Martiniere Stories - Return of the Prodigal Son, Part Two
With this segment of Chapter One of Repairing the Legacy, we continue the serialization of Repairing the Legacy. This is a rough draft work in progress and may not reflect the final form. Time period: set after the ending of The Martiniere Legacy main trilogy, before the Epilogue (for this chapter). I’m breaking longer chapters into sections for readability. This is the second and final part of Chapter One. December, 2059 RUBY Ruby couldn’t help but stifle a yawn as they rode through Paris, cobblestones and pavement glimmering damp under streetlights. They had left the Double R in the middle of the night to get to Paris at a reasonable time in the early evening, and while she had napped during their flight, she was still tired. Mikey slumped against her side. He had fallen asleep shortly after they got into the SUV. They slowed to turn through a stone archway as iron gates swung open, and drove into an enclosed courtyard. Ruby glanced around. “Welcome to the Hôtel Martiniere,” Gabe said, his voice oddly tight as Mikey jerked awake. “Is this all—?” she asked in a very small voice. “Yes,” Gabe said, pointing to a well-lighted entrance. “We go in there, and the penthouse is in that portion. But all of this?” He waved a hand. “Yes.” He pointed to the wing on their right. “I was born in Los Angeles. But I spent my first seven years there, before we returned to LA. My late sister Louisa was born here.” “Wow,” Mikey whispered, his eyes wide. The passenger door opened next to Mikey, and a woman wearing a uniform with a long, gray overcoat and white gloves held out her hand. Mikey pushed close to Ruby, his slight body tensing. Ruby gently kissed the top of his head. “It’s all right, Mikey. Give her your hand.” She glanced at the woman. “Be patient with him, please,” she said in French. “He’s shy with strangers. Also, his French is minimal.” The woman smiled at Mikey. “I am just helping you out of the vehicle so that you don’t fall, little one,” she said softly, in heavily accented English. Mikey hesitantly extended his hand to rest it on her white glove. Then he stood carefully. He slipped on the running board as he stepped down, and the woman caught him, steadying Mikey until he stood straight on the ground. Then she turned back to offer a hand to Ruby, and finally Gabe. “Mikey,” Gabe said once he was out of the SUV. “I need to take Ruby’s left hand. You can either take my free hand or hers. Your choice.” Mikey pressed in close to Ruby and took her right hand. Doors slammed behind them. Ruby glanced back to see Brandon and Kris, her pregnancy showing under her heavy coat, and the cyborged brothers, who had flown over with them. More doors thumping, and Justine stepped out of her SUV, accompanied by Donald. Gabe turned slightly to look at the others as they lined up. “Here we go,” he said. “Everybody ready for the presentation of the new Martiniere and his close family?” “Yes,” Ruby said. Mikey nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Brandon said, his voice tight. “Easier than you expect,” Justine said. “Relax, everybody.” “That’s what you think, Tine. You’ve not been away as long as I have,” Gabe muttered as he turned to face forward. “All right. Let’s do this.” They walked forward. Uniformed security staff standing alongside the red carpet leading to the double front doors bowed to Ruby and Gabe as they passed by. When they approached the doors, two of the staff opened them. Ruby briefly wondered if they were indentured or free. No way to tell with gloved hands and high collars. The Martiniere trefoil indenture brand could be either on the webbing between thumb and index finger of the person’s right hand, or on the neck. Hand meant temporary. Neck meant permanent. Gabe nodded at the staff as his hand tensed on Ruby’s. He straightened up, imperceptibly an inch taller, his face tightening and falling into stern lines. Ruby followed suit. On her other side, Mikey clenched her hand almost as snugly as Gabe did. This is it. The real meaning of becoming a Martiniere. Butterflies danced in her gut. And this was somehow more daunting to face than Grand Entry at the Pendleton Round-Up. Riding barrels at the National Finals. Making formal sales presentations to a large group of investors. She really had married into nobility, even though they no longer claimed any titles. Before they stepped inside, Gabe released Ruby’s hand, slipping his arm under her elbow, then taking hold of her hand again as he raised their arms, displaying the emerald Martiniere mind control command ring that served as her wedding band. Another Family tradition. If she ran a finger over the emerald, then she could issue commands to any mind-conditioned Martiniere or Martiniere indentured servant—and be obeyed. A ring worn only by certain wives of the Martiniere—and it had been hidden in Gabe’s possession for years. Gabe’s uncle Gerard met them. “Gabriel. Welcome home.” Gabe inclined his head. “Thank you, Gerard.” Breathe, Ruby, she told herself as she looked beyond Gabe and Gerard to the mass of people waiting to see them. She heard Gerard greeting Brandon and Kris. Then he guided them to Mikey’s side, and placed Justine next to Gabe, Donald on the far side of Justine. Staff stepped forward and Gabe helped Ruby and Mikey out of their overcoats, then removed his. He slipped his arm back under hers as Mikey clenched hard on her other hand, pushing close to Ruby’s side. Gerard stepped forward and clapped his hands. “Family,” Gerard said, in French. Ruby listened closely, tense. She’d been cramming and updating her college French over the past few weeks for survival’s sake. “May I introduce the new Martiniere and his close kin. Gabriel Marcus Martiniere, son of Philip. His wife, Ruby Marie Barkley, the new Matriarch. Their adopted son, Michael. Their son Brandon, the Martiniere-in-waiting, and his wife Krista. Gabriel’s sister Justine and her former husband, Donald Atwood.” Gerard bowed low to Gabe. The mass of people beyond him bowed or curtsied, deeper than Gerard. Gabe inhaled sharply, his hand and arm tensing even more on Ruby’s. But when he spoke, his voice was steady and calm, unwavering, as if he wasn’t gripping Ruby’s hand as hard as he could to keep from trembling. “Family,” he said, in English. “I thank you all for this welcome. My family and I are grateful for this honor. It’s a quite different reception from when I was here last, thirty years ago, and my everlasting thanks go to those of you who supported me and made me your Martiniere.” He paused, repeating what he had just said in French before switching back to English. “I appreciate your presence. But it has been a long flight from Oregon for us. Michael has been ill and Brandon’s wife is expecting their first child.” Some of the elders amongst the mass of people shifted their attention to Brandon and Kris. Ruby thought she saw growing approval and pleasure softening their expressions. “They in particular need time to rest,” Gabe continued. “I ask that we save the formalities for Christmas dinner and keep our introductions informal.” Another repeat in French, then continuing in English. “As many of you know, my dear Ruby and I have recently remarried, and this is the first opportunity we have had for a honeymoon. I ask for your indulgence during my first Christmas as the Martiniere. We will be withdrawing more than you might expect otherwise, and I request that we treat tonight as an informal gathering.” The crowd burst into applause even before Gabe repeated his words in French. How much of the French is simply formalities? Mikey pushed closer to Ruby. “Let our revelries begin. May our holiday be peaceful and without conflict. I will conduct limited business, of course, but for this gathering—” He eased his hand free and wrapped his arm around Ruby, turning her slightly to give her a big kiss. “This is our honeymoon.” More applause, and laughter. Ruby grinned at Gabe, then looked down at Mikey. His face was pinched and drawn. “I think we’d better give Mikey a break after the photographs,” she said softly to Gabe, as photographers now pushed in front of the rest of the Family. Gabe nodded. “Bran, if you and Kris want to take Mikey and go to the penthouse once the photos are done, that would be a really good idea. There’s supposed to be a cold supper waiting for us.” “I’m good with that,” Brandon said. “Gerard—?” Gabe asked. “I’ll escort them upstairs,” Gerard said. “You do remember—” “I’m not likely to forget the way to the penthouse,” Gabe said dryly. “Even if it has been thirty years since the last time I got hauled up there for an ass-chewing by Philip.” Once Brandon, Kris, and Mikey followed Gerard up the stairs, followed by the cyborged brothers—Ruby hadn’t seen them until now—Justine moved to stand next to Ruby while Donald stepped away to speak to other Family members. The Family approached in smaller groups. Ruby recognized some faces from her quick trip to Europe during October to drum up support for Gabe’s bid to depose Philip. Some had attended their wedding, and still others had made the trek to Moondance for the meeting which confirmed Gabe as the Martiniere. As they came forward, Justine whispered to Ruby how they were connected to Gabe. “There’s going to be problems with Adrien and Vincent,” Justine muttered to Ruby, nodding toward two middle-aged men who hung back, once most of the Family had greeted them and introduced themselves to Ruby. “I’m not surprised,” Ruby whispered back. She had already encountered the two during her previous trip to Europe. Both men had grilled her intensely about Gabe’s intentions. Vincent was Gerard’s younger son and Adrien the younger son of Gabe’s aunt Madeline. Justine rolled her eyes. “Younger sons. A problem for the Family over centuries.” “This isn’t the 1600s.” “That’s what you think.” “Ladies.” Gabe’s voice was soft but firm. “Not the place.” “All right, Gabie,” Justine snarked in response, smirking. Gabe’s hand was tighter on Ruby’s than ever. “Enough, Justine,” she said quietly. Her sister-in-law glanced at them, and didn’t say any more. At last, it was done. Gabe put his arm around Ruby. “That’s all for tonight,” he said firmly. “We are tired and hungry. More tomorrow.” Justine and Donald remained behind with the other Family members as Gabe propelled Ruby through the gathered crowd and up the stairs, the pressure on her back only easing after they had climbed a couple of flights and were on a landing out of sight from below. Then he dropped his arm from her back and leaned against the railing. “Are you all right?” Ruby asked. His face was its normal color, so…not a health problem? But Gabe had already experienced one heart attack, nine years ago, at age forty-eight. Ruby vividly remembered Brandon’s frantic call once Gabe was safe in the hospital. The heart attack had happened when he was visiting his father at Moondance, while Gabe was still married to Rachel. Gabe had collapsed in front of Brandon. Their son had taken care of him until first responders arrived, then Brandon drove Rachel to the hospital. It shouldn’t be a problem now, thanks to the anti-aging serum they’d been given. Five years grace, she thought. Then it could be a worry. But Ruby was concerned, all the same. That same serum hadn’t prevented cardiac problems in Gabe’s grandmother Donna—and Gabe had dealt with many more health issues than Donna. Gabe rubbed his face and exhaled. “I just need a moment, Rubes.” He looked up and gave her a faint smile. “It’s not my heart. I promise.” He pushed off the railing and reached for her again, taking her into his arms, nuzzling that area between her neck and shoulder that he sought when he desired solace. They stood together for a few moments. Then Gabe straightened up. “Yeah. First appearance at Family Christmas as the Martiniere. Now that it’s over, I’m feeling one hell of an adrenaline crash. It’ll be better after this.” He smiled at Ruby. “I’m absolutely starving.” He pulled away, but took her left hand in his as they climbed up the stairs. “Not surprising. You didn’t eat much today.” “I never ate a lot during Christmas until you and I got together. Hangover from the old days,” Gabe said. “If I knew there was a likelihood that I’d have my control words used on me, I wouldn’t eat much, to minimize the risk of puking or soiling myself. Because sometimes things were just that bad.” He grimaced. “That happened during my testimony. Philip co-opted a couple of my minders and got a psychotropic to me, using my underwear. When his attorney used my control words in the courtroom, the results were—pretty damn embarrassing. Even though something like that happening was extremely unlikely to happen tonight, old habits die hard.” She tightened her hand on his. “I’m sorry.” Gabe shrugged and glanced around. “I have a lot of things to adjust to yet. Especially being the prodigal son, after being in exile so long.” They stopped at the head of the stairs and he raised her hand to his lips. “And I am so, so very grateful to have you at my side, my love. So very damn grateful.” That sharp, piercing gaze of his smoldered as Gabe straightened up with a slow smile, his eyes fixed on her, sending a frisson of delight through her body. They say that power’s an aphrodisiac, but I’ve never really needed that with Gabe. Ruby smirked at him. Then again, perhaps she had always sensed the power lying underneath his façade, back when he appeared to be just an impoverished bronc rider on the run from indenture. “The two of us together, Gabe,” she said softly. “Side by side, we can deal with just about anything. Even now.” He exhaled. “Especially now.” He pulled her close and they kissed. “Mmm.” “Food first,” she said. “Then a shower, and—we’ll see, hmm?” “I’m going to hold you to that,” he said. Ruby laughed as Gabe opened the door to the penthouse. She could get used to this life, she supposed. If you liked this post from Martiniere Stories, why not share it? |
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