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Sunday Digest | All of the Week's Infographics

Sunday Digest - Every Infographic From the Past Week View this email in your browser Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place! The
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Infographic | Visualizing the Biggest Ponzi Schemes in Modern History 💰

Learn the stories behind some of the world's biggest Ponzi schemes in this illustrative infographic timeline. FEATURED STORY Visualized: The Biggest Ponzi Schemes in Modern History Learn the
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Mapped | The Top Trading Partner of Every U.S. State 💰

At the national level, Canada and China are top US trading partners. While this generally extends to the state level, there are some surprises too. FEATURED STORY Mapped: The Top Trading Partner of
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Double Feature | Top Companies vs Global GDP + Big Tech Ad Revenues 💰

Two new Datastream graphics to satisfy your data cravings. DATASTREAM The Top 50 Companies as a Proportion of Global GDP DATASTREAM Three Tech Stocks Make up 50% of US Ad Revenues The world's top
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Ranked | The World's 50 Most Innovative Companies in 2021 🏆

In today's fast-paced market, companies have to innovate constantly.Here's a look at the top 50 most innovative companies in 2021. FEATURED STORY Ranked: The World's Most Innovative
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Charted | The Top 100 Companies of the World, by Country of Origin 💰

Where are the top 100 companies of the world located? We highlight the share of the largest companies by market cap by country. FEATURED STORY Top 100 Companies of the World: US vs the World Where are
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Infographic | Visualizing 10 Years of Snapchat 📲

A high level look at Snapchat's 10-year history, including user growth, innovative product design, and the twists and turns along the way. FEATURED STORY Timeline: Looking Back at 10 Years of
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Sunday Digest | All of the Week's Infographics

Sunday Digest - Every Infographic From the Past Week View this email in your browser Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place! The
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Infographic | The Best-Selling Car in America, Every Year Since 1978 🚗

What is the best-selling car in America? From the Cutlass to the Camry, this graphic shows 40+ years of the most-purchased cars in the US FEATURED STORY The Best-Selling Car in America, Every Year
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Chart | Visualizing U.S. Household Debt, by Generation 💰

The majority of US households saw debts rise in 2020. This data looks at the growth in household debt and the existing debt pile, by generation FEATURED STORY Visualizing US Household Debt by
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Chart | How the Global Microchip Shortage is Impacting Automakers 📉

As the global chip shortage causes delays in automotive production, what models and manufacturers are being hit the hardest? FEATURED STORY The Global Chip Shortage Impact on American Automakers As the
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Infographic | Visualizing China’s Energy Transition in 5 Charts ⚡

This infographic takes a look at what China's energy transition plans are to make its energy mix carbon neutral by 2060. FEATURED STORY Visualizing China's Energy Transition in 5 Charts This
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Interactive | How the U.S. Population Has Changed in 10 Years, by State 📊

The US saw population growth of 7.4% over the past decade, the lowest it's been since the 1930s. How did population by state shift during that time? FEATURED STORY How America's Population Has
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Mapped | The Most Popular Caffeinated Beverage, by Country ☕

Does your country prefer coffee, tea, or soft drinks to supply its caffeine fix? FEATURED STORY The Most Popular Caffeinated Beverage, by Country Does your country prefer coffee, tea, or soft drinks
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Sunday Digest | All of the Week's Infographics

Sunday Digest - Every Infographic From the Past Week View this email in your browser Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place! The
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Animated Map | 1 Billion Years of Tectonic Plate Movement in 40 seconds 🌎

This animated map shows the last billion years of Earth's tectonic plate movement in just 40 seconds. FEATURED STORY 1 Billion Years of Tectonic Plate Movement in 40 Seconds This animated map shows
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Infographic | The World's Tech Giants, Compared to the Size of Economies 📏

How do the big tech giants compare to entire countries? Here's how Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon's market caps stack up against national GDPs. FEATURED STORY The World's Tech Giants,
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Chart | Can Foreign Currencies Act as an Inflation Hedge? 💸

To determine if foreign currencies were a good inflation hedge, we looked at their performance relative to US inflation over the last four decades. Can Foreign Currencies Act as an Inflation Hedge? To
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Mapped | The World's Biggest Private Tax Havens 💰

What countries or territories do the ultra-wealthy use as tax havens? Here is a ranking of the world's biggest private tax havens. FEATURED STORY The World's Biggest Private Tax Havens What
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Chart | Visualizing the Flow of U.S. Energy Consumption ⚡

From renewables to fossil fuels, we've visualized the diverse mix of energy sources that powered US energy consumption in 2020. FEATURED STORY Visualizing the Flow of US Energy Consumption From