Data Interview Qs

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Bob Ross's colors

Data Analysis, Python, Pandas, Data Manipulation, External Dataset, InterviewQs Bob Ross's colors Data Analysis Python Pandas Data Manipulation External Dataset Forward this email to a friend or
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Evaluating a string expression

Python, Algorithms, Data Structures, InterviewQs Evaluating a string expression Python Algorithms Data Structures Forward this email to a friend or colleague and challenge them to solve it. Hi, Given a
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Regularization in machine learning

Maching Learning, Regularization, L1 vs. L2 Regularization, InterviewQs Regularization in machine learning Maching Learning Regularization L1 vs. L2 Regularization Forward this email to a friend or
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Locations with the lowest in store revenue

SQL, Database Querying, Window Function, Subquery, InterviewQs Locations with the lowest in store revenue SQL Database Querying Window Function Subquery Forward this email to a friend or colleague and
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Countries with the highest rates of diabetes

Data Analysis, Python, Pandas, Data Manipulation, External Dataset, InterviewQs Countries with the highest rates of diabetes Data Analysis Python Pandas Data Manipulation External Dataset Forward this
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Returning duplicate elements in an array

Python, Algorithms, InterviewQs Returning duplicate elements in an array Python Algorithms Forward this email to a friend or colleague and challenge them to solve it. Hi, Suppose you're given an
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iPhone power button quality

Statistics, Significance Testing, Case Study, InterviewQs iPhone power button quality Statistics Significance Testing Case Study Forward this email to a friend or colleague and challenge them to solve
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Garbage pickups and remaining capacity

SQL, Database Querying, Aggregation Functions, Join, InterviewQs Garbage pickups and remaining capacity SQL Database Querying Aggregation Functions Join Forward this email to a friend or colleague and
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College football expenses by conference

Data Analysis, Python, Pandas, Data Manipulation, External Dataset, InterviewQs College football expenses by conference Data Analysis Python Pandas Data Manipulation External Dataset Forward this email
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Generating automated tax estimates

Python, Algorithms, Logic, InterviewQs Generating automated tax estimates Python Algorithms Logic Forward this email to a friend or colleague and challenge them to solve it. Hi, Suppose you're
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Probability of eye colors

Statistics, Probability Theory, Conditional Probability, InterviewQs Probability of eye colors Statistics Probability Theory Conditional Probability Forward this email to a friend or colleague and
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Number of pairs in SQL

SQL, Database Querying, Subquery, InterviewQs Number of pairs in SQL SQL Database Querying Subquery Forward this email to a friend or colleague and challenge them to solve it. Hi, Suppose you're
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Simulating dice rolls

Python, Arrays, Data Structures, Algorithms, Simulation, Data Visualization, InterviewQs Simulating dice rolls Python Arrays Data Structures Algorithms Simulation Data Visualization Forward this email
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Unioning two arrays

Python, Algorithms, Data Structures, InterviewQs Unioning two arrays Python Algorithms Data Structures Forward this email to a friend or colleague and challenge them to solve it. Hi, Given array A
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Random course schedule

Statistics, Probability, Combinations, InterviewQs Random course schedule Statistics Probability Combinations Forward this email to a friend or colleague and challenge them to solve it. Hi, Suppose
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Finding the smallest salary difference

SQL, Database Querying, Self-Join, InterviewQs Finding the smallest salary difference SQL Database Querying Self-Join Forward this email to a friend or colleague and challenge them to solve it. Hi, You
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Simulating a population

Python, Statistics, Simulation, Normal Distribution, InterviewQs Simulating a population Python Statistics Simulation Normal Distribution Forward this email to a friend or colleague and challenge them
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Snowiest months

Data Analysis, Python, Pandas, Data Manipulation, Data Visualization, External Dataset, InterviewQs Snowiest months Data Analysis Python Pandas Data Manipulation Data Visualization External Dataset
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Average interview scores by interview outcome

SQL, Database Querying, Subquery, Case Statements, Join, InterviewQs Average interview scores by interview outcome SQL Database Querying Subquery Case Statements Join Forward this email to a friend or
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Significant difference in time series dataset

Statistics, Significance Testing, Time Series, InterviewQs Significant difference in time series dataset Statistics Significance Testing Time Series Forward this email to a friend or colleague and