The Browser

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Haunted Brink

The Brink Of Erasure Narayani Basu | Contingent | 10th July 2021 Access to material that documents the past is the right of every citizen in a democracy. Yet at the National Archives of India, a
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Inventing Warsaw

The View From Warsaw Joy Neumeyer | Baffler | 21st March 2022 Over two million Ukrainians have entered Poland, where lawmakers voted to grant them free travel on public transport, access to health care
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Open Vote

Americans Must Vote EJ Dionne Jr. & Miles Rapoport | Literary Hub | 24th March 2022 The case for making voting compulsory in America, as it is in Australia: Voting is a "public responsibility
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Over Morumbi

Morumbi And Paraisopolis Feng Xinqi | Allegra Laboratory | 22nd March 2022 The first time, I think, that we have recommended a play on The Browser, and a good reason for setting the precedent. This
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Culture Growth

The Browser is the last-minute Mother's Day gift that doesn't take up any space, won't wilt by Monday, and brings joy all year long. Get a one-year gift subscription here. -----------------
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Honest Progress

Our next Browser Amble will take place this Saturday, 26nd March around Barbican and Guildhall, exploring some of the oldest and newest parts of the city, and the greatest architectural achievements
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Guilty Moon

Guilt And Humanism Artemy Magun | Philosophical Salon | 21st March 2022 Russian philosopher asks his anti-war compatriots: what are we guilty of when it comes to Ukraine? The guilt of those now fleeing
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American Labyrinth

Putin In His Labyrinth Jonathan Tepperman | Octavian Report | 14th March 2022 Illuminating conversation with ex-Kommersant editor Alexander Gabuev about Putin's psychology and worldview. Covid
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Best Reading On Ukraine And Russia

Every week, our editor Robert Cottrell writes a special letter our Friends Of The Browser circle – we'd like to share with you this week's letter, covering recent pieces on Ukraine and Russia.
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Thin History

Of Thin Ice Katie Ives | Alpinist | 15th March 2022 Lyrical account of what it's like to climb when the ice has yet to form thickly over the rock. "A tiny oval gap between half-congealed
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Against Countries

Against Any Intrusion Celia Paul | Paris Review | 2nd March 2022 Letters from a living artist to a dead one — the late 19C/early 20C painter Gwen John. The tone is intimate, as if the pair are close
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What's Lacan?

Lacan's Mistake David Stromberg | The Smart Set | 14th March 2022 Commentary upon reading the work of the controversial psychoanalyst for the first time. The reader begins to doubt the purity of
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Constantinople Rap

Warnings From The Ancient World Daisy Dunn | The Critic | 10th March 2022 Notes on Constantinople, formerly Byzantium, under the Roman Emperor Justinian in the 6th century. The postal service was as
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Break Bank

How To Break A Theory Sarah Charley | Symmetry | 8th March 2022 A reminder that science progresses less by establishing what is true and more by disproving what is false. Established theories that have
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Lviv Variations

Leaving Lviv Agata Izabela Brewer | Guernica | 9th March 2022 Musings on the poetry of Lviv, western Ukraine. The city was in five countries during the 20C as borders were redrawn, and post 1945
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Recovering Lie

The Lie That Made Me Aviva Coopersmith | Toronto Life | 22nd February 2022 First person account from a woman investigating her own biological origins after her mother's charlatan fertility doctor
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Winter Gauges

The Battle Of The Gauges Patricia Fara | History Today | 3rd March 2022 The piecemeal growth of the railways across Britain as different entrepreneurs expanded their networks resulted in two different
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Heaviest Words

On Sundays, our paid subscribers get a special edition including some of our favourite picks from years gone by – here's some of what you missed yesterday....From The Browser Five Years Ago How The
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Russia and Ukraine

An Englishman In Russia Robert Ginzburg | Quillette | 28th February 2022 Beautifully-written cameo of an Englishman in Russia saying goodbye to his Russian daughter and her mother, who are fleeing to
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Bible Study

Studying The Script Silvia Ferrara | Lapham's Quarterly | 2nd March 2022 Extract from a book about the world's "mysterious scripts". Full of intriguing details. The Chinese script