Neil Patel

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Whether you want to sign up for another social media site, you don't really have a choice. TikTok has already blown up and it is here to stay. The real question isn't should you use it or not,
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Instagram Marketing Hacks

If you have been following along, over the last 2 weeks I have broken down how to go from 0 to 100000 Instagram followers. If you haven't seen the lessons in week 1, you can catch up here. As for
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A new tool to help you get backlinks

Do you want more backlinks? Well, who doesn't? We all know they are hard to get and it's time consuming to build them... But what if there was a tool or even a chrome extension that made it
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How to go from 0 to 100,000 Instagram Followers

Are you ready to skyrocket your Instagram growth? I created a new course that will help you out. And just like my other courses, it also includes cheat sheets, worksheets, and handouts to make life
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A new form of SEO

I get 5320 visitors a month through this new form of SEO. I know it's not a lot of traffic, but it is easy and I got the results fast. Best of all, I'm a B2B company... if I was a B2C company
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The Best Traffic Hack (Works Even If You're a Newbie)

Marketing can be overwhelming... especially when you are start off. There are way too many tactics and most of them don't work well. And the ones that do work require advanced marketing skills that
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You should become a Google partner

Do you want access to exclusive marketing events and training from Google? Or better yet, do you want Google to help you with your marketing? Well, why not become a Google partner? It doesn't cost
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How to Rank For 1000s of Keywords Using Google Search Console

Did you know Google gives you the tools you need to rank higher? And I bet you've heard of it... Google Search Console. But do you know how to use it to rank higher for more keywords? It's
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This is better than SEO (and easier)...

SEO takes forever and is hard. Do you want something that is easier and you can get results within days? And no, I am not talking about ads. What if I told you I get over 1 million YouTube views a
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Resending: Here's What You Should Do When Your Search Rankings Drop

Sorry for resending the email... the link was broken. :( If your rankings have gone done and you want to get them up or if SEO just isn't working for you, I'm going to show you a process to fix
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Here's What You Should Do When Your Search Rankings Drop

If you've ever done SEO, you know how good it feels to see your rankings go up. You put a ton of hard work and it finally pays off. But then the unexpected happens. Your rankings drop. You start
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How to Rank #1 For Competitive Keywords

Anyone can rank number one on Google if you go after non-competitive keywords that no one really searches for. But what about the good keywords? You know, the competitive ones. Do you have to have an
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marketing silver bullet?

In marketing there is no silver bullet. One thing won't cause you to win... instead every little thing adds up. And when you all of those little things up, you'll beat your competition. One of
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How to Promote Your Content When You Have No Money

Tired of writing content that gets little to no traffic? Well there is a simple solution to that. And no, it doesn't require you to spend money on ads. Here's how you market your content
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How to Spy on Your Competitor's SEO in 60 Seconds

Ever wonder how well your competition is doing? Do you want to see how much traffic they are getting and the keywords that are driving them sales? And best of all, do you want this information with
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How I Got 1 Million Organic Visitors Without Writing Content

With one of my first companies I didn't have enough money for ads. And I didn't have enough time to write tons of content... Plus, social media wasn't much of a help because no matter how
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Free Blogging Course... Enjoy :)

Would you like a free blogging course? One that teaches blogging over 4 weeks and it won't take more than 2 hours a week to learn it. Best of all, it would include worksheets, templates and PDFs to
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Welcome to Content Marketing Unlocked: Your Free Blogging Course

Would you like a free content marketing training course? One that teaches blogging over 7 weeks and it won't take more than 2 hours a week to learn it. Best of all, it would include worksheets,
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How to Rank Your Old Content

Yes, writing new content is a great way to get more traffic. But that takes a lot of time… Why can't your just rank your older content higher and make it generate more traffic? Well you can. This
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This is why my competitor is worth $10 Billion and I'm not :(

I made a big marketing mistake... probably the biggest one in my career. It's so big that it's the reason why HubSpot is worth $10 billion and I'm not even worth a fraction of it. Sadly, I