Software Testing Weekly - Software Testing Weekly - Issue 115

How Google, Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla make browsers better

Software Testing Weekly


ISSUE 115  March 18th 2022




Welcome to the 115th issue!

Recently, I've learned that Google, Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla join forces to make browsers better.

What does it mean for software testers? Fewer bugs, hopefully! And better browser support across test tools.

And since the world's biggest companies are working together on solving a problem, I'm looking forward to seeing the outcomes of this collaboration.

Happy testing!

Dawid Dylowicz  Permalink




Agile Testing Quadrants

Maciej Wyrodek gives a great overview of the Agile Testing Quadrants model and shows how to apply it in different scenarios.  Permalink


Create a Work Portfolio to Help You Land a New Job

Whether or not you're looking for a new job, keeping your portfolio up to date is always a good idea. Dennis Martinez shares a few tips on how to do it well.

And from the opposite angle, Kristin Jackvony advises on How to Hire a Software Tester.  Permalink


Quality Management is Risk Management

This is a great explanation of why quality and risk management are closely tied. Dave van Stein shares how to design a quality strategy, including an example.  Permalink


The Defect Expiration Date

We all know that some bugs are forgotten and stay in the backlog indefinitely. Melissa Eaden explains why it's bad and what you can do about it.

Maybe you need a Bugfixing team?  Permalink


What job should you hire a tester to do?

We know that testers often wear many hats. Here, Mike Harris suggests two main roles for testers in teams: doing the testing for the team and/or helping the team build in the quality.

However, be careful not to fall into the Test Automation Specialists trap, as Michael Küsters warns.  Permalink




The 6 Principles of Test Automation

Thomas Fernandez shares great examples of six principles that you can apply in most test automation projects.

Moreover, Bridget Hughes suggests How to Decide What Tests to Automate.  Permalink


Automation Testing with Playwright and JavaScript — Part I (Setup)

Shubham Kumar wrote a detailed guide to testing web UI interfaces using Playwright. You can also read the second part about the built-in reporters and the third part about integrating Allure.  Permalink


Smoke Testing Keeps Your Delivery Pipeline Safe and Sound

What is smoke testing, what role does it play in the software development lifecycle and how you can use it most effectively? Darko Fabijan answers all these questions in detail with code examples.  Permalink


Way to Microservices: Contract Testing — A Spring/Pact Implementation

Baran Gayretli gives a great overview of contract testing, explains the difference between provider-driven and consumer-driven contracts, and shows examples of implementing it in Java using Pact.

Furthermore, Bas Dijkstra wrote a decent guide to API mocking in JavaScript with Pactum.  Permalink


What I Learned About Unit Testing Working at Volvo Group

There are some great lessons learned by Dennis Persson about unit testing in the context of developing web applications.  Permalink


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Building Excellent User Experiences with Remix — March 23

Explore Remix, the seamless server and browser runtime, in this free event with Kent C. Dodds. Learn why many "modern web" techniques lead to a poor UX, why bridging the network chasm brings enormous productivity benefits, and how Remix scales with a single mental model. Register for free.  Permalink




21 Best API Automation Testing Tools To Automate Your Efforts

Here's a brief overview of many API tools, including their pros and cons.

And if you're wondering which one you should pick, Antoine Craske advises How To Select a Tool For Continuous API Testing.  Permalink


Cukedoctor — when test automation meets living documentation

Radosław Lewandowski explains the pain points he found while using FitNesse framework and how Cukedoctor helped him take BDD to the next level.  Permalink


Data-driven test generation — Parallelizing large data sets with Cypress

Got a large data set and want to parallelise the Cypress test execution without much hassle? Carter Capocaccia faced a similar problem and came up with a brilliant solution.

Also, Gleb Bahmutov shows a handy Cypress Lighthouse Example.  Permalink


Hello Appium, Part 2: Writing Your First Android Test

New to testing mobiles? Gaurav Singh just published the second part of his guide to Appium. You can find the first part here.  Permalink


New Chrome feature for QA: exporting recordings as JSON

Jecelyn Yeen has recently let me know about the new, useful feature in Google Chrome's recorder that allows us to export and import your recording steps in JSON. Handy!  Permalink


Understanding — Are Framework and Library the Same?

Framework and library are often used interchangeably. But they don't mean the same thing. Ravisuriya Eshwara explains the differences, especially in terms of test automation.  Permalink




API Tester without Coding

To do API testing, you don't always need to know how to code. Pramod Dutta explains how you can do it in this 9-minute video.  Permalink




Best 7 Software Testing Podcasts

If you prefer listening over reading or watching, you might be interested in checking out this handy overview of some software testing podcasts.

I also highly recommend following the Testing Podcasts aggregator where you can find all podcasts and episodes in one place.  Permalink




It may happen to the best junior dev... 😂



Thanks for reading!

If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.

PS. I'll be transferring every donation to Nasz Wybór Foundation which supports Ukrainian migrants in Poland. 🇺🇦 🙏

Dawid Dylowicz  Permalink

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