
Jake and Michael are joined by David Hemphill, to talk about his latest project, Valet Lite.

Reading and Viewing

The Month in WordPress: September 2020
This month was characterised by some exciting announcements from the WordPress core team! Read on to catch up with all the WordPress news and updates from September. 

A Week of Symfony #718 (28 September - 4 October 2020)
This week, the upcoming Symfony 5 2. version added support for defining validation constraints as PHP 8 attributes, new Twig form helpers and a new magic login link authentication. Meanwhile, the official Symfony shop added new swag and the upcoming SymfonyWorld online conference announced new speakers.

php[architect] Magazine October 2020: Running Parallel
While we think of our scripts running for one request at a time, PHP web applications handle multiple, simultaneous requests at a time. In this issue, we look at asynchronous programming using Swoole, handling serverless file uploads, implementing security headers, dealing with race conditions and more.

Creating a "Marked as Completed" Button Using Livewire
In this video, which is part of the Laravel Package Training, I show you how the "Marked as Completed" button under each video works.

Youtube Jetstream Discussion
One of the new features that came with the release of Laravel 8 is Jetstream, which provides a starting point for new projects, including login, registration, email verification, two-factor authentication, session management, API support via Laravel and team management.

How Digital Challenge Changed Its Business Model (With Some Help From Cloudways)
Digital Challenge is focused on the manufacture of beautiful and user-friendly products. They pay special attention to the small details that make customers’ websites stand out from the competition. In this customer Q&A with Dimitrios Chatzimichailidis, Digital Challenge shares the insights of working in a competitive industry. Let’s read on!


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Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore. Click, save and read it when you can. It extracts content so that you can read it when you have time.

A PHP framework for console artisans.

A simple and extensible fixture loader for PHP 7.3+, supporting SQLite and MySQL.

Create your own marketplace and allow vendors to sell just like etsy, Envato, eBay, or Amazon type sites! This allows other sellers/vendors to sell tangible products, virtual products, or downloads on your site. With this plugin, your vendors receive commissions you set on products they sell from your store.

Multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ-system that supports various databases to store all data.

A platform for storing and organising information and documentation.

Micro web framework for building long-running and high performance services, the design heavily inspired by Yii2 and Laravel.

Just like SimpleTest or PHPUnit, atoum is a unit testing framework specific to the PHP language.

The leading open alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data.

Development tool for PHP available right in your browser. Clockwork gives you an insight into your application runtime - including request data, performance metrics, log entries, database queries, cache queries, redis commands, dispatched events, queued jobs, rendered views and more - for HTTP requests, commands, queue jobs and tests. 

The official Symfony SDK for Sentry.

Code for database forms and Drupal module for the project.

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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.

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