You can sell Google Sheets.
Yes, I swear it’s true.
Even though I send you ways to make your sheets better, I’m putting my own theories to work. Eating my own dog food.
I call it the GG Stack.
*In Tribute to
Currently I have 2 Google Sheets for sale on Gumroad.
Yes I've launched 2 products and sold multiple copies.
Generating hundreds of dollars of revenue.
Newsletter Command Center
Run a profitable curated newsletter from a Google Sheet.
100 Twitter Templates
Write more than you ever thought you would, in a google sheet.
1 click from sheet to tweet.
And Now: Introducing…
100 Business Ideas. Here’s 100 free ideas, in a google sheet, on gumroad.
Accompanying each idea is an example, if available.
If nobody has done it yet, you should. If someone has done it, you should figure out if you can do it in another way.
Read a bunch of books? Summarize those for others. Niche down and ramp up. Summarize 100 books for a very specific audience.
100 Book Summaries for iPhone App Designers
100 Business Book Summaries in 1 sentence
100 Book Summaries for Failed Entrepreneurs
General Mental Models are good.
Niche Mental Models are great.
Contextualize, Analyze and Enrich mental models for a very specific audience.
If you have 5 years in an industry, put that to use teaching the next era of people in your industry.
Start a google sheet today, put up the sales page on gumroad. Each week as you update it and add to it, send an email (post in gumroad) to update your buyers. Explicitly tell buyers on the sales page that it’s a work in progress.