Wealth tax proposal - Single-shot vaccine rollout - Israeli cargo ship attack

SCOTUS on vote eligibility • French ex-President sentenced • Israeli cargo ship attack • Wealth tax proposal • Single-shot vaccine rollout •
02 MAR 2021
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SCOTUS on vote eligibility • Wealth tax proposal • Israeli cargo ship attack • French ex-President sentenced • Single-shot vaccine rollout

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#1 in U.S. News • 44 articles
How will the Supreme Court define rules for absentee voting and incorrect ballots?
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  1. Top from last 48 hrs
    US supreme court could deal blow to provision protecting minority voters.
    The Guardian (Moderate Left) • Credibility Grade 83% • 6 min read

    The US supreme court will hear a case on Tuesday that could allow the court’s conservative majority to deal a major blow to the most powerful remaining provision of the Voting Rights Act, the 1965 law designed to prevent racial discrimination in voting. The case, Brnovich v Democratic National Committee, involves a dispute over two Arizona measures.
    One is a 2016 law that bans anyone other than a close family member or caregiver from collecting absentee ballots, sometimes called ballot harvesting. The second is a measure that requires officials to reject ballots cast in the wrong precinct, even if the voter has cast a vote in statewide races.
    Arizona rejected more than 38,335 ballots cast in the wrong precinct between 2008 and 2016 and minority voters were twice as likely as white voters to have their ballots rejected, the DNC noted in its brief. Losing the full power of section 2 would also make it harder for litigants, including the justice department, to challenge the wave of restrictive bills bubbling in Georgia and other state legislatures that would make it harder to vote.
  1. Top from different political viewpoint
    Supreme Court to hear challenge to Arizona election measures.
    Washington Times (Moderate Right) • Credibility Grade 68% • 3 min read
  1. Top long-read
    The debate over mail‐​in voting, ballot harvesting, and more. (2020)
    Cato Institute (Moderate Right) • Credibility Grade 63% • 11 min read

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#2 in U.S. News • 19 articles
What is in progressive Democrats' newly unveiled "ultramillionaire" tax bill?
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  1. Top from last 48 hrs
    Democrats unveil an ultramillionaire tax on the top 0.05% of American households.
    Business Insider (Moderate Left) • Credibility Grade 84% • 3 min read

    A press release said the bill would create a fairer economy without raising taxes on the 99.95% of households with net worths below $50 million by creating a 2% tax on households with net worths between $50 million and $1 billion, along with a 1% annual surtax — or 3% overall tax — on households with net worths over $1 billion.
    The ultramillionaire tax also has anti-evasion measures, according to a bill summary, which include: a $100 billion investment to strengthen the IRS; a 30% minimum audit rate for taxpayers subject to the tax; a 40% exit tax on US citizens with net worths over $50 million who renounce their citizenships; third-party reporting for existing tax information exchange agreements, along with penalties for underpayment.
    As an alternative to the wealth tax, Rep. Ro Khanna of California introduced a bill on February 17 to hold the ultrarich accountable by requiring more aggressive auditing from the IRS, rather than imposing additional taxes. "Right now, the wealthiest 1% are responsible for roughly 70% of the 'tax gap' — the difference between taxes owed and taxes paid," Khanna said in a statement.
  1. Top from different political viewpoint
    Warren unveils 'ultra-millionaire' wealth tax bill.
    Washington Examiner (Moderate Right) • Credibility Grade 75% • 2 min read
  1. Top long-read
    Analysis of Sen. Warren and Sen. Sanders' wealth tax plans. (2020)
    Tax Foundation (Moderate Right) • Credibility Grade 86% • 30 min read

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Do you support a wealth tax on households with $50M+ net worth?

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Do you support legalization of recreational marijuana?


654 votes, 270 comments


Yes - I work in youth substance abuse prevention. Marijuana is one of the most difficult drugs to target our prevention strategies because all weed transactions are in the dark, where we can't see them and implement community wide changes. Ample studies show that (while not perfectly safe) it is safer than alcohol. De-criminalization would drastically relieve pressure on our criminal justice system and make it easier for folks like me to prevent youth substance abuse.

No - I'm a retired addiction counselor witnessing the effects of drugs on our community. Marijuana is not an innocent drug, but we encourage binge drinking and now top it off with some pot. Watch out.

No - Do we think that more people using it would make our civilization better? Legalizing drugs is like putting a governmental stamp of approval on it and will encourage more people to try it. Reducing the penalties on it is a better way to go. No one needs to go to prison for it, but that doesn’t mean you should legalize it and make it seem mainstream or acceptable or good for our society.

#1 in World News • 41 articles
Why is there increasing tension between Israel and Iran?
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  1. Top from last 48 hrs
    Netanyahu blames Iran for blast on Israeli-owned ship which Tehran denies.
    Reuters (Center) • Credibility Grade 69% • 2 min read

    The vehicle-carrier MV Helios Ray was hit [in the Gulf of Oman] between Thursday night and Friday morning by a blast above the water line that a U.S official said ripped holes in both sides of its hull. An Israeli official said limpet mines were used. Pictures of the Helios Ray showed each hole resulted from “a mine affixed to the exterior, apparently in a nighttime navy commando operation.”
    Asked if Israel would retaliate, [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] said: “You know my policy. Iran is Israel’s biggest enemy. I am determined to fend it off. We are striking at it all over the region." [Kan radio] said the Netanyahu interview was pre-recorded on Sunday night, before Syria accused Israel of carrying out missile strikes around southern Damascus.
    Israel did not confirm carrying out those strikes, but has previously said it was launching frequent military actions against Iranian deployment or arms handovers within Syria. Iran said in November it would make a “calculated” response to the killing of its top nuclear scientist, which it blamed on Israel. Israel has not responded to that accusation.
  1. Top local viewpoint
    Iran behind attack on Israeli-owned ship, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Kochavi confirms.
    Jerusalem Post (Moderate Right) • Credibility Grade 65% • 2 min read
  1. Top long-read
    Why the Israel-UAE deal is more about Iran than peace. (2020)
    New York Magazine (Left) • Credibility Grade 80% • 7 min read

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#2 in World News • 32 articles
Why is a former French president being sentenced to jail time?
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  1. Top from last 48 hrs
    Ex-President Sarkozy gets jail sentence for corruption in France.
    New York Times (Moderate Left) • Credibility Grade 82% • 5 min read

    [Mr. Sarkozy, who led France from 2007 to 2012] was found guilty of trying to illegally obtain information on another case against him from a judge in return for promises to use his influence to secure a prestigious job for the judge. [He] also became the first French president to be found guilty on the specific charge of corruption.
    While the court handed down a three-year prison sentence, two of those years were suspended. Mr. Sarkozy can request that his one-year term be served outside prison, for instance at home with an electronic bracelet. But Mr. Sarkozy’s appeal places the entire sentence on hold. The conviction does not bar Mr. Sarkozy from running for office, although he has not publicly expressed any such desire.
    He still holds considerable sway among French conservatives, but the conviction could undermine his broader standing in French politics and dash any hopes of mounting yet another comeback ahead of the 2022 presidential elections — especially for a politician who has fashioned himself as particularly tough on crime.
  1. Top local viewpoint
    France's ex-president, Nicolas Sarkozy, given jail term for corruption.
    Euronews (Center) • Credibility Grade 63% • 4 min read
  1. Top long-read
    Nicolas Sarkozy's no good, very bad campaign finance scheme. (2020)
    Lawfare (Moderate Left) • Credibility Grade 91% • 9 min read

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#1 in Health News • 313 articles
How soon will Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot vaccine be available?
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  1. Top from last 48 hrs
    Johnson & Johnson vaccine rollout begins in U.S. as COVID-19 cases tick up.
    NPR (Moderate Left) • Credibility Grade 80% • 5 min read

    Jeff Zients, the White House's COVID-19 response coordinator, said at a briefing Monday that 3.9 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be distributed to states, tribes, territories, pharmacies and community health centers this week, starting as early as Tuesday. It's the first single-dose vaccine to receive the blessing of U.S. authorities and the only one that does not require ultracold storage.
    He said the company expects to deliver some 16 million additional doses by the end of March, "predominantly in the back half of the month." Company officials expect to scale up production in the coming months. [Johnson & Johnson's CEO Alex Gorsky] said the company is committed to delivering 100 million doses by June and "up to a billion" by the end of 2021.
    An international study found Johnson & Johnson's vaccine to be 66% effective in preventing moderate to severe cases of COVID-19, in contrast to Pfizer's and Moderna's higher figures of 95% and 94%. But it also determined the vaccine prevented COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths after 28 days, which officials say is equally important.
  1. Top from different political viewpoint
    Johnson & Johnson reportedly planning COVID-19 trial to include infants.
    Daily Wire (Right) • Credibility Grade 69% • 3 min read
  1. Top long-read
    Johnson & Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine, how it works and why it matters.
    CNN (Left) • Credibility Grade 81% • 5 min read

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In St. Louis, voters will get to vote for as many candidates as they want.

FiveThirtyEight (Moderate Left) • Grade 84% • 6 min read

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Is QAnon a cult? The science is thin.

Undark (Center) • Grade 87% • 14 min read

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The birth of Bidenomics?

The Bulwark (Moderate Right) • Grade 74% • 7 min read


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US wasted billions of dollars on Afghan rebuilding projects.

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Census data snafu upends 2022 elections.

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