Real Python - [PythonistaCafe] Q&A

Hey there,

At this point you should have a pretty good idea of what PythonistaCafe is about and what makes it special.

In this email I want to answer some common questions that I get asked about the PythonistaCafe community.

So here we go:

Why is this a paid community?

As a paid membership community PythonistaCafe is able to stop many of the associated problems that free-for-all public communities struggle with. Using an application process, we avoid accepting members who aren't serious about growing their software development skills and careers. People don't generally pay money to join a community if they're not serious or want to troll others.

This creates a certain type of culture in the community. It's one of collaboration and helpfulness. It's one where you can form genuine relationships with other members, learn from one another and give back to other members who are newer. It also fosters collaboration. An open community tends to be more guarded and cutthroat because people need to keep each other at "arms length."

Besides that, joining PythonistaCafe is also a way for you to get direct access to me (Dan) in order to get help solving a Python problem or get advice in what direction to go. I'm checking the forums and replying to topics and questions daily. Becoming a PythonistaCafe member fills the gap between my one-off Python training (courses & books) and booking 1:1 coaching. Your membership fee is also used to pay for hosting and ongoing maintenance.

Where are your members located?

PythonistaCafe is an English-speaking Python community with members located all over the world. Everyone is welcome and we're not restricting access by country or proficiency. If you're friendly and like Python we'd love to have you onboard.

How much is the membership fee?

The membership fee is $49 per quarter (== every 3 months). To put that into perspective, that's less than 55 cents per day and I promise it'll be well worth the investment.

What if I want to cancel my subscription?

If you want to cancel your membership, you can do it 100% from your side by clicking the big red "Cancel Subscription" button in your Gumroad account. Alternatively, you can also email me at and I'll cancel your subscription for you, but if you want out you can get out "unilaterally" in a few seconds with the process outlined in the link above.

Do you also participate in PythonistaCafe, Dan?

Absolutely—PythonistaCafe is my new home. Each week I receive a ton of emails asking me for programming or career advice. And to be honest, it's hard to keep up with them all.

If you need access to me to help solve a Python problem or get advice in what direction to go, the PythonistaCafe forums will be where you can find me. I'm checking the forums and replying to topics and questions daily.

I've never been a member in an online community, is this right for me?

Even if you've never been a part of an online community before you're more than welcome to join. Don't fear the impostor syndrome!

As part of your onboarding we'll show you the ropes. Even if you've never posted something online, you'll see step-by-step how to share your thoughts and communicate with other members using the forum software PythonistaCafe runs on.

We'll introduce you and guide you along the way so you can become a valued member of this community.

What's involved in applying for membership?

Our application process is simple. You just fill out an online form and we'll review it to make sure you're a good fit for the community. If we don't think you're going to benefit from being a member, we'll tell you that up front. If we need more information, we'll reach out and ask.

To start the membership application process, please follow the instructions at the the link below:


If you've got any additional questions just reply to this email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Happy Pythoning!

— Dan Bader

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