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10 : 24

Roboto Flex

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Get the most of built-in interactivity of coded UI components - Design with fully interactive elements that make
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The anatomy of a Design System

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week There's a smarter way to map user journeys - That's why we built Flows in Zeplin. Easily connect published
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Design KPIs

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Connect Figma and Storybook - Use Storybook Connect plugin to embed stories in your Figma files. It helps you compare
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Material Symbols

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week There's a smarter way to map user journeys - That's why we built Flows in Zeplin. Easily connect published
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Minimal Gallery

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Ditch "imagine this", make your prototypes fully interactive - Design products with fully interactive
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Pinterest's design system

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Create user journeys effortlessly with Zeplin Flows - With built-in connectors and groups, designers spend more time
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Atomic 2.0

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Video calls loved by designers - Around's lightweight, unobtrusive video calls free up your screen for design
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Kaizen Design System

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Create user journeys effortlessly with Zeplin Flows - With built-in connectors and groups, designers spend more time
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Little Figma tricks

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Chromatic: Automated workflows for Storybook - Chromatic automates gathering UI feedback, visual testing, and
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Open UI

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Backlight: Collaborative design systems platform - Backlight is a collaborative platform empowering teams to build,
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Open source color system

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Detect visual bugs automatically with Storybook - Chromatic runs visual tests, publishes component docs and gathers
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User interface gallery

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Backlight: Collaborative design systems platform - Backlight is a collaborative platform empowering teams to build,
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Roboto Serif

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Create user journeys effortlessly with Zeplin Flows - With built-in connectors and groups, designers spend more time
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Good News: A community for designers

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week The Optimal Path is a new podcast for product people, by product people - Grab your headphones and listen in for one-
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California Design System

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Zeplin lets designers focus on design, instead of prepping design files for the team - Use Flows to keep everyone on
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Atomic design and Storybook

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Learn business to become a better designer - Take the free 7-day email course and learn business skills relevant to
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Spotify Design: Refreshing our icon system

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Build prototypes 10x faster with React UI components - Prototype with fully interactive components - the same devs
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Five design trends set to visually shape 2022

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Build beautiful products together. Start 2022 with Harmony - Learn from organizations like Disney and Microsoft on
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Wanda Design System

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Build prototypes 10x faster with React UI components - Prototype with fully interactive components - the same devs
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Manrope: Sans-serif variable font

Hi Reader, these are my design and frontend picks this week. Highlights of the week Build beautiful products together. Start 2022 with Harmony - Learn from organizations like Disney and Microsoft on