Weekly Xamarin - Weekly Xamarin - Issue 311

Design and performance tips aplenty.

Weekly Xamarin


ISSUE 311  6th July 2021




G'day Everyone!

This week sees some excellent tips and tricks for both design and performance. We are also starting to see a lot more concrete information about MAUI. Sorry for the slightly late issue, but have an amazing week ahead.


Weekly Xamarin  Permalink




UI and UX tips

This is part 6 of a collection of UI/UX articles which have some useful little tips for making your apps just a little bit better.

UI & UX Micro-Tips: Volume Six by Marc Andrew

marcandrew.me  Permalink




Xamarin Code Quality & Performance

Luis shares tips and tricks to enhance your application. Definitely worth a read.

Xamarin Code Quality & Performance by Luis Matos

luismts.com  Permalink




Your Android app on Windows 11

Windows 11 is going to be able to have Android apps from the Amazon store. That's cool, but what do you need to do to get your app there?

Changes to your Android code needed to download the app on Windows 11 through the Amazon App Store by Saamer Mansoor

medium.com  Permalink


Migrating to Android X

Sometimes moving to Android X can be a pain.

Migrating to Android X: Another Attempt by Matt Crombie

xamarinhowto.com  Permalink


The future of Android App Bundles is here

Google Play will start requiring new apps to be published with the Android App Bundle starting August 2021. This will replace the APK as the standard publishing format.

The future of Android App Bundles is here by Dom Elliott

googleblog.com  Permalink




Exploring Automation Properties

Accessibility is a huge consideration for building apps. In this article Leomaris takes a look at the various Automation properties available in Xamarin.Forms to help you on your journey.

Exploring Automation Properties in Xamarin Forms by Leomaris Reyes

askxammy.com  Permalink


Converter with multiple Parameters in Xamarin Forms

Have you ever wondered how to pass multiple parameters to a converter, or how to create properties in a converter to change the value based on them? If you want to know how to achieve it then keep reading .

Converter with multiple Parameters in Xamarin Forms - XamGirl by Charlin Agramonte

xamgirl.com  Permalink


App Shortcuts

How to add shortcuts using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin.Forms App?

Xamarin.Forms - App Shortcuts Using Xamarin.Essentials by Delpin Susai Raj

blogspot.com  Permalink


Image Data Was Invalid issue

Ever wanted to display an image in your app from an external source on the internet, you bind the URL to an image view, or pass it directly, but once you run your app the image doesn’t appear. Damien shows a potential fix for this.

How to Resolve ImageLoaderSourceHandler: Could Not Retrieve Image or Image Data Was Invalid Uri - Cool Coders by Damien Doumer

doumer.me  Permalink


Creating a Floating Label Layout with Syncfusion

The Syncfusion Xamarin.Forms DataForm supports a floating label layout that includes features such as assistive labels, leading and trailing icons, and a password toggle icon to show or hide a password.

Creating a Floating Label Layout in Xamarin.Forms DataForm by Jeyasri Murugan

syncfusion.com  Permalink




Image Resizetizer

Nick looks at using the Maui image resizer build system for his Uno project. Technically not a Xamarin article, but very interesting that we could probably start taking advantage of this over on a regular Xamarin.Forms projects

Image Resizetizer for WinUI and Uno Applications by Nick Randolph

builttoroam.com  Permalink


Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI

This repository is a compilation with documentation, examples and tips when converting code from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI. Keep your eyes on this one if you are interested in eventually moving your apps to MAUI.

jsuarezruiz/xamarin-forms-to-net-maui by Javier Suarez

github.com  Permalink


Sands of MAUI: Issue #14

Sam continues bring us the updates on the latest latest .NET MAUI content relevant to developers.

Sands of MAUI: Issue #14 by Sam Basu

telerik.com  Permalink




Merge Conflict: 260: Every question answered

James and Frank take your questions directly on another lighting topic episode of Merge Conflict.

Merge Conflict: 260: Every question answered by Merge Conflict

mergeconflict.fm  Permalink


Null Pointers 59: Automating stuff

Being in IT means that automation is always something that's top of mind. Be it something in your development pipeline or something at home. We cover a range of automation bits and bobs in this episode.

59: Automating stuff by Null Pointers

nullpointers.io  Permalink


Cross-platform Awesome with Shiny 2.0

Today, James is joined by Allan Ritchie, Microsoft MVP, who shows off the latest version of his cross-platform library Shiny. Shiny is a cross platform framework designed for Xamarin & UWP to make working with device services and background processes easy, testable, and consistent while bringing things like dependency injection & logging in a structured way to your code!

Cross-platform Awesome with Shiny 2.0 | The Xamarin Show by The Xamarin Show

msdn.com  Permalink


Get Creative with DrawingView

Bring out your inner Bob Ross with the Xamarin Community Toolkit DrawingView. This control allows you to draw on a canvas in your Xamarin.Forms app, for instance to let your users capture signatures. These drawings can then be exported to an image, or vice versa; load a collection of points into the DrawingView.

Get Creative with DrawingView in Xamarin Community Toolkit by Gerald Versluis

youtube.com  Permalink

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