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8/23/2022 10:44:26 AM

Elon subpoenas Jack Dorsey ⚖️, Instagram copies BeReal 📷, StableDiffusion AI open sourced 👨‍💻

Elon Musk's legal team has submitted a subpoena for evidence from former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Sign Up | View Online | Sponsor Daily Update 2022-08-23 How to Build a Dazzling Software Developer
12/5/2022 11:34:28 AM

Import AI 311: Distributed GPT busts the political economy of AI; Apple optimizes Stable Diffusion; AI war startup raises $1.48 billion

We live in an age of wonders, able to conjur up engines of creation that weave their own idiosyncratic synthesese from the threads of civilization. The West, after its dabble with a secular culture, is