SEO Chatter

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Daily Boost: December 30, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Don't underestimate the effectiveness of good optimized internal links. Google has stated it uses the anchor text and number of internal links to understand the keyword
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Daily Boost: December 29, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Remember: We're all just figuring it out as we go. Myself included. It's impossible to be an expert at every part of your online business. But taking action is what
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Daily Boost: December 28, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Building a successful website is gonna be hard. You're gonna fail (a lot). And that's ok. Something to read: ​On-page SEO explained, including what it is, how it
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Daily Boost: December 27, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Research an idea. Test it. Analyze the results. Adjust your strategy. And grow. Rinse and repeat those five steps to enjoy lifelong success with your website. Something to
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Daily Boost: December 26, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: If your website is not getting a ton of visitors yet, don't stress out so much about the traffic metric. Instead, focus on page-level earnings. It's better to have a
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Daily Boost: December 25, 2022

​ ​ ​ From My Home to Yours: I wish you peace, good will, and happiness on this Christmas day! "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not
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Daily Boost: December 24, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: We all have ups and downs and even plateaus as website publishers. That's just part of the game. I've had month-long declines in traffic and revenue followed by
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Daily Boost: December 23, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Time on site and total pages per session are crucial metrics for website success. You want people to stay longer on your site and visit more pages during each visit. Three
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Daily Boost: December 22, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: If you treat every website visitor like they're your last, they won't be. Look for ways to go above and beyond for your visitors so they can't help but think,
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Daily Boost: December 21, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Those who create the most and consume to least are the ones winning the online business game. If you're doing more reading, listening, or watching of other successful
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Daily Boost: December 20, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Success is a decision followed up by action. If you're indecisive or a procrastinator, then it's time to work on improving on those behaviors. You have so much
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Daily Boost: December 19, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: To make progress with your website, you have to constantly evaluate what you've done and make it better. No one gets it right the first time. A good book to read to help
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Daily Boost: December 18, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Patience is the greatest asset in business. Those who have the most patience and can delay gratification typically make the best business decisions for long-term growth. Be
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Daily Boost: December 14, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Want an easier path to website success? Play to your strengths and outsource everything else. Are you good at keyword research? How about content outlining? Then do those
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Daily Boost: December 15, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Michael Phelps, arguably the greatest Olympian ever, said it well: "If you want to be the best, you have to be willing to do things that other people aren't willing
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Daily Boost: December 13, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: The secret of your website's future is hidden in your daily routine. Daily Focus + Daily Goals = Daily Results. The true superstars in any industry understand the power
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Daily Boost: December 12, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Nothing destroys a plan faster than changing it too often. Create a plan and stick to it for 3 months, 6 months, or even a year. Don't quit your SEO plan or content
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Daily Boost: December 11, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Following up on yesterday's email about John Dykstra, who was invited to a private Mediavine Publishers event... John also discovered this: Most of the top-earning
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Daily Boost: December 10, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Jon Dykstra from Fast Stacks Blog, who also has a large portfolio of niche websites, was invited to a private Mediavine event for the top-earning publishers. After talking to
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Daily Boost: December 9, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Don't try to find an audience for your content. but find content for your audience. Do a deep dive into SEO keyword research to find out what topics your audience is