Funding the Future through Scholarship DAOs | State of the DAOs
Funding the Future through Scholarship DAOs | State of the DAOsYou're reading State of the DAOs, the high-signal low-noise newsletter for understanding DAOs.Gm and welcome to DAOlife! Social impact DAOs are starting to pop up all over the DAO ecosystem. This week, we explore a new opportunity for investment DAOs: tokenizing education. Blockchain technology allows for degrees of transparency and accountability that traditional scholarship funds could only dream of. By turning investment DAOs into Scholarship DAOs, we might open up a new way to invest in education and usher in a new era of learning and development. Next, we share the TL;DR on the latest DAO ecosystem takes and thought pieces, making it easy for you to cut through the noise and stay up to date on the world of DAOs. This is the current state of the DAOs. Contributors: BanklessDAO Writers Guild (Astha, Alvo von A, Zero Mass, Yofi, teeleroo, hirokennelly.eth, siddhearta, Jake and Stake) This is the official newsletter of BanklessDAO. To unsubscribe, edit your settings. 🙏 Thanks to our Sponsor:Funding the Future through Scholarship DAOsAuthor: Astha Gupta
IntroductionDAOs have a half trillion dollar opportunity in the United States alone. With Americans donating $471 billion USD to charity in 2020, non-profit entities stand to improve transparency, accountability, and community leadership through the use of DAO organizational structures. What happens when you reorganize these sponsorships into systems that publicly show where each dollar is spent? Private donors are always looking for ways to invest and give back to their communities. Student scholarships are one of the main ways donors support younger generations, but often these donors do not have the bandwidth to research how their funds are put to use. Donors want transparency. They want reliable information on the funds demographics and operating expenses. They want to see how their money was invested. Private donors are always mindful that their gift might not reach the people they want to reach and are often worried that they are being exploited by middlemen. When I asked a group of sponsors whether they would be interested in investing in a charity that was transparent about operating costs, ensured donated funds reached the people that need it, and could possibly earn some return on their investment, all were very interested. Scholarship as an investment DAO could be a solution. “Scholarship DAO”The objective of Scholarship DAO is to invest in students and sponsor their full-time education. The parent DAO could have subDAOs based on age group, geographic location, investment amount, or target various specialties. Members of the DAO invest in students and fund school admissions, boarding, and career mentorship. In return, DAO members could receive an allotment of each students’ social token. Upon graduating and starting a career, 12% of the student’s income would be reinvested in the DAO for a period of four years to make it self-sustaining (investors have the option to reinvest money in the DAO for other scholarships). The DAO could also benefit from the price increase of personal tokens that were issued at the time of investment. Let's dive into some advantages of a Scholarship DAO: We are seeing numerous philanthropic and social-impact DAOs forming with a noble vision, including:
Even larger organizations like Unicef and UN have started proposals to accept payments in crypto, paving the way for financial inclusion. Scholarship as an Investment DAO (aka Super School):There are many ways a Scholarship DAO operation system could be set up, but let’s explore a possible structure:
It’s time to deliver on the promise of no child left behind. Imagine the scope of what tokenized education funding could bring to underserved communities. It would be amazing to see if members could directly fund an education at any level, anywhere in the world. DAO members will invest in the future, and also get to participate in the upside. And it's all on-chain. Scholarship DAO redefines what it means to invest in the future for the betterment of society as a whole! Cryptoeconomics as a concept was started with an aim of inclusion and impact has always been in the DNA of DAOs. At a time when the world’s problems are at center stage, it is helpful and inspiring to remember the positive impact that DAOs can have on education and society as a whole. Actions steps📖 Read The Future of On-chain Work and Education by Brian Flynn ⛏️ Dig into Crypto for Good by [Raffaela]( 🎧 Listen The Next Phase of Humanity with Metadreamer | Layer Zero DAOs at a Glance
![]() A Guide For Designing Online Community GovernanceAuthor: Austin Roby This guide delves into multiple governance concepts and the current state of implementing them in Web3 projects. Approaching Web3 governance with a civics design approach, collaborators can rethink relationships between members of online communities, considering a mix of governance frameworks to fit the needs of an organization. Instead of simply applying a single frame or concept, there may be a need to blend them in order to achieve a balance of equity, efficiency, and impact. In many cases, a traditional corporate governance approach has been applied to DAOs and online communities where more shares (tokens) means more voting power. A few other models of governance that may have more merit in creating truly decentralized and equitable communities include a B Corp model, an Environmental Social Governance (ESG) framework, and worker cooperatives. The latter, otherwise known as “co-ops”, practice a democratic “one member, one vote” decision-making process. All of these models should be considered when designing governance structures. Designing the actual decision-making process for an online community can be done by creating a matrix with three columns - the first catalogs the type of decision to be made (e.g., “business strategy” or “dividend allocation”), the second column identifies the stakeholder group (e.g., “artists”), and the third lists the decision type (e.g., “consensus” or “simple majority vote”). The rows of the matrix make up the different decision types. A sample completed matrix is provided in the article. Thoughts on DAO ToolingAuthor: Patrick Rivera DAOs are still nascent as a concept, with various types, purposes and needs among them. Simply trying to create “one-size-fits-all” tools for DAOs is not a viable option. Instead, those developing tools should narrow their use case and target specific types of DAOs and meet a specific need. It’s helpful to know what feature sets different types of DAOs generally prioritize. For instance, protocol DAOs value security and transparency, social DAOs usually prefer active communication features, and NFT collector DAOs are more focused on funding mechanisms/protocols. Given the need to focus on a particular need of a specific DAO type, an effective strategy would be to:
DAO Contributor Skills: Mental Fitness, Self-Direction, FacilitationAuthor: Twoplus Contributing to a DAO is a unique experience. It means that you must rely on more than just your mind and expertise to meet the challenges of the work. As issues and problems arise, you must work with others to build various solutions, all while learning from their perspectives. Contributors need three important skills:
The future of technology is not a world full of computers. The future of technology is filled with humans working together to design and build better, more inclusive, and more accessible systems. Transition to web3: a guide for non-technical rolesAuthor: Li Jin Transition to Web3 is a step-by-step guide with real-life examples that will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to enter the world of Web3 as a non-technical contributor. Web3 and blockchain technology are here to stay, and there will be plenty of jobs and opportunities for those wishing to enter this exciting space, but only if they show up with the right skillsets. Whether you already have your first project lined up or are still looking, this guide will help you map out the path. Packed with information that gives a high-level overview of different sub-sectors and recommendations for further learning, Transition to Web3 is your essential starting point. The goal of Transition to Web3, A Guide for Non-Technical Roles, is to arm you with everything you need to succeed and thrive in the new decentralized internet - without needing to learn how to code. Onboarding in DAOs: a three sieve method for more transparent onboardingAuthor: Samantha Marin DAOs use many different methods for onboarding new members, but many leave people uncertain and overwhelmed. Onboarding should leave contributors with confidence and knowledge. The only way to impart these two precious commodities is through a transparent, opt-in onboarding process “in which contributors can learn about and have introductory experiences in three important categories: purpose, governance, and social.” These experiences would come as a self-selecting journey through three sieves, or filters, that serve to ensure the DAO ends up with contributors who understand why the DAO exists, how the DAO works, and who does the work and how it’s done on a daily basis. Each step in this process, each journey through the sieve, requires that the potential contributor choose to continue, slowly self-selecting themselves into the DAO. The first sieve ensures contributors want to work within the vision and values of the DAO and want to serve its particular purpose. The second sieve makes sure people know how the DAO operates, from its governance structure and processes to its workflows. The final sieve is when the contributor really gets to know potential teammates and how they can contribute to a place that sets their soul at play. After completing the opt-in onboarding process, the remaining DAOists are confident they want to contribute to further the mission of the DAO, know how the organization functions at a DAO-wide and local level, and understands where they can plug-in to maximize both self-satisfaction and the purpose of the DAO. 🙏 Sponsor: Balancer DAO- #BALbattles begin! Ecosystem Takes
The Credential Economy | Is it the Future of Web3?Author: Jay Scambler 🔑 Insights: Data is the most valuable commodity in the world, so it’s unsurprising that we’ve allocated considerable efforts towards its dissemination, storage, and analysis. Over the past two decades, corporations operating search engines, marketplaces, and social media platforms have grown into giant monopolies on diets of our precious information, but it’s gone too far. Can emerging online communities use blockchains to harness the power of data in a better way?
Understanding DAO Incentives & Rewards BetterAuthor: Chasing Yield 🔑 Insights: DAO incentives combat the problems of creator burnout, free-riding, voter apathy, and unequal voting influence. There are a variety of ways to reward DAO members such as tips, bounties, or streams of payments, but this multitude of options doesn’t guarantee success. The following concepts should be kept in mind while developing DAO incentive structures.
Preserving Pseudonymity in DAOsAuthor: Kagami 🔑 Insights: Many people choose to operate pseudonymously in Web3, creating an alter ego for their blockchain-based life. With people leading with pseudonymity, DAOs need ways to attract, evaluate, and onboard these eager contributors. To encourage pseudonymous contributors, DAOs should:
Making a DAO pseudo-friendly will increase inclusivity while attracting top pseudo talent. Web 3 & The Curse of SolutionismAuthor: Jason Choi 🔑 Insights: We don’t need a metaverse for cats. The hype around crypto has instilled a “build it, and they will come” mindset in many founders, but as competition heats up, the winning teams will be those who focus on developing solutions for communities in need.
DAO Spotlight: LabDAOLabDAO is dedicated to building a peer-to-peer platform to share biological experiments, results, and data. The graph stores information in human-readable JSON entries that define experiment parameters, data storage locations (like IPFS ids), and public keys to messaging services. The protocol consists of a graph-like data structure where each entry has particular characteristics:
These entries can also contain secrets. For instance, if an experiment creator doesn’t want to include the specific compound in their node, they can encrypt the data before submitting it to the graph. Experimenters can also omit their results and instead share a public key to enable encrypted messaging. Curious queriers can contact the experimenter for the results or to collaborate. Querying the graph costs the user tokens, but extending the graph (creates another experiment that builds upon it) or curating it would be rewarded with tokens. Finally, NFTs can be minted to monetize and define rights to the experiment. This system incentivizes experimenters to share their information and gives their world-wide colleagues standardized access. Get Plugged InEvent HighlightsBanklessDAO - Permissionless Conference— Tickets are on sale for one of the biggest DeFi conferences of the year! Over 5,000 people will be attending in total and every two weeks 250 more tickets unlock. Once the 250 tickets are purchased, registration closes and you’ll have to wait until the next release. Speakers include our very own Ryan Sean Adams and David Hoffman, as well as many others. Join us on Tuesday - Thursday, May 17 - 19, 2022 in sunny Palm Beach, Florida for the event. 🧳 Job OpportunitiesGet a job in crypto! Do you like solving hard problems, care about building more efficient markets for everybody, and want to work at the frontier of decentralized finance? KeeperDAO is looking for full time contributors, with salaries ranging from $169,000-$722,000. There are positions ranging from engineering, recruiting, product marketing, copywriting, and design. Sound interesting? Sign up for our referral program and go full-time DAO.
🙏Thanks to our SponsorBalancerBalancer is a flexible and versatile Automated Market Maker that enables efficient trading and the exchange of any combination of ERC-20 tokens permissionlessly. Balancer also turns the concept of an Index Fund on its head: instead of paying fees to Portfolio Managers, you can now collect fees from traders who rebalance your portfolio by following arbitrage opportunities. The Balancer Protocol is a core building block of DeFi infrastructure — a unique financial primitive and development platform. If you liked this post from BanklessDAO, why not share it? |
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