Hey ,

How long do you think it would take to write a roundup post of all of the new books and video courses that are coming your way on raywenderlich.com?

The answer is one hour and forty-seven minutes — which is way longer than we thought! Maybe we’re just slow writers, or maybe it’s because we have so many new and updated books and video courses coming out over the next few months that it took us a while. We had to review the list a few times to make sure we caught them all... and we almost forgot one. (Any guesses which one it was?)

In any case, there’s a ton of content coming over the next little while, and we figured you’d be interested in some of them. Have a look at the full list here:
There’s more than that coming your way, but it’s still a little early to talk about it. But we’ll definitely keep you updated on what’s coming on the site as we start to flesh out more great content for you.


— Ray