Best newsletters and posts about former product manager tag


10/16/2022 11:14:27 AM

Building better product roadmaps | Janna Bastow (Mind the Product, ProdPad)

Listen now (54 min) | Janna Bastow is a former product manager, and currently the CEO and co-founder of ProdPad. She also co-founded Mind the Product, a community for PMs, which has grown to 300000
1/4/2023 9:04:27 AM

Your weekly ideas from 💡 Ideas AI

Here's your weekly startup ideas generated by OpenAI from 💡 Ideas AI: Sponsor: You don't need to go back to the office! Find a remote job on Remote OK and work from anywhere 1. A searchable
11/4/2022 4:44:28 PM

☕ Closer to the cart

The shopping cart contains multitudes. November 04, 2022 Retail Brew TOGETHER WITH Happy Friday. Inflation may be driving up costs, but it seems like avocado prices have reached a five-year