Miriam Reads Tarot - Episode 007: The Empress Tarot Card
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Pexels: Yan Krukov The Empress card of the Major Arcana in the tarot has been assigned to be the card that represents feminine energy and anything maternal. This card can also mean creating art and even establishing a new business. In addition, this card represents nurturing because creating anything needs to be nurtured to be sustained. The Empress Represents CreativityNurturing a family and a new business must be done. This card can be relevant to starting a new art-related project such as painting. Therefore, if you want to start a new creative venture and this card comes up, that shows a good chance it will happen. You have to nurture whatever you create to sustain it. This card will also come up if you are thinking of starting a family as it is the card that represents motherhood, after all. She represents the fertility and the abundance of Mother Earth and how it's transferred to you when you use your inner resources properly. She gives you nurturing, comfort, warmth, and security when you choose to utilize these powers in your own life. The Empress tarot card shows you that your intuition is strong enough to make wise decisions by trusting your knowledge. It teaches you that quieting overactive minds can be accomplished with meditation or relaxation techniques - or even taking a break from trying to figure everything out all at once! When this card appears in readings, it's almost always about your home life, family, love relationships, and other nurturing situations. The Empress Tells You That You Do Not Need Mystical GuidanceThe Empress card reminds you that Mother Nature is the best source of wisdom because she has been in existence since before humanity could even record history. She teaches you to listen to your inner voice rather than rely on things like fortunetellers or psychics who might not have your best interests at heart (or maybe trying to rip us off). Finally, the Empress card lets you know that you don't need any mystical guidance; you only need yourself! Therefore, when the Empress tarot card shows up in a reading, it's a perfect time just to be yourself. You don't need to put on airs or appear as something you're not. Instead, the Empress lets us know that we are on the right path and doing fine with our decisions! The Empress Does Not Want You To Worry About What Others ThinkThe Empress card reminds you how important it is to do what feels suitable for yourself without worrying about others' thoughts. Your inner wisdom will guide you towards true happiness while also giving you many opportunities for growth and new experiences along the way. If you've been feeling a little off-track lately, this card may be trying to tell you that you should reevaluate where your focus has been going because it's not showing you the best path. When this card is in a reading, it's time to slow down and take a break if needed - but also look deep within yourself for guidance! The Empress card reminds you that you have all the power within yourself to succeed or fail. Therefore, you need to listen carefully to what your inner voices are saying to manifest the right actions at opportune times. The Empress Wants You To Be True To YourselfThe Empress card can show up when asking about love life readings because she always encourages people to stay true to themselves when balancing work and play in their love lives. If your empress tarot cards ask whether it's a good time for you to socialize more, go out on more dates, and so on - the Empress is telling you that your self-esteem will be at its highest when you're enjoying yourself in your private time away from work. The Empress card has a lot of different meanings when she shows up in readings, but one thing is for sure: she always provides the motivation you need to search deep within yourself for guidance! How does the Empress play a role in Risa's life? Unfortunately, like the other cards, the Empress in reverse fits Risa's situation. I'll go over that in a bit. However, Risa does not know how to apply the Empress in her life. She never had a lot of love and nurturing. Risa did not grow up in a nurturing environment at home and school. And sure, she had some maternal instincts even though she never received loved and nurturing herself because not only did she have a child, but she tries to take care of him even though it is a struggle for her to do so because of her child's complex needs. However, does Risa really care for him out of love, or is it an obligation? Does she care for her parents out of love, or is it due to feeling obliged to do so? Does she really nurture her neighbor by helping her out, or is it because she does not have it in her to not say "no," and that is what she believes anyway. If she is scared to say "no" and feels obliged to care for her family, that is not the Empress. I also want to add that Risa does not relate to the Empress because she lacks creativity. It does not mean she does not have it. For all we know, Risa could be brilliantly creative. However, Risa knows nothing about tapping into it unless she brings the Magician into her life. Therefore, Risa once again does not relate to the Empress upright. Let's now go over what the Empress in reverse means. The Empress In ReverseWhen the Empress comes up in reverse, this is a sign that there are domestic problems, a lack of nurture, stagnation, infertility, or the opposite. It could represent a pregnancy that is not wanted. Financial troubles are another representation. In reverse, you can see how the Empress relates more to Risa's situation. She never knew what it was like to be nurtured, and she doesn't really nurture anyone. She does not have kind thoughts about her family and anyone. When it comes to the Empress upright, you care for others with love. Risa cares for others because she feels she has to do so, not love. Financially, Risa and Ron struggle. They struggle to pay for her son's therapies, and they cannot afford to have any more kids because neither of them makes much money. So you can say that the Empress in reverse applies to that situation. Domestic problems are also present in Risa's life, and they always have been. She was devalued, belittled, and abused emotionally and mentally. She has also been dishonest with her husband, and there is no love in her home. You can also say that Risa is burned out and going through the motions as a result. So how can Risa begin to relate to the Empress upright? And how can you bring the Empress into your life? Let's go over that now. How You Can Allow The Empress To Help YouIn a nutshell, the way you can bring the Empress into your life is through self-care. If you are taking care of yourself, you can better care for others with love and not an obligation. That means delegating responsibilities if you must, and finances are an issue. You can always check with your local place of worship or ask for support in different Facebook groups related to a problem you face. You will need to bring the Magician into your life and become more resourceful by tapping into other sources. It is essential to care for yourself when you are stressed, especially in a caregiving situation, whether you have young kids or care for aging parents. That is more of a challenge if you struggle with mental illnesses. You need outside help, and you need your struggles validated. You need care! Also, get into a creative hobby which can help as well, as that is also very nurturing. Also, get into nature, unless it is a rainstorm, or a blizzard, getting in touch with Mother Nature can be very helpful. And if you get into a habit of spending a good ten minutes outside, as long as the weather allows you to do so, then do it. If it is freezing, bundle up. If it's too hot, drink extra water and put on sunscreen. You get the idea. Now you know what the Empress is about, and the next card I will go over is the Emperor! Subscribe now so you can have the episodes delivered to your inbox! You’re a free subscriber to Miriam Reads Tarot . For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. |
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