"How can I approach businesses and get new design clients right now without looking like an insensitive a*hole?"
Believe it or not, this is one of the most common questions I would get even BEFORE COVID-19 hit and the world went into lockdown. Recently, I held an online workshop and one of the attendees wanted to know how to get over the fear of selling and stop leaving money on the table.
If you've ever felt this pain – you’re in the right place. And I’m here to help.
In this email we're going to tackle the following questions:
How do you get clients if you hate marketing?
How do you do sales if you're super introverted?
What if reaching out to prospects goes against all of your instincts?
"The majority of my design career I’ve thought: ‘the only way I can get clients is if they magically come to me.’ I’ve read lots about how to do cold outreach but it is the opposite of what my introverted self wants to do.
And half the time it makes me debate if I’m even cut out for client work. I wish I could learn some extremely straightforward processes so my feelings didn’t even come into play anymore and stopped holding me back."
That’s a strong confession and unfortunately, our friend here is not alone in feeling lost and discouraged.
The good news is that all of this fear comes down to our mindset.
By fixing our mindset, we can remedy this issue. FOREVER.
The number one thing I’ve learned from my business is this:
You actually need to find clients that need your services and pitch them.
If you’re not doing outreach, no amount of research, training, or mentorship can help you.
You have to realize that moving your business forward falls on YOU.
If you’re nodding your head YES and want to find out what to do step-by-step, keep reading.
Take a look at this email and tell me what you notice:
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I'll give you a hint.
All of this talk repeats the same idea:
I hate marketing. I’M introverted. It goes against my instincts.
Me, me, me. This person is 100% focused on themselves. They never once mention the client’s needs or feelings. This is the perfect example of what I call “selfish marketing.” And you know what, it never works because it’s a huge turn-off to potential clients.
So, what should you do instead? You may have guessed this one:
Focus on your client’s needs, not your own.
This is how you get past the awkwardness.
Let's walk-through what this means...
Yesterday, I was listening to a Jerry Seinfeld interview that stopped me in my tracks.
"You need to treat your brain like a dog you just got. The mind is infinite in wisdom, BUT the brain is a stupid little dog that is easily trained. You just have to confine it with systemization."
Could not agree more. My stupid little dog brain needs systems for even the simplest of tasks.
"What did I walk in here for again?"
So when it comes to something as complicated as getting clients in a repeatable way, you damn-well need to have a system.
But it doesn’t have to be super complicated; it can be a simple swipe file or an email template.
Let’s look at a real-life example.
One of my favorite systems for getting freelance clients is using email templates. You can see some of them here.
This library contains powerful email scripts that can get you a client in any given situation. And the best part is that you can follow those scripts step-by-step, word-for-word. Taking out all of the guesswork.
Imagine using a few simple templates to get 5% more work. 5% higher rates. 5% better clients. It adds up over time. And this simple improvement can bring in thousands of dollars for any freelancer or agency.
This is why I’ve made it my mission to put together this library of proven best practices based on what has worked for my clients and for myself over the years.
Think of these templates as a winning cheat sheet you’ll have locked and loaded ready to use at a moment’s notice.
Say goodbye to writing things from scratch. Just reach into my email template swipe file and get a beautifully crafted high-converting starting point.
Heads up, as a free bonus at the end of this email I’m going to share one email template that you can use right now to get a freelance client.
But first let me be clear.
The point of this email template isn’t just to get you work. What I want is to make you feel amazing!
Here’s what Catherine who used my email template had to say:
"I recently sent your email template out to 100 people I had in my contacts list (personal email contacts & connections) telling them I was available for work as a full-time independent creative and the kind of work I could do for them.
That email led to 3 immediate leads, 1 of which turned into a real project I wanted, and 2 conversations/catching up chats that became work opportunities within the next 2 months.
It was very unlike my instinct to send a mass email like that, but it worked and helped boost me through my first few months as a full-time freelancer." – Catherine Sontag
This freelancer acknowledged her feelings by saying “it was very unlike their instinct” BUT then she did it anyway.
Now to the email template...
If you sign up for my Endless Clients Training Program before Saturday April 02, 2022 11:59 Pacific US Time, you’ll get my special, limited-time bonus: Six-Figure Swipe Files absolutely FREE.
Each of the templates covers a specific client situation such as:
Outreach during COVID-19
Outreach during a recession
Outreach during a market crash
That’s only three of many.
Here’s a sneak peek at the COVID-19 outreach template:
Hi Client Name,
How are you?
I wanted to reach out to thank you again for being an awesome client. Because of clients like you I’m able to be in business … and I want to give back.
To help out right now, I’m waving my normal hourly rate and giving past clients like you a free monthly strategy call to help with whatever you need through [Month].
We can discuss some fresh [design/development/writing/seo] ideas of course, or just chat about your business in general? However, you want to spend the time is fine with me.
Just send me a message and we can put you on my schedule.
-Your name
That’s it. No pitch. No sales call. Just value-first.
This is one of the best ways to get over the feeling of awkwardness in marketing right now.
Imagine sending this to everyone of your past clients.
Then hopping on a no-pressure 30-minute call with each of them. Where you focus on helping them.
How likely are you to help them? How likely are you to discover areas that you can improve inside their business?
You know the answer. It's close to 100%.
And chances are HIGH that some sort of a paid engagement will result from these calls. You don't have to pitch anything. Simply help them with their problem and landing the job will follow as a natural by-product.
This is just one of 50+ templates that you’ll find in Endless Clients if you sign up before Saturday April 02, 2022 11:59 Pacific US Time.
But hurry!
The bonus won’t last long. And once it’s gone, it’s not coming back.
Curious to see what other templates you can plug into your business to generate thousands of dollars in client work almost instantly?
Well, guess what! Right now you can find out, risk-free...
PS. Don’t let fear paralyze you. Just hit SEND and deliver as much value as you can. I promise you this email template will result in more opportunities than you thought possible.
It's just one of the templates included in my special bonus Six-Figure Swipe Files that comes included with your purchase of Endless Clients until Saturday April 02, 2022 at 11:59 Pacific US Time.
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