How will the future judge 2021?
Perhaps 2021 will be remembered as the year when the rising tide of climate disasters in wealthier parts of the world caused dramatic changes in public perception. When the fantasy of safety began to drop away. When cracks began to emerge in the faith that money and technology will find solutions just in the nick of time.
And what will 2022 be? I can’t predict the future, but I can guarantee you this: As the crisis grows, people in power will pull out all the stops to redirect the brewing discontent, with xenophobic finger-pointing or promises of shiny techno-fixes. In 2022, our need to unmask the lies and distractions will be more pressing than ever before.
This unflinching truth-telling is what The Intercept was born for. Amid gutted local newsrooms and corporate media owned by the very elites who are to blame for the crisis, The Intercept’s nonprofit newsroom looks beyond the surface to challenge the corruption and self-serving orthodoxies of the powerful.
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To leverage this brief moment of opportunity, we need great journalists to have the time, resources, and editorial encouragement to expose who profits — and how we all suffer — from the continued destabilization of our planet.
Just as urgently, we need to tell the stories of social movements and insurgent politicians who are poised to seize this moment of public awakening, and fight for a world no longer based on extraction and the fantasy of endless growth.
The Intercept is where we can witness the front lines of the fight for a better world, from water protectors resisting pipeline construction to organizers overturning Texas’s giveaway program for the oil and gas industry.
The Intercept is where you can read the analysis of writers like Julian Brave NoiseCat, one of the architects of the Green New Deal and a leading Indigenous climate journalist.
In North America, The Intercept is one of the only outlets to cover Brazil’s largest-ever Indigenous protests against destruction of the Amazon — the lungs of the planet — by agribusiness, mining, and logging interests aligned with far-right President Jair Bolsonaro.
These are the stories that will supercharge our movements in 2022.
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