Rancher Desktop, a Docker Desktop Replacement — Tricks I wish I knew when I learned TypeScript — and Peter Norvig Joins Stanford HAI

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Issue #554 — October 13, 2021

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Rancher Desktop, a Docker Desktop Replacement


Tricks I wish I knew when I learned TypeScript


Peter Norvig Joins Stanford HAI


Major nuclear fusion milestone reached as ‘ignition’ triggered in a lab


The Microsoft MFA system almost brought me to a nervous breakdown

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The future of data onboarding is no-code

Flatfile is unveiling collaborative workspaces built for data exchange and onboarding. No more emailing sensitive Excel data back and forth or using Python scripts. Register for our platform reveal on October 12th.

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Is going to the office a broken way of working?


Use Raspberry Pi as Airplay server to screen mirror on TVs, monitors, projectors


Covid lesson: trust the public with hard truths


Ask HN: Solo-preneurs, how do you DevOps to save time?


AWS Lambda Cold Start Times


A variable signal at heart of the Milky Way


Show HN: Identify car crash editorial anti-patterns using NLP


Australians ‘complacent’ to rapid growth in digital surveillance


Nvidia releases Alias-Free GAN code and pre-trained models, naming it StyleGAN3


Nuclear Power in France


Finland lobbied EU to declare nuclear power sustainable


Instagram has largely replaced TikTok in India


The Home Depot Teams Up with Walmart to Expand Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery


2,050-year-old Roman tomb offers insights on ancient concrete resilience


Facebook Dangerous Individuals and Organizations List (Reproduced Snapshot)

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I keep making things out of checkboxes — Open Source Tractor — and Jörg Schilling has died

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HN 15 Years ago — The American Bumblebee Has Vanished from Eight States — and The latest campus cancellation is different

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Issue #552 — Top 20 stories of October 11, 2021 Issue #552 — October 11, 2021 You receive this email because you are subscribed to Hacker News Digest. You can open it in the browser if you prefer. 1 HN

EU court rules no EULA can forbid decompilation, if you want to fix a bug — and Ireland joins OECD International Tax agreement

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Issue #551 — Top 20 stories of October 10, 2021 Issue #551 — October 10, 2021 You receive this email because you are subscribed to Hacker News Digest. You can open it in the browser if you prefer. 1 EU

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Friday, October 8, 2021

Issue #550 — Top 20 stories of October 09, 2021 Issue #550 — October 09, 2021 You receive this email because you are subscribed to Hacker News Digest. You can open it in the browser if you prefer. 1

Twitch source code and customer data has reportedly been leaked — and Conterintuitive facts in mathematics, CS, and physics

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Issue #548 — Top 20 stories of October 07, 2021 Issue #548 — October 07, 2021 You receive this email because you are subscribed to Hacker News Digest. You can open it in the browser if you prefer. 1

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