Best newsletters and posts about Vision Pro hardware tag


6/22/2023 11:07:07 AM

Apple's Vision Pro dev kit 🥽, how Meta almost acquired Waze 🗺️, Figma Dev Mode 👨‍💻

Apple's visionOS software development kit is now available via Xcode 15 beta 2. Sign Up|Jobs|Advertise|View Online TLDR Together With TLDR TLDR 2023-06-22 TLDR is hiring a curator for TLDR Growth
6/12/2023 3:15:13 AM

😎 The iPhone meets ski goggles

Apple revealed its (very expensive) Vision Pro headset | Europe needs a hero | TOGETHER WITH Hi Reader, here's what you need to know for June 7th in 3:13 minutes. 💵 Green's the new gold. Tune