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4/21/2022 4:24:27 PM

How to Add Wireless Charging to Any Phone

Did You Know?: The production of cheese predates written history, but historians estimate that it likely coincided with the domestication of sheep around 8000 BCE and there is archaeological evidence
6/23/2022 4:24:27 PM

4 Ways You're Damaging Your Laptop's Battery

Did You Know?: There are an estimated 3 million shipwrecks around the world, some dating back to thousands of years ago. Read in Browser Logo for How-To Geek June 23, 2022 Did You Know? There are an
4/30/2023 4:25:38 PM

10 Old Tech Gadgets You Forgot Existed

Did You Know?: Motorola provided communications and data transmission equipment for most NASA space missions, including the moon landing; When Armstrong said “One small step…”, it was broadcast home